THC was in found in Martin's Body

Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

So you're saying Trayvon was paranoid? And not in his right mind? Hmmmmm...
I'll be the first to admit I've smoked some pot in my day. And for you to say people who are high dont get into fights is a total BS.
I guess thats why all those brothers out there smoking blunts are a bunch of peace activist?

Fuck me running!!
Are dorks on sale today or what?!

Are you aware of what the letter "I" signifies.
That was how I would behave.

Where did I say high people never fight?
Can you definitively say that pot makes one violent?

If weed is laced with something it could make you violent.

True, but that wasn't the case here!

I believe it made Trayvon's actions look erradict and suspicious to a Zimmerman, enough so for him to investigate it. Then it made Trayvon act irrational when he in turn followed Zimmerman back to his car and attacked him!

Now, THAT we can agree on.
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Zimmerman made the comment "he is wandering looking like he is on drugs," he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When are Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

Fox lies and you continue to spread those lies. Asshole.

Where is the lie?

Bolded and underlined for easy reference.
Unless a joint can make you HIGH for a month.
In which case....Link?
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Zimmerman made the comment "he is wandering looking like he is on drugs," he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When are Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

A. THC remains in the system for up to 30 days after last ingested.

B. Zimmermann is not innocent; he may or may not be found guilty but in fact he killed an unarmed teenager.

C. Adjust your focus. Consider, your 17 yo son went to the store to get candy; he was followed by a man which resulted in a fight in which your son kicked ass. As the man who initiated the contact which resulted in the fight was getting his ass kicked he pulled a gun and shot your child in the chest, killing him.

D. I have two sons. In my biased opinion Zimmermann deserves the needle.

E. If Zimmermann were black, and Martin white, I suspect you would feel the same.

Assumption not presented in evidence.

But I like the rest of the post.
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Zimmerman made the comment "he is wandering looking like he is on drugs," he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When are Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

Have you ever smoked a joint? Why do you think he went to get Skittles?
It's funny how everyone thinks the evidence released tells the story of what happened.

Actually I doubt if there was enough THC in Martin's system to effect much of anything. I think what happened is that Martin became annoyed and decided to whip that little Mexican's ass and that decision got him killed. I also believe that Zimmerman had every right to defend himself using deadly force and that it was not his first choice as he yelled for help several times before he became scared enough to shoot Martin. I believe the judge should drop the charges before there is a trial and that Zimmerman should not be the innocent man that Obama and Holder are so proud to have prosecuted. Both of which are known to harbor a considerable amount of racism towards non-blacks which is certainly their motivation for forcing the prosecution of an innocent man. This should stop now, it would be the right thing to do.
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If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

Martin was much bigger than Zimmerman, I thought everyone was aware (I guess the ignorant want to remain ignorant to help their argument) that the pictures presented of Martin was when he was 12 not 17.

Martin 6'1 170 lb
Zimmerman 5'8 160 lb

"Ignorant" is not reading far enough along to see where I already admitted to mistakenly assuming who was larger.
Regardless, stoners don't typically hide in the bushes waiting to ambush people.

The autopsy said Martin was 158. For a 6 foot oner, that's pretty thin. Especially in a teen.

We don't have a definitive weight on Zimmerman but he did look pretty buff in the perp walk video.

And stoners aren't usually fighters.
Martin was much bigger than Zimmerman, I thought everyone was aware (I guess the ignorant want to remain ignorant to help their argument) that the pictures presented of Martin was when he was 12 not 17.

Martin 6'1 170 lb
Zimmerman 5'8 160 lb

"Ignorant" is not reading far enough along to see where I already admitted to mistakenly assuming who was larger.
Regardless, stoners don't typically hide in the bushes waiting to ambush people.

The autopsy said Martin was 158. For a 6 foot oner, that's pretty thin. Especially in a teen.

We don't have a definitive weight on Zimmerman but he did look pretty buff in the perp walk video.

And stoners aren't usually fighters.

Neither are pussies. Mitt had to get 5 guys to hold down one shy gay so he could assault him. Too bad Zimmerman didn't go after Trayvon waiving his gun. I'm sure if he saw it, he would have took off instead of following the "Stand Your Ground" law.
If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

Martin was much bigger than Zimmerman, I thought everyone was aware (I guess the ignorant want to remain ignorant to help their argument) that the pictures presented of Martin was when he was 12 not 17.

Martin 6'1 170 lb
Zimmerman 5'8 160 lb

State v. Zimmerman: Evidence released by prosecutor

A technical correction...

Martin From the Autopsy:
71 inches (5 feet 11 inches)
158 pounds

Zimmerman from they booking sheet:
68 inches (5 feet 8 inches)
185 pounds**
**Zimmerman's lawyer says he LOST weight between the night of the shooting and the night of booking which means he weighed MORE than that.

Of the two Martin was 3 inches taller, but Zimmerman outweighed him by at least 25 pounds.

Neither are pussies. Mitt had to get 5 guys to hold down one shy gay so he could assault him. Too bad Zimmerman didn't go after Trayvon waiving his gun. I'm sure if he saw it, he would have took off instead of following the "Stand Your Ground" law.

It takes a special kind of stupid to tie Romney's name into this.

If Trayvon Martin was a pothead, he got what was coming to him for that reason alone, race notwithstanding, he would have deserved it if he were white as well.
If Trayvon Martin was a pothead, he got what was coming to him for that reason alone, race notwithstanding, he would have deserved it if he were white as well.

Thats going too far, I don't think much of potheads generally but I wouldn't wish them all killed.
A. THC remains in the system for up to 30 days after last ingested.
Automsy (sp?) can tell how recent it came into the body!

B. Zimmermann is not innocent; he may or may not be found guilty but in fact he killed an unarmed teenager.
So if one kills someone in self-defense, he is still guilty of murder in your eyes. If a women kills her rapist in S/D you consider her a murder? Talk about persecuting the victim!

C. Adjust your focus. Consider, your 17 yo son went to the store to get candy; he was followed by a man which resulted in a fight in which your son kicked ass. As the man who initiated the contact which resulted in the fight was getting his ass kicked he pulled a gun and shot your child in the chest, killing him.
That is exactly why I give the parents a pass on their comment and even in a post praised them. No matter what your going to very your dead children's behavior differeint even if that view is unjust.

It's like people saying "don't negotiate with terrorist!" A person's reaction is different if it's your family member in harms way!

D. I have two sons. In my biased opinion Zimmermann deserves the needle.
I have 4 children also. You do realize kids grow up and you still remain their parent. Zimmerman has parents. Put yourself in their shoes. Do they want their son to go to jail for a justifiable homicide in self-defense.

Trayvon wasn't the only one who had parents that cared about him!

E. If Zimmermann were black, and Martin white, I suspect you would feel the same.
No it won't, but there is nothing I can say or do now to prove otherwise. However, if the Z was Black and M white, then the true facts of the case who have been reported by the main stream media and there would be no controversy!
What is interesting to me about the evidence that came out in the 183 pages of documents released is how varied the witness accounts.

What I hadn't seen before is the GF reporting that Martin was running, even Zimmerman reported that Martin was running.

So the kid is running and Zimmerman pursues.

This was a completely avoidable killing, if Zimmerman had kept back and not followed Martin.
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Zimmerman made the comment "he is wandering looking like he is on drugs," he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When are Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

Have you ever smoked a joint? Why do you think he went to get Skittles?

I smoked heavily in my youth. Munchies are a side effect, but so is irrational and erradict behavior!
It's funny how everyone thinks the evidence released tells the story of what happened.

It's funny how when evidence is release you ignore it like the Black KKK member you are and still seek to execute an innocent Latino!
Martin was running from Zimmerman. That's pretty rational behavior considering Zimmerman was stalking him.

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