The 1950s were overrated!

The 50s were important in that we realized civil rights were important. We didn't solve it, but we started
Seems so many turned to the best period as indicative of the best years for the nation.
The 50s were important in that we realized civil rights were important. We didn't solve it, but we started

What does Civil Rights for blacks have to do with opening the immigration floodgates and transforming the demography of the nation?

I would have no problem with a system of preferences/affirmative action for blacks in a 88% white and 12 % black society. I wouldn't be happy with this on principle, but I could see merit in a "moral debt" type of arrangement to make up for the past, and to allow this to run for a century or so.

That's Civil Rights. What we have now is not civil rights, it's totalitarianism. An immigrant can arrive from Africa and as soon as they step off the plane, they have special privileges under the Civil Rights laws that people born here don't have. What does America owe this immigrant?

That was my reaction in 2004 after black Harvard law professor Lani Guinier and Henry Louis Gates Jr., chairman of Harvard's African-American studies department, stirred up a black Harvard alumni reunion with questions about precisely where the university's new black students were coming from.

About 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Gates and Guinier said, but somewhere between one-half and two-thirds of the black students were "West Indian and African immigrants or their children, or to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples."
Better than today
-Better infrastructure...Best on earth!
-Better education...Best on earth!
-We spent tax payers dollars to be number fucking one! People were proud and willing to pay the bucks to be the best.
-Parents gave a shit about the children
-Men weren't treated like shit like we're today.
-The rich and the poor weren't so fucking far apart. The system was was more fair for all.
-Sick people were put into mental institutions! They weren't showcased as they're today.
-People respeced the law. Blacks were treated the way they deserved as far as I am concerned. KIll, rape or commit a crime. Wtf else do you expect?
-One parent could work and buy a house, car and support a family!
-People had faith in the future.

I really don't think 2014 America is half the country it was in 1950.
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Why did people in the 1950s like movies and comics that sanitized and glorified war?

People understood that if we weren't powerful and ready for it....We were in trouble. Liberals have weaken America and turned us into a mental institution.

Morons like you really need to learn history and understand that we will have another major war.
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I'll take the 1950's social idea's with todays tech and science, with the music of the 60's. ;)

WE'd be on the moon and mars within 10 fucking years. This country would probably cure cancer and lead the world in every fucking way.

WE wouldn't allow every enemy through our door.
The 1950s were awesome! Music, cars, and television.

The music SUCKED. The cars SUCKED. The television SUCKED. The 50s SUCKED.

As a kid growing up in the 90s ,I thought they were great, but at least I recognize that it's likely just a bunch of nostalgic bullshit on my part. :D
The 1950s were awesome! Music, cars, and television.

The music SUCKED. The cars SUCKED. The television SUCKED. The 50s SUCKED.

As a kid growing up in the 90s ,I thought they were great, but at least I recognize that it's likely just a bunch of nostalgic bullshit on my part. :D
All that is opinion except for the cars. 50s cars were works of art. Heavy metal, built by Americans for Americans, low slung, uncomplicated, easy to work on, roomy and comfortable.
All that is opinion except for the cars. 50s cars were works of art. Heavy metal, built by Americans for Americans, low slung, uncomplicated, easy to work on, roomy and comfortable.

Okay. I'll give ya the cars. The 50s still sucked. :D

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