That’s Odd: Air Raid Sirens Sound Off as Joe Biden and Zelensky Walk Through Kiev – Not One Person Makes Mad Dash for Cover (VIDEO)

More likely, Biden told Zelensky to sound it for the photo op. It is the only air raid that I've ever seen where a visiting head of state was not running for cover. Talk about "brainwashed functional idiots." You fit the bill perfectly.
It's a conspiracy, right, conspiracy nut job? Lol
Did you know Beau Biden personally, you piece of shit?

You forgot to mention how Bonespurs Trump got a podiatrist who rented space from his old man to write up a fake report that stated Donny had bonespurs.
link the report was fake?

how many deferments did the life guard joey xiden get for health reasons?
Yep. Biden took a page from the Trump playbook using the example of Trump notifying Russia a head of time that we were about to send 100 million dollars worth of missiles to an air base in Syria. Giving plenty of time for Russia to let Syria know so they could get their planes out of harms way
TRUMP! has nothing to do with this.
President Biden is a very brave man! A national hero and great American patriot. Go Joe!


Former Secret Service Agents: Secret Service Would Have Evacuated Joe Biden if the Kiev Air Raid Sirens Were Real

26 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Former Secret Services agents Dan Bongino and Jeff James confirmed Biden’s ‘heroic’ walk through Kiev while air raid sirens blared was staged.
Joe Biden made a surprise trip to Kiev, Ukraine last Monday.
When he walked with Ukrainian President Zelensky into the courtyard in Kiev the air sirens went off.

Biden was hailed as a ‘brave’ president with ‘guts’ to walk in a warzone.
Jeff James suggested the air raid siren was staged to make Biden look tough.

CNN even called BS on this obvious stunt.
A CNN reporter who has been in Ukraine for the past five days revealed the game.
“I’ve been here for the past five days. I have not heard any explosions. I have not heard any air sirens, until about half an hour ago, right when President Biden was in the center of Kiev,” CNN’s Alex Marquardt said.

The only thing that IS real, very real. The damage being done to America! at IS real, Very Real.
Fakery is everywhere in the 'Biden administration'. He's a sock puppet play acting as the guy in charge.
Biden's presidency is a lie and fake from the start. He's not president, he's a phony, an imposter.
The most insulting part is the Maoist Democrats think we're that stupid, beneath them. Zelensky constantly runs around everywhere in military garb, while his wife shops in Paris. Joey Xi is laundering money for is family and is cronies through Ukraine.

Former Secret Service Agents: Secret Service Would Have Evacuated Joe Biden if the Kiev Air Raid Sirens Were Real

26 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Former Secret Services agents Dan Bongino and Jeff James confirmed Biden’s ‘heroic’ walk through Kiev while air raid sirens blared was staged.
Joe Biden made a surprise trip to Kiev, Ukraine last Monday.
When he walked with Ukrainian President Zelensky into the courtyard in Kiev the air sirens went off.

Biden was hailed as a ‘brave’ president with ‘guts’ to walk in a warzone.
Jeff James suggested the air raid siren was staged to make Biden look tough.

CNN even called BS on this obvious stunt.
A CNN reporter who has been in Ukraine for the past five days revealed the game.
“I’ve been here for the past five days. I have not heard any explosions. I have not heard any air sirens, until about half an hour ago, right when President Biden was in the center of Kiev,” CNN’s Alex Marquardt said.

The only thing that IS real, very real. The damage being done to America! at IS real, Very Real.
Fakery is everywhere in the 'Biden administration'. He's a sock puppet play acting as the guy in charge.
Biden's presidency is a lie and fake from the start. He's not president, he's a phony, an imposter.
The most insulting part is the Maoist Democrats think we're that stupid, beneath them. Zelensky constantly runs around everywhere in military garb, while his wife shops in Paris. Joey Xi is laundering money for is family and is cronies through Ukraine.

Kiev hadn't seen a missile or heard an air raid siren for 5 days prior to Joetard's visit!!

True story.

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