The 1950s were overrated!

Things today are better for many that didn't have opportunities. You never saw a woman doctor or lawyer/judge. Really smart women could only go into school teaching. Blacks worked mostly menial jobs which gave many whites the perception that this was all they were capable of. On the other hand there wasn't a drug problem. That started mid '60s.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face
I vaguely remember our first telly in about 56 or so . 77 Sunset Strip and Kookie [lend me your comb] was the big deal and Captain Kangaroo for kids in the morning . Mothers washed out diapers , cooked supper and noodles were noodles rather than pasta . TV was 1 or 2 channels , kids had freedom , I rode the bus by myself at about 7 years old to go to swimming lessons at the YMCA . I walked blocks by myself to go to the library , rode bikes to the coal flats to checkout the shale piles for fossils . Rode to the cemetery to scare ourselves silly at the gates of the mausoleum and to be chased by cemetery workers that chased us . Home by supper or a drink of water during the day and back out till called or the street lights came on . Perverts and molesters stayed hidden because if they messed with a little kid the father of the kid might do the right thing .
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face

You can't have it both ways. If only white males had good jobs, then that would imply that women and blacks were very, very poor. This would, of course, show up in the income inequality data, for inequality can grow both by the richer getting richer faster than the middle class/poor AND the poor getting really poor in comparison to the rich.

Sadly for your point of view, income inequality was at, or near, it's lowest point in the 1950s. This means that the gap between those poor women and blacks at the bottom and the rich white males was smaller than the gap of today.

So it seems that things really weren't so bad in terms of relative economic station in life for women and blacks back then.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face
Blacks had economic opportunity in the north and west. Women eventually played more of a role in the work place, but most felt the role as mother important. As we had more welfare, then both couples in a marriage had to work...two paycheck families to survive. That's when marriage meant something before these two paycheck pressures produced high divorce rates of 1970's. But traditional values needed to be destroyed for the socialist takeover of the United States. Sorry you hate America. It was a beautiful place at one time. But now it's gone.
wasn't illegal for a woman to be a judge or a lawyer , doctor so maybe SHE limited herself Jason . As far as blacks having poor jobs , well Detroit was pretty good for blacks getting jobs in the auto industry as I've heard that blacks moved from the south after ww2 to Detroit and other industrial cities in the north east USA . Can't argue about the black employment though as I've never looked into it . I only know that my Dad knew how to weld and one guy that my Dad described as a nice guy was also a welder and he was a black guy , both working on a railroadin the 50s and early 60s .
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face

You can't have it both ways. If only white males had good jobs, then that would imply that women and blacks were very, very poor. This would, of course, show up in the income inequality data, for inequality can grow both by the richer getting richer faster than the middle class/poor AND the poor getting really poor in comparison to the rich.

Sadly for your point of view, income inequality was at, or near, it's lowest point in the 1950s. This means that the gap between those poor women and blacks at the bottom and the rich white males was smaller than the gap of today.

So it seems that things really weren't so bad in terms of relative economic station in life for women and blacks back then.
Thanks for a totally useless post, we are all dumber for having read it

There was a HUGE disparity in the pay of women and blacks compared to white males
Thanks to civil rights and affirmative action, that disparity was diminished
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face

You can't have it both ways. If only white males had good jobs, then that would imply that women and blacks were very, very poor. This would, of course, show up in the income inequality data, for inequality can grow both by the richer getting richer faster than the middle class/poor AND the poor getting really poor in comparison to the rich.

Sadly for your point of view, income inequality was at, or near, it's lowest point in the 1950s. This means that the gap between those poor women and blacks at the bottom and the rich white males was smaller than the gap of today.

So it seems that things really weren't so bad in terms of relative economic station in life for women and blacks back then.
Thanks for a totally useless post, we are all dumber for having read it

There was a HUGE disparity in the pay of women and blacks compared to white males
Thanks to civil rights and affirmative action, that disparity was diminished
Oh man...we were and evil was soooo bad, sooooop many, we had to have a big cry to set it right...oh man...America sooo evil.'s 2014 guy. You got the shit nation that you wished for. Stop bitching.
wasn't illegal for a woman to be a judge or a lawyer , doctor so maybe SHE limited herself Jason . As far as blacks having poor jobs , well Detroit was pretty good for blacks getting jobs in the auto industry as I've heard that blacks moved from the south after ww2 to Detroit and other industrial cities in the north east USA . Can't argue about the black employment though as I've never looked into it . I only know that my Dad knew how to weld and one guy that my Dad described as a nice guy was also a welder and he was a black guy , both working on a railroadin the 50s and early 60s .

I love jamming this in the face of liberals. The RATE of income gains for black families was HIGHER in the pre-Civil Rights era than after. Look at how blacks closed the gap between themselves and whites between 1939 and 1949 compared to the TWO DECADE increase between 1969 and 1989.

wasn't illegal for a woman to be a judge or a lawyer , doctor so maybe SHE limited herself Jason . As far as blacks having poor jobs , well Detroit was pretty good for blacks getting jobs in the auto industry as I've heard that blacks moved from the south after ww2 to Detroit and other industrial cities in the north east USA . Can't argue about the black employment though as I've never looked into it . I only know that my Dad knew how to weld and one guy that my Dad described as a nice guy was also a welder and he was a black guy , both working on a railroadin the 50s and early 60s .

I love jamming this in the face of liberals. The RATE of income gains for black families was HIGHER in the pre-Civil Rights era than after. Look at how blacks closed the gap between themselves and whites between 1939 and 1949 compared to the TWO DECADE increase between 1969 and 1989.

Truth is hard to refute. Gee, I look at your stats and I don't see any victims.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face

You can't have it both ways. If only white males had good jobs, then that would imply that women and blacks were very, very poor. This would, of course, show up in the income inequality data, for inequality can grow both by the richer getting richer faster than the middle class/poor AND the poor getting really poor in comparison to the rich.

Sadly for your point of view, income inequality was at, or near, it's lowest point in the 1950s. This means that the gap between those poor women and blacks at the bottom and the rich white males was smaller than the gap of today.

So it seems that things really weren't so bad in terms of relative economic station in life for women and blacks back then.
Thanks for a totally useless post, we are all dumber for having read it

There was a HUGE disparity in the pay of women and blacks compared to white males
Thanks to civil rights and affirmative action, that disparity was diminished

Here's a good rule of thumb for people to follow: Whenever a liberal declares something to be so, you know it's wrong. See post #70.

1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.
Again....most well paying jobs were reserved for white males

Blacks and women better know their place and gays better not show their face

You can't have it both ways. If only white males had good jobs, then that would imply that women and blacks were very, very poor. This would, of course, show up in the income inequality data, for inequality can grow both by the richer getting richer faster than the middle class/poor AND the poor getting really poor in comparison to the rich.

Sadly for your point of view, income inequality was at, or near, it's lowest point in the 1950s. This means that the gap between those poor women and blacks at the bottom and the rich white males was smaller than the gap of today.

So it seems that things really weren't so bad in terms of relative economic station in life for women and blacks back then.
Thanks for a totally useless post, we are all dumber for having read it

There was a HUGE disparity in the pay of women and blacks compared to white males
Thanks to civil rights and affirmative action, that disparity was diminished

Here's a good rule of thumb for people to follow: Whenever a liberal declares something to be so, you know it's wrong. See post #70.

Governor Reagan on target.
Who rated the 50's? The freaking media's version of the 50's is as fake as Tinsel Town. Korean War Vets found out that the media thought Harry Truman's and Dugout Doug MacArthur's legacy was more important than focusing on the criminal negligence that got 50,000 Troops killed in three years.
Governor Reagan on target.

This really is an interesting phenomenon. How does it come to be that liberals are so wrong about so many things and yet they believe, contrary to facts, evidence, and reality, that they are actually correct in their viewpoint? It's like a mass delusion but there are no obvious mind-control camps that liberals are sent to which conservatives are not, so how does this false knowledge and surety of the knowledge get implanted within them?

This research program could make the career of some enterprising psychologist.
Governor Reagan on target.

This really is an interesting phenomenon. How does it come to be that liberals are so wrong about so many things and yet they believe, contrary to facts, evidence, and reality, that they are actually correct in their viewpoint? It's like a mass delusion but there are no obvious mind-control camps that liberals are sent to which conservatives are not, so how does this false knowledge and surety of the knowledge get implanted within them?

This research program could make the career of some enterprising psychologist.
Liberals have a "victim vs. establishment" mentality. Facts do not matter to liberals . They want a revolution to make things right. Look at FBI profile of American political assassin. Leftist. Their one desperate act will correct all wrongs of the "system" that keeps them down.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
You got off to an unfortunate start.....time to get off your ass and catch millions are.

To include my two neighbors.
Last edited:
also funny that MANY that weren't here during the 50s and other earlier times are the biggest critics of the 50s and earlier times in the USA . Gotta be partly due to education and its overpaid teachers .

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