The 1950s were overrated!

Every decade has its good and its bad.

I try to look at the good and not the bad.

...Because if some think that 2014 is marvellous they must be dreaming.

Good and bad are a law on earth.
It's always good to know who had a hand in oppressing me, like those Germans after WWII who were found to be enabling war crimes. You had a chance to protect everyone's human rights and you instead sided with those who stripped the people of their Human Rights. You were right there, you could have voted for Goldwater, and you chose the side of evil.

Ok, Rik. Got cha! I am personally responsible for everything bad that has happened to you since 1964....

You could have voted for Goldwater and instead you voted to strip me of my human rights.

Since the founding the prospect for one's childrens' generation have always improved until your generation and the ideas which animate them got control of the levers of power and now look at what you're passing onto us.
You could have voted for Goldwater and instead you voted to strip me of my human rights.

Since the founding the prospect for one's childrens' generation have always improved until your generation and the ideas which animate them got control of the levers of power and now look at what you're passing onto us.

Rik, seriously, nobody likes a whiner, but if you must blame somebody for your misfortunes, do like most other people and blame your parents.
1950's. Been there, done that. There were things that were better. But not that many. I much prefer things as they are today. But then, I remember all the old silly people who at that time were bemoaning the destruction of this nation by 'pinkos', rock and roll, and those 'other' people that had the wrong complexion color. And here we still are.

I note that it is mostly the 'Conservatives' that seem to think we are on a one way street to hell. People who fear anything and everything, and are small of mind and mean of soul.
No rap music in the 50s. 'Nuff said.

True, but was this much better?

Heck yeah. Writing for an orchestra involves more complexity. The music is neutral with respect to sending a message whereas rap is negative social commentary - "kill the cops." The dancers are interacting with each other and in a coordinated way and they even appear to be having fun with each other. Dancing to rap is best described as showboating.

We've gone from a state of high complexity to low complexity. Celebrating movement towards the Lowest Common Denominator seems pretty pathetic to me.
You could have voted for Goldwater and instead you voted to strip me of my human rights.

Since the founding the prospect for one's childrens' generation have always improved until your generation and the ideas which animate them got control of the levers of power and now look at what you're passing onto us.

Rik, seriously, nobody likes a whiner, but if you must blame somebody for your misfortunes, do like most other people and blame your parents.

Similarly, no one likes seeing people not own up to the harm that they've caused.
Every decade has its good and its bad.

I try to look at the good and not the bad.

...Because if some think that 2014 is marvellous they must be dreaming.

Good and bad are a law on earth.

Really? I now have the whole of the world's knowledge at my fingertips. It is likely that I will live longer than my parents and grandparents, in better health. That there are still problems? Of course, we are all still human beings. But I like where I am today much better than where my parents were at in the '50s. Far more oppertunity today for anyone that will seize that oppertunity. Our President is a prime example of that.
Every decade has its good and its bad.

I try to look at the good and not the bad.

...Because if some think that 2014 is marvellous they must be dreaming.

Good and bad are a law on earth.

Really? I now have the whole of the world's knowledge at my fingertips. It is likely that I will live longer than my parents and grandparents, in better health. That there are still problems? Of course, we are all still human beings. But I like where I am today much better than where my parents were at in the '50s. Far more oppertunity today for anyone that will seize that oppertunity. Our President is a prime example of that.

Good for old people. It's called eating the seed corn. You plundered and left this behind:

"Most of my friends that have graduated end up living back home because even if they have a job they can't afford to pay rent and pay back their loans at the same time. I know a lot of people that took out almost half or more of their tuition in loans which is $50,000 so it's impossible to pay rent and live in New York City while paying off your loan," said Levonne.

Ruchi Jain, 21, a senior at Binghampton University who has approximately $15,000 in student loans, says that once she graduates in May 2014, she'll most likely move back in with her parents.

"It depends on my job situation but I think I would move back in with my parents and probably I would work for at least a year or so and save up because I have to pay back my college loans as well," said Jain.

Both Jain and Levonne took unpaid internships in the hopes of getting a job after graduation.

"I've done three internships that were all unpaid just so potentially I can have a job when I graduate in six months," said Levonne.

In 2012, only 63 percent of 18-to-31-year-olds had jobs, compared to 70 percent in 2007.

"It seems every internship I've applied to is unpaid," said Jain. "I think it will take several months after graduating to get a job," she added.

In 2012, just 25 percent of millennials were married, down from 30 percent of 18-to-31-year-olds in 2007.

Both Jain and Levonne say the cost of marriage is not something themselves or any of their friends can afford anytime in the near future.
I wonder how many old timers had to work for free in many jobs, just to qualify to be hired into a paying job? I wonder how many old timers had to take on mortgage sized loans to get a college education? I wonder how many old timers had to move in with their parents because they couldn't earn enough from their jobs to afford to pay for their own place. I see these kids in these situations all the time.

So about you living longer, um, who's going to be paying for that?

lots of youngsters nowadays out of college with no where to go other than Moms while in the 60s , early 70s the best jobs were available just oughta high school and a GED was no problem . Go to work in a job and immediately start making the wage and benis as the old guy getting ready to retire . Those days are gone I'm afraid .
golf and vacations , I don't worry about those any more than I concern myself with USA Marines holding umbrellas over the heads of a turk and mr. Obama . Golf and vacation or the insult to the MARINES is to be expected .
Similarly, no one likes seeing people not own up to the harm that they've caused.

Ok, Rik. I admit it. It is my fault that your life sucks. Is there any way that I can make it up to you?

My life doesn't suck. I'm quite comfortable, thanks. I'm worried about my generation and those following us.

Making it up to us? Stop working against proposals to dismantle the oppressive state you've helped build. Just sit on the sidelines and don't get in the way. You've done enough already.
lots of youngsters nowadays out of college with no where to go other than Moms while in the 60s , early 70s the best jobs were available just oughta high school and a GED was no problem . Go to work in a job and immediately start making the wage and benis as the old guy getting ready to retire . Those days are gone I'm afraid .

You're right, they're gone. You don't venture into a discussion of why they're gone, so I'll speak to general points. Lot's of liberals out there can't connect the dots. They just believe that aspects of modern society are a result of forces of nature, for instance, the growing demographic change in the US. These are policy CHOICES. Lots of things are they way there are today because of CHOICES that were made.

Young adults coming into the adult world are inheriting a world made for them by their elders. It used to be the case that the older generation tried to make the world better for their offspring, to put them on their shoulders and let their kids launch their lives from an advantaged starting point. Not so the last generation - they turned their focus on making life better for themselves and to inviting the world to come here and partake of the society that their ancestors built. This results in younger generations being stuck with the bill, paying for the perks that they never got. Look at this chart again. Most senior citizens don't pay anywhere near enough over their working lives to balance out what they're taking from the retirement system. That shortfall has to be paid by young people.


If we talk about the rich taking advantage of the poor take a look at this reality.

hey Pogo , yeah , insulting . Wot no housemen that mr. Obama coulda called out to hold umbrellas so he used MARINES . Insulting in my opinion !!
seems to me that it was the last generation or 2 although many point to the baby boomers . I don't know for sure RIK .

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