The 1950s are coming back

You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

You never served on the front lines or settled any frontier. YOU exist only because you live under the security of a stable society. Don’t pretend you’re any stronger or more independent than any woman.
I have and not sure what your saying,, we have history white American men are the best there is .. that’s what I am

You don’t represent American men (or men at all), and you’re not the best of anything, loser. You’re just a brainless, racist failure.
Well I’m white I’m American I think I can speak on my people lol thanks for playing
Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

You never served on the front lines or settled any frontier. YOU exist only because you live under the security of a stable society. Don’t pretend you’re any stronger or more independent than any woman.
I have and not sure what your saying,, we have history white American men are the best there is .. that’s what I am

You don’t represent American men (or men at all), and you’re not the best of anything, loser. You’re just a brainless, racist failure.
Well I’m white I’m American I think I can speak on ...

You’re wrong. You don’t speak for anyone.
I am not uneducated just because you cannot speak intelligently and honestly. Address these questions honestly with female adults with your feet on the ground, not with greeting-card sentiments or other such drivel. Speak openly. Why do you hide from women? Let's see what you have to offer. For example, how would you help mothers returning to society to achieve their professional goals?
Learn history, America was great because of mothers who stayed home and engineered a family, it’s realistic,, woman can’t survive on their own and we won’t be a massive police state for long. Not realistic to be walking these streets alone. Stay home survive

YOU couldn’t survive alone. Plenty of intelligent, capable women could.
You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

It was men who passed laws that basically excluded women from the military. Women were not represented in Congress, so don't blame us. Go argue with one of the guys who are vocal in their opposition to serving with women.

Where do you get off telling anyone else what to do?:asshole:
And this is how stupid some white people actually are. Chuck Berry did not invent the electric guitar. He bought one from a music store. Had he purchased that guitar from the music store then claimed to have invented the electric guitar, it would be equivalent to what Elvis was doing with black music.
No one said Chuck Berry invented the electric guitar

your reading skill are very poor

I read quite fine. Your ability to comprehend what is written is the problem. Elvis took music from black artists and covered them on his albums. That is taking what someone else created and getting credit for it. That would be like Chuck Berry taking a electric guitar and claiming he invented it.
You should be flattered that whites liked black rock n roll music and then took it to the next level

Whites didn't take anything to the next level. They stole music and money from black artists.
Ok, if you say so

but whites did take music to the next level

There have been countless numbers of great white artists whether you know it or not

Whites did not take anything to the next level. I do know that there have been great white artists. But there also have been white artists given false greatness because they stole black music. Also there are white artists given greatness because they were allowed to do things black artists couldn't. Just grow up and face the reality of this nations history.
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

You never served on the front lines or settled any frontier. YOU exist only because you live under the security of a stable society. Don’t pretend you’re any stronger or more independent than any woman.
I have and not sure what your saying,, we have history white American men are the best there is .. that’s what I am

You don’t represent American men (or men at all), and you’re not the best of anything, loser. You’re just a brainless, racist failure.
Well I’m white I’m American I think I can speak on ...

You’re wrong. You don’t speak for anyone.
Learn history, America was great because of mothers who stayed home and engineered a family, it’s realistic,, woman can’t survive on their own and we won’t be a massive police state for long. Not realistic to be walking these streets alone. Stay home survive

YOU couldn’t survive alone. Plenty of intelligent, capable women could.
You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

It was men who passed laws that basically excluded women from the military. Women were not represented in Congress, so don't blame us. Go argue with one of the guys who are vocal in their opposition to serving with women.

Where do you get off telling anyone else what to do?:asshole:

Delusions of grandeur is a racist/sexist white male trait.
Learn history, America was great because of mothers who stayed home and engineered a family, it’s realistic,, woman can’t survive on their own and we won’t be a massive police state for long. Not realistic to be walking these streets alone. Stay home survive

YOU couldn’t survive alone. Plenty of intelligent, capable women could.
You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

It was men who passed laws that basically excluded women from the military. Women were not represented in Congress, so don't blame us. Go argue with one of the guys who are vocal in their opposition to serving with women.

Where do you get off telling anyone else what to do?:asshole:
we built a country with out them laws.. nothing stopped females from going west alone.. building houses in the woods hunting, nothing stop them from demanding a spot in war, of defending their new found land they discovered.. its reality woman will be raped and killed if they tried to defy men with no police protection
In many ways, there were.

No they were not.
Yes they were

but now you are just repeating yourself

Look, the 50's were not great for everyone and whites don't get to dictate to everybody else how things were. America was practicing apartheid on the 1950's, that is not great.
If anyone is dictating its you

We have not said you have to like the 1950s if you prefer being bitter instead
Lol! Bitter my ass. I am quite sure if whites had been treated like we were in the 50's you wouldn't be making childish comments about somebody being bitter. The 1950's were not great. For anybody.
In spite of road blocks that some black people faced, the 50’s was a decade of progress for America and all Americans, including black people
In many ways, there were.

No they were not.
Yes they were

but now you are just repeating yourself

Look, the 50's were not great for everyone and whites don't get to dictate to everybody else how things were. America was practicing apartheid on the 1950's, that is not great.

Yeah yeah..this is nothing new. The USSR was attacking America in the 1950's for that. They had a plan for a "negro revolution" which the American government countered with handouts. For some reason the communist block saw blacks as a danger to western civilizations to be weaponized.

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Lol! Whites were getting handouts out the ass in the 1950's.

We should have a contest to settle this. The government should cut off all benefits and see who riots and loots first. Like during a hurricane.
No they were not.
Yes they were

but now you are just repeating yourself

Look, the 50's were not great for everyone and whites don't get to dictate to everybody else how things were. America was practicing apartheid on the 1950's, that is not great.
If anyone is dictating its you

We have not said you have to like the 1950s if you prefer being bitter instead
Lol! Bitter my ass. I am quite sure if whites had been treated like we were in the 50's you wouldn't be making childish comments about somebody being bitter. The 1950's were not great. For anybody.
In spite of road blocks that some black people faced, the 50’s was a decade of progress for America and all Americans, including black people

Thats the problem. Shouting "we will bury you" rang hollow as the US outpaced communism. Everyone in the US lived better than everyone in the rest of the world.

For blacks the difference was even starker. Blacks always live better in white societies than they do in black run countries. Black run countries are universally shitholes. Without exception.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Is that how you feel, that women will be making more babies and staying home? Hmmm.

After the current pestilence has run its course, we will need to repopulate the planet and replace the teeming masses that will have been lost. Last time we had a similar event, at least a third of the population achieved Room Temperature.
YOU couldn’t survive alone. Plenty of intelligent, capable women could.
You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

It was men who passed laws that basically excluded women from the military. Women were not represented in Congress, so don't blame us. Go argue with one of the guys who are vocal in their opposition to serving with women.

Where do you get off telling anyone else what to do?:asshole:
...its reality woman will be raped and killed if they tried to defy men with no police protection

The same goes for YOU.
Uh, I got news for ya. Fascism did not lose WW2. Oh Hitler lost. Mussolini lost. But fascism didn't. Why do you think there was such a witch hunt on "communists" just after? Because they're mortal enemies of fascism...
Commies are "mortal enemies of fascism???" :laughing0301:

How do you think the former impose slavery … I mean "The Workers' Paradise" … on people?

You speak for all woman or just you!? Lol hahaha

Is it your intention to troll EVERY thread?
Don’t start they troll,, Respond intelligently.. if women could have survived on their own they would’ve been the pioneers they would’ve served in the front line of all the wars.. they only have a big mouth and police states.. time to put up or shut up! Or stay home make some babies

It was men who passed laws that basically excluded women from the military. Women were not represented in Congress, so don't blame us. Go argue with one of the guys who are vocal in their opposition to serving with women.

Where do you get off telling anyone else what to do?:asshole:
...its reality woman will be raped and killed if they tried to defy men with no police protection

The same goes for YOU.
Absolutely but from other men not females

Right. The answer to gun violence to give guns to children. I can't believe that you have enough sense to breathe.
Where did you go to school we built America on kids with guns lol YOU MORON! Lol

Jit, this does not even warrant the dignity of a serious response.
Have some substance,,, you have a pic of kids bring guns to school lol you offer nothing but triggered responses lol
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
I have a list of 73 forum communists in my pocket, and your name is on it.

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