The 1950s were overrated!

It's a deal. I'll take those high marginal tax rates PLUS deductions as soon as you transform the population and mores of America back to what they were in the 1950s. I'll pay those taxes but in return I want to live in THAT society.
The 1950's sucked. Enforced social conformity, bomb shelters, the cold war with the every day fear of a surprise nuclear attack, Red baiting and Red paranoia, repressed by conservative social mores, segregation, homophobia, Blue laws, no interstate highways, the worst pop music ever....

The 1950's sucked. Enforced social conformity, bomb shelters, the cold war with the every day fear of a surprise nuclear attack, Red baiting and Red paranoia, repressed by conservative social mores, segregation, homophobia, Blue laws, no interstate highways, the worst pop music ever....

I hate communists with the passion of a thousand burning suns, so Red Baiting sounds like a terrific sport.

As research is now showing, social conformity is a necessary price to insure deeper community ties and as for it being enforced, damn, I'd make the trade in a New York minute - enforced social conformity in place of enforced liberal assault on human rights.

Cold war and bomb scares, that's fine, because today we know that there was no nuclear exchange so that takes the bite off of the bomb scares, makes them more of a pantomime.

Red paranoia was valid. See Venona cables.

Segregation? Do you live in a majority black neighborhood? I mean, you now have the opportunity to do so, so what's holding you back? Yeah, I'm not seeing any problem with segregation and apparently neither does the majority of the nation. White flight is still going on.

Homophobia? Never heard of this disease. I do know that Rock Hudson had the legal right to marry back in the 1950s.

Blue laws. I can live with those.

Interstate Highways - great time to get in on the ground floor of a construction boom. Besides, I hear all the old guys talking about some fabulous Route 66 that people liked to travel on, that might be an adventure.

Worst pop music? I thought that was the 70s and even the worst pop music has to be better than the best rap.

So now that we've dealt with all the fabulous positives of the era, do you have anything negative to report?
aaaaah.., the 50's that 10 year span was the most enjoyable 10 years of my life, i bought my first gun when i was 14 y.o., street drag racing, my white 57 Chevy convertible with a case of beer on the tonneau was one of the best "Chick Magnets" to ever cruise Jacksonville Beach, Daytona Beach too !

the 50'swere the greatest, i went from a 13 y.o. farm tractor driver to a U.S. Navy Jet Engine mechanic.., who'da thunk it ?
I hate communists with the passion of a thousand burning suns, so Red Baiting sounds like a terrific sport.

As research is now showing, social conformity is a necessary price to insure deeper community ties and as for it being enforced, damn, I'd make the trade in a New York minute - enforced social conformity in place of enforced liberal assault on human rights.

Cold war and bomb scares, that's fine, because today we know that there was no nuclear exchange so that takes the bite off of the bomb scares, makes them more of a pantomime.

Red paranoia was valid. See Venona cables.

Segregation? Do you live in a majority black neighborhood? I mean, you now have the opportunity to do so, so what's holding you back? Yeah, I'm not seeing any problem with segregation and apparently neither does the majority of the nation. White flight is still going on.

Homophobia? Never heard of this disease. I do know that Rock Hudson had the legal right to marry back in the 1950s.

Blue laws. I can live with those.

Interstate Highways - great time to get in on the ground floor of a construction boom. Besides, I hear all the old guys talking about some fabulous Route 66 that people liked to travel on, that might be an adventure.

Worst pop music? I thought that was the 70s and even the worst pop music has to be better than the best rap.

So now that we've dealt with all the fabulous positives of the era, do you have anything negative to report?

Poor Rik. The "Good old days" are gone forever. No more "whites only" water fountains. No more "How much is that doggy in the window". Ozzie and Harriet are dead, and one has to go all the way to North Korea to find a truly brutal communist regime, and they aren't much fun, since they don't ever seem to be infiltrating our schools and precious bodily fluids with commie orchestrated plots. Water has been fluoridated, in spite of warnings from the Right about it being a commie plot. SAC is pretty much dead, and we are no longer flying nuclear bombs toward Russia until the failsafe point every day and night. It is no longer illegal to sell a magazine that has photos of women's pubic hair. Hell, if you beat up a homosexual today, you might be arrested!

My best advice is to find a channel that plays nothing but Gilligan's Island and Leave it to Beaver reruns, and lose yourself in dreams of the glory days....

Poor Rik. The "Good old days" are gone forever. No more "whites only" water fountains. No more "How much is that doggy in the window". Ozzie and Harriet are dead, and one has to go all the way to North Korea to find a truly brutal communist regime, and they aren't much fun, since they don't ever seem to be infiltrating our schools and precious bodily fluids with commie orchestrated plots. Water has been fluoridated, in spite of warnings from the Right about it being a commie plot. SAC is pretty much dead, and we are no longer flying nuclear bombs toward Russia until the failsafe point every day and night. It is no longer illegal to sell a magazine that has photos of women's pubic hair. Hell, if you beat up a homosexual today, you might be arrested!

Poor Vandel. The "Good-old days" of low income inequality, high wages, a solid middle class, high marginal tax rates, being able to pay for college with a part-time summer job at the malt-shop are gone forever. Same too with good career progression, solid pensions, no race riots, a high value for the American dollar, high rates of unionization, manual laborers being able to support a family on only one income, big yards in big neighborhoods with affordable housing. Who really misses the days when you could get married 22 and buy a house at 25? Job promotions? Who needs that shit when you can go to nude marches to help protest the oppression of transsexuals not having the right to shower alongside women.
Poor Rik. The "Good old days" are gone forever. No more "whites only" water fountains. No more "How much is that doggy in the window". Ozzie and Harriet are dead, and one has to go all the way to North Korea to find a truly brutal communist regime, and they aren't much fun, since they don't ever seem to be infiltrating our schools and precious bodily fluids with commie orchestrated plots. Water has been fluoridated, in spite of warnings from the Right about it being a commie plot. SAC is pretty much dead, and we are no longer flying nuclear bombs toward Russia until the failsafe point every day and night. It is no longer illegal to sell a magazine that has photos of women's pubic hair. Hell, if you beat up a homosexual today, you might be arrested!

Poor Vandel. The "Good-old days" of low income inequality, high wages, a solid middle class, high marginal tax rates, being able to pay for college with a part-time summer job at the malt-shop are gone forever. Same too with good career progression, solid pensions, no race riots, a high value for the American dollar, high rates of unionization, manual laborers being able to support a family on only one income, big yards in big neighborhoods with affordable housing. Who really misses the days when you could get married 22 and buy a house at 25? Job promotions? Who needs that shit when you can go to nude marches to help protest the oppression of transsexuals not having the right to shower alongside women.

--- says the young punk whose idea of ancient history is scouring Google Images for pics of Bobby Sherman...
Poor Rik. The "Good old days" are gone forever. No more "whites only" water fountains. No more "How much is that doggy in the window". Ozzie and Harriet are dead, and one has to go all the way to North Korea to find a truly brutal communist regime, and they aren't much fun, since they don't ever seem to be infiltrating our schools and precious bodily fluids with commie orchestrated plots. Water has been fluoridated, in spite of warnings from the Right about it being a commie plot. SAC is pretty much dead, and we are no longer flying nuclear bombs toward Russia until the failsafe point every day and night. It is no longer illegal to sell a magazine that has photos of women's pubic hair. Hell, if you beat up a homosexual today, you might be arrested!

Poor Vandel. The "Good-old days" of low income inequality, high wages, a solid middle class, high marginal tax rates, being able to pay for college with a part-time summer job at the malt-shop are gone forever. Same too with good career progression, solid pensions, no race riots, a high value for the American dollar, high rates of unionization, manual laborers being able to support a family on only one income, big yards in big neighborhoods with affordable housing. Who really misses the days when you could get married 22 and buy a house at 25? Job promotions? Who needs that shit when you can go to nude marches to help protest the oppression of transsexuals not having the right to shower alongside women.

--- says the young punk whose idea of ancient history is scouring Google Images for pics of Bobby Sherman...

Don't I have a right to be pissed off that the patrimony of previous generations has been pissed down the drain by your generation, old woman?
Poor Rik. The "Good old days" are gone forever. No more "whites only" water fountains. No more "How much is that doggy in the window". Ozzie and Harriet are dead, and one has to go all the way to North Korea to find a truly brutal communist regime, and they aren't much fun, since they don't ever seem to be infiltrating our schools and precious bodily fluids with commie orchestrated plots. Water has been fluoridated, in spite of warnings from the Right about it being a commie plot. SAC is pretty much dead, and we are no longer flying nuclear bombs toward Russia until the failsafe point every day and night. It is no longer illegal to sell a magazine that has photos of women's pubic hair. Hell, if you beat up a homosexual today, you might be arrested!

Poor Vandel. The "Good-old days" of low income inequality, high wages, a solid middle class, high marginal tax rates, being able to pay for college with a part-time summer job at the malt-shop are gone forever. Same too with good career progression, solid pensions, no race riots, a high value for the American dollar, high rates of unionization, manual laborers being able to support a family on only one income, big yards in big neighborhoods with affordable housing. Who really misses the days when you could get married 22 and buy a house at 25? Job promotions? Who needs that shit when you can go to nude marches to help protest the oppression of transsexuals not having the right to shower alongside women.

--- says the young punk whose idea of ancient history is scouring Google Images for pics of Bobby Sherman...

Don't I have a right to be pissed off that the patrimony of previous generations has been pissed down the drain by your generation, old woman?

That's not an "old woman"'s post, it's mine.
Are you stupid as well as dishonest then?
"High wages"?. In 1959, I was making $.80 per hour. No, Rik, i'm sorry that your world is gone. My world today is just about the way I would like to keep it.

"High wages"?. In 1959, I was making $.80 per hour. No, Rik, i'm sorry that your world is gone. My world today is just about the way I would like to keep it.

Time to have an "encounter group" or EST session or whatever the hell you guys did in the 70s and help your fellow liberals who keep yammering on about how they want to bring back 50s tax rates and low levels of income inequality and unions and defined benefit pensions and such. Tell them that the world is better today with it's higher levels of income inequality, job stagnation and offshoring, high unemployment rates, fractured pension plans, low minimum wages, high housing prices, expensive gas. Tell them to quit their belly-aching and learn to love the features of the modern world.
Time to have an "encounter group" or EST session or whatever the hell you guys did in the 70s and help your fellow liberals who keep yammering on about how they want to bring back 50s tax rates and low levels of income inequality and unions and defined benefit pensions and such. Tell them that the world is better today with it's higher levels of income inequality, job stagnation and offshoring, high unemployment rates, fractured pension plans, low minimum wages, high housing prices, expensive gas. Tell them to quit their belly-aching and learn to love the features of the modern world.

That was an easy question. After we got that SOB, Nixon, out, I voted republican all the way up to Bush II.
Time to have an "encounter group" or EST session or whatever the hell you guys did in the 70s and help your fellow liberals who keep yammering on about how they want to bring back 50s tax rates and low levels of income inequality and unions and defined benefit pensions and such. Tell them that the world is better today with it's higher levels of income inequality, job stagnation and offshoring, high unemployment rates, fractured pension plans, low minimum wages, high housing prices, expensive gas. Tell them to quit their belly-aching and learn to love the features of the modern world.

That was an easy question. After we got that SOB, Nixon, out, I voted republican all the way up to Bush II.

So let me get this straight - you voted for Kennedy and Johnson and McGovern and Obama, but you managed to avoid Carter and Clinton. So all the destruction launched from the 1960s falls into your lap, huh? Thanks for that. Nothing like a little societal sabotage to ruin a society. I'm not sure that bypassing Carter and Clinton makes up for voting for Kennedy, and Johnson. You could have voted for Goldwater and you went with Johnson. Thanks, thanks a lot. You could have saved my human rights and instead you joined the jackboot brigades and trampled them.
The 50s were great. Negroes and homos and women knew their place, and rock & roll was Satan's music.

Good times.
Wow an anti homo rant in post three. That must be a record.

Everyone thinks the old days were better. The fact is the old west wasn't the old west. And the good old days weren't always good.

The 50s were great. Negroes and homos and women knew their place, and rock & roll was Satan's music.

Good times.
Wow an anti homo rant in post three. That must be a record.

Everyone thinks the old days were better. The fact is the old west wasn't the old west. And the good old days weren't always good.

I talk to my parents, in-laws and grandparents and they see things differently. They make the distinction, with some prompting from me because the original observation came from my grandfather, between the conveniences of modern life brought by technology and the benefits of life in the eras of their youth - tighter community, more shared values, deeper friendships not so easily torn asunder by everyone scattering to the four winds, neighborhood parents keeping watch on all of the kids, kids being safe to go play by themselves "far" from home and not under adult supervision. The culture was better, deeper, richer and more fulfilling back then.

All I've seen in my adult life is cultural degradation to an ever lower common denominator and more fractionalization and independence. People are atomizing their cultural universe. Cocooning. As liberals destroy the culture and society, cocooning is the only rational response. Social scientists are also finding the same.

ISTM that the ideal combination is new technology to make life easier and more varied alongside older cultural patterns.
The 50s were great. Negroes and homos and women knew their place, and rock & roll was Satan's music.

Good times.
Wow an anti homo rant in post three. That must be a record.

Everyone thinks the old days were better. The fact is the old west wasn't the old west. And the good old days weren't always good.

I think he meant it tongue-in-cheek. Don't ask me which tongue or which cheek, I am pure as the driven snow.

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