The 1950s are coming back

I'm sorry. I had no idea you were in a coma.

What changed guns in schools, you ask?

Columbine High School massacre

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
Yeah, I remember the days when kids drove pickup trucks to school with hunting rifle racks mounted to the back window. I sure do.

And every one of us had a pocket knife.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.

"For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands."

what about stay at home dads with gainfully employed moms?
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.

"For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands."

what about stay at home dads with gainfully employed moms?

Those sissies should be left to starve.
Whatever social changes may be coming in the near future, I can assure you that there will be very little in common with the 1950s.

Right. The answer to gun violence to give guns to children. I can't believe that you have enough sense to breathe.
And you think the answer to persistent WashDC deficient spending and the national debt is bigger gov't spending? :spinner:

I haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about. I believe in a government fiscal policy similar to my own. Zero debt, with large cash reserves.

Right. The answer to gun violence to give guns to children. I can't believe that you have enough sense to breathe.
And you think the answer to persistent WashDC deficient spending and the national debt is bigger gov't spending? :spinner:

I haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about. I believe in a government fiscal policy similar to my own. Zero debt, with large cash reserves.
Bigger debt and bigger spending are the Democrat Socialist Party's solutions to American's probs. Have you not been paying attention?

BTW, guess what will happen to the spending power of your "large cash reserves" when the gov't increases the money supply during a recession in order to pay for "free" college, "free" healthcare, school loan forgiveness, and reparations (just to name a few).

Right. The answer to gun violence to give guns to children. I can't believe that you have enough sense to breathe.
And you think the answer to persistent WashDC deficient spending and the national debt is bigger gov't spending? :spinner:

I haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about. I believe in a government fiscal policy similar to my own. Zero debt, with large cash reserves.
Bigger debt and bigger spending are the Democrat Socialist Party's solutions to American's probs. Have you not been paying attention?

BTW, guess what will happen to the spending power of your "large cash reserves" when the gov't increases the money supply during a recession in order to pay for "free" college, "free" healthcare, school loan forgiveness, and reparations (just to name a few).

While I don't support the government sending money to citizens, YOUR president, Trump wants to send every citizen $2,000. So, tell me again, WHICH party is trying to give away free money? What? You mean the same party whose president signed a law requiring hospitals to treat people for free if they can't pay, and who signed the law giving out free telephones? You mean the same party, whose president signed the law expanding Medicare to include RX which increases Medicare costs 12% with no corresponding increase in Premium? Why, that would be the republicans. Maybe you would want to walk that dog back....
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Ahh yes..American high school pre-communist. Lacked drugs, pregnancies, cross dressers and school shooters. What it didnt lack was guns.

The rifle club at Tottenville High School, 1947

tottenville high school.jpg
The 1950s were great

No they were not.
In many ways, there were.

No they were not.
Yes they were

but now you are just repeating yourself

Look, the 50's were not great for everyone and whites don't get to dictate to everybody else how things were. America was practicing apartheid on the 1950's, that is not great.

Sure it was. It was fantastic.
Ahh yes..American high school pre-communist. Lacked drugs, pregnancies, cross dressers and school shooters. What it didnt lack was guns.

The rifle club at Tottenville High School, 1947

View attachment 313296

Come to think of it there is something else different here from modern schools. Not just the guns. Cant quite put my finger on it....

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