The 1950s were overrated!

What do you guys think of censorship? Do you think comic books should be censored?
What do you guys think of censorship? Do you think comic books should be censored?[/QUOTE
I think you should find some long pants and go talk to the recruiter.


I think you would love this comic.
Say what you want, I'll take that era over this one any day.

Why? In that era they censored the hell out of comics? I would like a comic that is more like Saving Private Ryan than a John Wayne war fantasy.
No one censored comics in the 50s. During the war there was quite a bit of censorship but not in the 50s.

You may like a comic more like saving private Ryan. In the 50s no one else would. You are conflating public accommodation with censorship.

The 50s were a great time. It was the last time we were safe in our cities on our streets.
Well, since I was born and spent my early years in the 50's, I have to admit that I look back on those years very fondly. My mother and father were alive, and my brothers and sisters were all younger, in prime health and being as young as I was (the youngest of six), really didn't have a care in the world. Ed Sullivan was on Sunday evenings. Chet Huntley and David Brinkley were doing the NBC News. Our black and white TV got two channels, three if we waited until past 9:00PM at night and turned the antenna just right. I would leave the house at 8:00am and played in the neighborhood until supper time when my father would stand on the front porch and whistle. You'd better answer and come right now, else you'd get in deep trouble. And if you did something wrong? Every person in town knew who you were and you could count on a phone call to your parents. Course, that's when you went through an operator to make even a local call because the phones didn't have a dial. When you did pick up a phone to make a call, the operator that answered was more likely a friends mom and she'd ask how you and your parents were. Every car was as big as a house and it was no big deal to lay on the back deck in the rear window and go to sleep while your father drove down to the A&W for a root beer. 5 cents for a small mug. 10 cents for a large one, but that was usually for adults.

Yeah, it was a horrible time. Forgive me if I don't whine and moan about the horrible social issues of the time. I wish there were more times like it ahead.
You clearly were white and male and heterosexual.

Good times for folks like that, for sure! No darkies or homos allowed in the neighborhood. Women in the kitchen.

The only time you saw a darkie on the TV was on one of those satanic bandstand shows. And forget about some guy talking about being gay! They would have literally NUKED that station!

I'm sure it was just great for you. Who gives a shit how it was for the rest, amiright?
Hey, that guy sounds like a commie. Put him on a blacklist and make sure he never gets a job! If you don't think just like everyone else thinks, we have a problem.

You will be assimilated!
Why did people in the 1950s like movies and comics that sanitized and glorified war?

ummm.... they still do. That hasn't changed. But put the verb in the present tense and it's a very worthy question indeed.

Because they weren't pansy whiners.

Strangely revealing quip but I put it to you that war is the ultimate whine.
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Did black people feel bad because they had families with a mother and a father. They were forced to live in neighborhoods where there were no drive by and children asleep in their beds weren't killed. How terrible for them. They are much better off now. The leading cause of death among blacks is murder by other blacks.

Yeah women didn't have it so good. Mostly they got married and missed out on being fucked and dumped for the umpteenth time. Yes gays had to hide their perversion. No different than any other pervert though.

The 50s weren't perfect by any stretch they were just better than the sewer we have now. If there was any perfection to the 50s it would have been perfect for children. Children today will never know the freedom children had in the 50s. We used to go to the park and play all day. Today the mother whose child is playing in the park goes to prison. A fall off the monkey bars and a scraped knee would be the call for every mom available to bring a band aid and a few cookies. Those would be the oppressed women who baked cookies. The cookies were never poisoned. No one ever thought of it. It was understood from family to family that cookies were for everyone so they better be good.
Did black people feel bad because they had families with a mother and a father. They were forced to live in neighborhoods where there were no drive by and children asleep in their beds weren't killed. How terrible for them. They are much better off now. The leading cause of death among blacks is murder by other blacks.

Yeah women didn't have it so good. Mostly they got married and missed out on being fucked and dumped for the umpteenth time. Yes gays had to hide their perversion. No different than any other pervert though.

The 50s weren't perfect by any stretch they were just better than the sewer we have now. If there was any perfection to the 50s it would have been perfect for children. Children today will never know the freedom children had in the 50s. We used to go to the park and play all day. Today the mother whose child is playing in the park goes to prison. A fall off the monkey bars and a scraped knee would be the call for every mom available to bring a band aid and a few cookies. Those would be the oppressed women who baked cookies. The cookies were never poisoned. No one ever thought of it. It was understood from family to family that cookies were for everyone so they better be good.
Black people felt bad because they were denied basic human dignity. The right to go anywhere other Americans were allowed to go, the right to vote, the right to equal access of our laws

That was the 1950s

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