The 1%'s have more money than me and I DONT CARE

I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.
Rugged individualism and Liberty rocks!
Did anyone ever stop to think that the income differences are a direct result of govt involvement where it doesn't belong? It isn't the rich causing the split.

Of course it's government action that's causing the problem, but that doesn't mean it's the rich causing the split. The rich and corporations control the government. The government is just the servant of the rich. Also, you seem to have the details wrong.

For instance the govt has made access to money for education and housing so cheap that it is driving up the prices to an insane level.

In order to meet the labor needs of the future, we require a well-educated work force. Part of taking action to better one's circumstances often requires education beyond the high-school level, which has become the norm rather than the exception -- and that's the way it has to be. How would you educate the entire population (which is pretty much what we have to do) and at the same time NOT make education available to everyone?

I was as poor as you can get. I had 100 dollars given to me when I was released from prison. It took several years to escape my poverty but I did it none the less.


Because the bar is set too high for everyone to make it.

[ame=]George Carlin: how does our economic system work? - YouTube[/ame]
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I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

So what you are saying is...bhaaa...bhaaa bhaaa.....hmmmm intresting
Did anyone ever stop to think that the income differences are a direct result of govt involvement where it doesn't belong? It isn't the rich causing the split.

Of course it's government action that's causing the problem, but that doesn't mean it's the rich causing the split. The rich and corporations control the government. The government is just the servant of the rich. Also, you seem to have the details wrong.

For instance the govt has made access to money for education and housing so cheap that it is driving up the prices to an insane level.

In order to meet the labor needs of the future, we require a well-educated work force. Part of taking action to better one's circumstances often requires education beyond the high-school level, which has become the norm rather than the exception -- and that's the way it has to be. How would you educate the entire population (which is pretty much what we have to do) and at the same time NOT make education available to everyone?

I was as poor as you can get. I had 100 dollars given to me when I was released from prison. It took several years to escape my poverty but I did it none the less.


Because the bar is set too high for everyone to make it.

The bar is only too high if you allow it to be.

I do agree we have too much corporate influence in our govt but until such time that true campaign reform and term limits are instituted this is the system we have. Dealing within it is our only choice.
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

So what you are saying is...bhaaa...bhaaa bhaaa.....hmmmm intresting

So what your saying is the idea of individual responsibility escapes you therefore you have nothing to add and prefer to troll.

Gramps, you seem like an honest person, unlike some here, so let me see if I can explain this to you. It's really not that hard, but you have to expand your thinking to what applies to EVERYONE, which is different than what applies to any ONE person.

I don't know what you did to improve yourself after you got out of prison. No doubt, though, you either got a job or started a business. Let's say it was a job.

That job opened and you applied for it. Before doing so, you acquired whatever skills or credentials they were looking for, and you beat all the other applicants; you were judged the best fit for what they wanted, and you were hired.

But you being hired, although it improved your circumstances, didn't create the job. Because YOU got that job, someone else DIDN'T. When there are fewer job openings than applicants, the jobs go to the most competitive: those with the best skills, the cleanest records, the most consistent work history, and so on. Obviously, with a prison record you had a mark against you, but you must have had enough going for you to overcome that.

One person can, through education and hard work, make himself more competitive and more likely to get a job or be successful in business or whatever. But in doing so, he doesn't reduce the number of losers, because his success means someone else will fail, someone who would have been more competitive than he was if he had slacked.

Same with me. My business is doing fairly well now, because I'm putting a lot of effort into it and have a lot of demonstrable skill. But I know that every client I land is one someone else won't land. It just isn't the case that everyone can do what I've done. Only the best X% will succeed.

Suppose that everyone were to improve his/her competitiveness by exactly the same efforts and degree. Would that make any difference? Not really, because again only the best X% will succeed. You can think of it like a race. If you train hard, stay off the smokes, eat right, you will improve your own performance on the track, but if your opponents do the same thing, all that does is keep you competitive. There can still only be one winner.

Taking charge of your own circumstances makes it more likely that YOU will be a winner while SOMEONE ELSE will be a loser. But only changing the rules of the game can make it so there are more winners and fewer losers.
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

So what you are saying is...bhaaa...bhaaa bhaaa.....hmmmm intresting

So what your saying is the idea of individual responsibility escapes you therefore you have nothing to add and prefer to troll.


where is the personal responsibility in the federal reserve printing money out of thin air and effectively cutting your life savings in half...but you are just fine with that
Yeah, sure, except it's harder than ever before to rise, after 30 years of voodoo screwing the non rich. Moron.

Read this, shyttehead:
Dumbass...You enemy is the Government and the parties that have brought us really need to let go of the class warfare nonsense foisted by the situations would have it? THEY are duplicit with Wall Street to keep this shit up as Wall Streeet pays the politicians... Rubes like you buy into it only ONE side of it.
Gramps, you seem like an honest person, unlike some here, so let me see if I can explain this to you. It's really not that hard, but you have to expand your thinking to what applies to EVERYONE, which is different than what applies to any ONE person.

I don't know what you did to improve yourself after you got out of prison. No doubt, though, you either got a job or started a business. Let's say it was a job.

That job opened and you applied for it. Before doing so, you acquired whatever skills or credentials they were looking for, and you beat all the other applicants; you were judged the best fit for what they wanted, and you were hired.

But you being hired, although it improved your circumstances, didn't create the job. Because YOU got that job, someone else DIDN'T. When there are fewer job openings than applicants, the jobs go to the most competitive: those with the best skills, the cleanest records, the most consistent work history, and so on. Obviously, with a prison record you had a mark against you, but you must have had enough going for you to overcome that.

One person can, through education and hard work, make himself more competitive and more likely to get a job or be successful in business or whatever. But in doing so, he doesn't reduce the number of losers, because his success means someone else will fail, someone who would have been more competitive than he was if he had slacked.

Same with me. My business is doing fairly well now, because I'm putting a lot of effort into it and have a lot of demonstrable skill. But I know that every client I land is one someone else won't land. It just isn't the case that everyone can do what I've done. Only the best X% will succeed.

Suppose that everyone were to improve his/her competitiveness by exactly the same efforts and degree. Would that make any difference? Not really, because again only the best X% will succeed. You can think of it like a race. If you train hard, stay off the smokes, eat right, you will improve your own performance on the track, but if your opponents do the same thing, all that does is keep you competitive. There can still only be one winner.

Taking charge of your own circumstances makes it more likely that YOU will be a winner while SOMEONE ELSE will be a loser. But only changing the rules of the game can make it so there are more winners and fewer losers.

I worked many jobs till I had enough faith that I understood the basics of the home building and remodeling business. Some were absolute shit jobs with terrible wages but I needed the skill under my belt in order to advance to the next stage. I then sunk myself into massive student loan debt to get business courses under my belt. I then started a construction business that has evolved over the years into areas that were in high demand. I killed myself one year spending 8k on a 2 page article in an architectural book in hopes of drawing in a richer customer base. I got 1 job from the ad. Nearly killed me. Anyways now its nearly 24 years later and just learning to adapt and grow has led to my success. I'm now one of the top rated contractors for home remodeling on angieslist in my market. That position came through years of hard work and ambition. I even had one of my competitors try to buy me out a few years back.

Bottom line is I'm responsible for my own successes or failures. I don't see any way to change the system like you've mentioned. There will always be those that follow and those that lead. I have one guy who has worked for me for over 12 years now. He is fully capable of doing it without me but he clearly doesn't have the desire. I've had others come and go only to return after their failure. Why should I have to be concerned with their inability to succeed? If everyone was on the same playing field who would do the work? Who would build our country?
Gramps, you seem like an honest person, unlike some here, so let me see if I can explain this to you. It's really not that hard, but you have to expand your thinking to what applies to EVERYONE, which is different than what applies to any ONE person.

I don't know what you did to improve yourself after you got out of prison. No doubt, though, you either got a job or started a business. Let's say it was a job.

That job opened and you applied for it. Before doing so, you acquired whatever skills or credentials they were looking for, and you beat all the other applicants; you were judged the best fit for what they wanted, and you were hired.

But you being hired, although it improved your circumstances, didn't create the job. Because YOU got that job, someone else DIDN'T. When there are fewer job openings than applicants, the jobs go to the most competitive: those with the best skills, the cleanest records, the most consistent work history, and so on. Obviously, with a prison record you had a mark against you, but you must have had enough going for you to overcome that.

One person can, through education and hard work, make himself more competitive and more likely to get a job or be successful in business or whatever. But in doing so, he doesn't reduce the number of losers, because his success means someone else will fail, someone who would have been more competitive than he was if he had slacked.

Same with me. My business is doing fairly well now, because I'm putting a lot of effort into it and have a lot of demonstrable skill. But I know that every client I land is one someone else won't land. It just isn't the case that everyone can do what I've done. Only the best X% will succeed.

Suppose that everyone were to improve his/her competitiveness by exactly the same efforts and degree. Would that make any difference? Not really, because again only the best X% will succeed. You can think of it like a race. If you train hard, stay off the smokes, eat right, you will improve your own performance on the track, but if your opponents do the same thing, all that does is keep you competitive. There can still only be one winner.

Taking charge of your own circumstances makes it more likely that YOU will be a winner while SOMEONE ELSE will be a loser. But only changing the rules of the game can make it so there are more winners and fewer losers.

I worked many jobs till I had enough faith that I understood the basics of the home building and remodeling business. Some were absolute shit jobs with terrible wages but I needed the skill under my belt in order to advance to the next stage. I then sunk myself into massive student loan debt to get business courses under my belt. I then started a construction business that has evolved over the years into areas that were in high demand. I killed myself one year spending 8k on a 2 page article in an architectural book in hopes of drawing in a richer customer base. I got 1 job from the ad. Nearly killed me. Anyways now its nearly 24 years later and just learning to adapt and grow has led to my success. I'm now one of the top rated contractors for home remodeling on angieslist in my market. That position came through years of hard work and ambition. I even had one of my competitors try to buy me out a few years back.

Bottom line is I'm responsible for my own successes or failures. I don't see any way to change the system like you've mentioned. There will always be those that follow and those that lead. I have one guy who has worked for me for over 12 years now. He is fully capable of doing it without me but he clearly doesn't have the desire. I've had others come and go only to return after their failure. Why should I have to be concerned with their inability to succeed? If everyone was on the same playing field who would do the work? Who would build our country?
And to think where we would be now if our forefathers...the pioneers had taken the modern-day Statist/Liberal tact? :eek::eusa_whistle:
Did anyone ever stop to think that the income differences are a direct result of govt involvement where it doesn't belong? It isn't the rich causing the split.

Of course it's government action that's causing the problem, but that doesn't mean it's the rich causing the split. The rich and corporations control the government. The government is just the servant of the rich. Also, you seem to have the details wrong.

In order to meet the labor needs of the future, we require a well-educated work force. Part of taking action to better one's circumstances often requires education beyond the high-school level, which has become the norm rather than the exception -- and that's the way it has to be. How would you educate the entire population (which is pretty much what we have to do) and at the same time NOT make education available to everyone?

I was as poor as you can get. I had 100 dollars given to me when I was released from prison. It took several years to escape my poverty but I did it none the less.


Because the bar is set too high for everyone to make it.

The bar is only too high if you allow it to be.

I do agree we have too much corporate influence in our govt but until such time that true campaign reform and term limits are instituted this is the system we have. Dealing within it is our only choice.
Yeah....send in the lobbyists. They know how to get the "deals" done!!!​
So what you are saying is...bhaaa...bhaaa bhaaa.....hmmmm intresting

So what your saying is the idea of individual responsibility escapes you therefore you have nothing to add and prefer to troll.


where is the personal responsibility in the federal reserve printing money out of thin air and effectively cutting your life savings in half...but you are just fine with that

What does the policy of the fed have to do with this topic?

Granted you have a legit point, maybe you should start a thread of your own about it.

By the way...... My ex wife got my life savings so I could keep my business. So that question would be better posed to her at this point.
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

I don't care either. Unless they buy up Republican politicians and change laws so what was illegal is now legal. Like with Wall Street and derivatives. Then I say to myself, "Those fucking Republicans. Worse than al Qaeda". al Qaeda managed to kill 3,000 Americans and do a billion dollars in damage.
Republicans managed to kill 4,000 Americans, wound 30,000 more, create 11 trillion in debt, deplete our military, create a friend for Iran, and bring down the world economy. And try to blame everything they did on Obama and the Democrats. Quite an accomplishment. Much more than what al Qaeda was able to accomplish. Republicans hate being shown up, obviously.
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

I don't care either. Unless they buy up Republican politicians and change laws so what was illegal is now legal. Like with Wall Street and derivatives. Then I say to myself, "Those fucking Republicans. Worse than al Qaeda". al Qaeda managed to kill 3,000 Americans and do a billion dollars in damage.
Republicans managed to kill 4,000 Americans, wound 30,000 more, create 11 trillion in debt, deplete our military, create a friend for Iran, and bring down the world economy. And try to blame everything they did on Obama and the Democrats. Quite an accomplishment. Much more than what al Qaeda was able to accomplish. Republicans hate being shown up, obviously.

The housing bubble that led to our disaster started under Clinton not Bush. It was a bipartisan cluster fuck.

Are you ever honest with yourself?
Bottom line is I'm responsible for my own successes or failures. I don't see any way to change the system like you've mentioned. There will always be those that follow and those that lead. I have one guy who has worked for me for over 12 years now. He is fully capable of doing it without me but he clearly doesn't have the desire. I've had others come and go only to return after their failure. Why should I have to be concerned with their inability to succeed? If everyone was on the same playing field who would do the work? Who would build our country?

If you're as old as you say, then you have memories from a time when the playing field was a lot more level than it is now, when the bar to success was a lot lower. My father worked a blue collar job, just 40 hours a week (or paid overtime when it was more) as a machinist for a company that made oil drilling equipment. He sent me and my sister and brother to college with a little assist from Pell grants and a very minimal amount of student loans. He owned his own home. My mother didn't have to work. (She eventually did, but only because she was bored to supefaction, not because we needed the money.) There was nothing special about what Dad was doing, although he was good at his job.

This is the implicit bargain: play by the rules, don't break the law, and work hard, and you'll have a good life. Go the extra mile, put in some real hard work and make some real sacrifices, and you can get rich. But the bargain has been broken. Now, only those who go the extra mile can get by. That's not the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to have an economy that works for everyone, not just for the most successful few. We know we can have that, because for decades we DID. But now we don't. And that's what the complaints are about.
Bottom line is I'm responsible for my own successes or failures. I don't see any way to change the system like you've mentioned. There will always be those that follow and those that lead. I have one guy who has worked for me for over 12 years now. He is fully capable of doing it without me but he clearly doesn't have the desire. I've had others come and go only to return after their failure. Why should I have to be concerned with their inability to succeed? If everyone was on the same playing field who would do the work? Who would build our country?

If you're as old as you say, then you have memories from a time when the playing field was a lot more level than it is now, when the bar to success was a lot lower. My father worked a blue collar job, just 40 hours a week (or paid overtime when it was more) as a machinist for a company that made oil drilling equipment. He sent me and my sister and brother to college with a little assist from Pell grants and a very minimal amount of student loans. He owned his own home. My mother didn't have to work. (She eventually did, but only because she was bored to supefaction, not because we needed the money.) There was nothing special about what Dad was doing, although he was good at his job.

This is the implicit bargain: play by the rules, don't break the law, and work hard, and you'll have a good life. Go the extra mile, put in some real hard work and make some real sacrifices, and you can get rich. But the bargain has been broken. Now, only those who go the extra mile can get by. That's not the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to have an economy that works for everyone, not just for the most successful few. We know we can have that, because for decades we DID. But now we don't. And that's what the complaints are about.

I am not that old but I've basically been self employed my entire adult life except for the first couple years. I do remember the cost of living being much lower in the 80's but wages were also crap then. Now for instance I make on average between 80 and 150 per hour depending on they type of work were doing. In the 80's it was between 20 and 40.

I just believe in self determination. It is hard for me to have sympathy for those who don't even have the hurdles I did. Getting hired when I was young was a bitch. The only thing I had going for me was a tax credit employers got for hiring me. And even with that the stigma of being a parole was nearly impossible to overcome.

Obviously the economy of the last couple years is probably a larger hurdle but it is not representative of who we are as a whole. It will pass then what will the red herring be?
So what your saying is the idea of individual responsibility escapes you therefore you have nothing to add and prefer to troll.


where is the personal responsibility in the federal reserve printing money out of thin air and effectively cutting your life savings in half...but you are just fine with that

What does the policy of the fed have to do with this topic?

Granted you have a legit point, maybe you should start a thread of your own about it.

By the way...... My ex wife got my life savings so I could keep my business. So that question would be better posed to her at this point.

regardless of how the controlled media spins it the occupy movement is about
about challenging the cabal of world banks and the fed...not about receiving "free stuff"
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

I don't care either. Unless they buy up Republican politicians and change laws so what was illegal is now legal. Like with Wall Street and derivatives. Then I say to myself, "Those fucking Republicans. Worse than al Qaeda". al Qaeda managed to kill 3,000 Americans and do a billion dollars in damage.
Republicans managed to kill 4,000 Americans, wound 30,000 more, create 11 trillion in debt, deplete our military, create a friend for Iran, and bring down the world economy. And try to blame everything they did on Obama and the Democrats. Quite an accomplishment. Much more than what al Qaeda was able to accomplish. Republicans hate being shown up, obviously.

The housing bubble that led to our disaster started under Clinton not Bush. It was a bipartisan cluster fuck.

Are you ever honest with yourself?

Oh, you mean you didn't know? Under Bush, Republicans deregulated Wall Street. More than 70% of the mortgage market was moved to Wall Street where they bundled the mortgages together after selling them to anyone who could sign their name. Then they sold those worthless "securities" to the unsuspecting overseas. Ahh, but first, they "insured" those so called "securities". So they got a little money from the sale of those securities and they got a lot of insurance money. That, they called derivatives.

Report: Fannie Mae manipulated accounting - Business - Corporate scandals

S.E.C. Sues Goldman Over Housing Market Deal -

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. News - The New York Times

Try to explain, if you can, how Goldman Sachs, Barclays and the Lehman Brothers fit into "Freddie/Fannie". :popcorn:

Only one of these scandals caused the world market to break down. Guess which one.

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