The 1950s were overrated!

Why did people in the 1950s like movies and comics that sanitized and glorified war?

ummm.... they still do. That hasn't changed. But put the verb in the present tense and it's a very worthy question indeed.

Because they weren't pansy whiners.

Strangely revealing quip but I put it to you that war is the ultimate whine.
Only for the loser.

Again, revealing, if not TMI. But I didn't mean after; I meant during.
Did black people feel bad because they had families with a mother and a father. They were forced to live in neighborhoods where there were no drive by and children asleep in their beds weren't killed. How terrible for them. They are much better off now. The leading cause of death among blacks is murder by other blacks.

Yeah women didn't have it so good. Mostly they got married and missed out on being fucked and dumped for the umpteenth time. Yes gays had to hide their perversion. No different than any other pervert though.

The 50s weren't perfect by any stretch they were just better than the sewer we have now. If there was any perfection to the 50s it would have been perfect for children. Children today will never know the freedom children had in the 50s. We used to go to the park and play all day. Today the mother whose child is playing in the park goes to prison. A fall off the monkey bars and a scraped knee would be the call for every mom available to bring a band aid and a few cookies. Those would be the oppressed women who baked cookies. The cookies were never poisoned. No one ever thought of it. It was understood from family to family that cookies were for everyone so they better be good.
Black people felt bad because they were denied basic human dignity. The right to go anywhere other Americans were allowed to go, the right to vote, the right to equal access of our laws

That was the 1950s

That was part of it.

Don't forget this guy and all the insanity that came with him...

And of course...

Say what you want, I'll take that era over this one any day.

Did black people feel bad because they had families with a mother and a father. They were forced to live in neighborhoods where there were no drive by and children asleep in their beds weren't killed. How terrible for them. They are much better off now. The leading cause of death among blacks is murder by other blacks.

Yeah women didn't have it so good. Mostly they got married and missed out on being fucked and dumped for the umpteenth time. Yes gays had to hide their perversion. No different than any other pervert though.

The 50s weren't perfect by any stretch they were just better than the sewer we have now. If there was any perfection to the 50s it would have been perfect for children. Children today will never know the freedom children had in the 50s. We used to go to the park and play all day. Today the mother whose child is playing in the park goes to prison. A fall off the monkey bars and a scraped knee would be the call for every mom available to bring a band aid and a few cookies. Those would be the oppressed women who baked cookies. The cookies were never poisoned. No one ever thought of it. It was understood from family to family that cookies were for everyone so they better be good.
Black people felt bad because they were denied basic human dignity. The right to go anywhere other Americans were allowed to go, the right to vote, the right to equal access of our laws

That was the 1950s

That was part of it.

Don't forget this guy and all the insanity that came with him...

And of course...

The duck and cover was fun. It broke up the boredom of school. We didn't have a/c in the schools then. Open the window was as good as it got on hot days.
Love the 1950s :clap:......and the 40s and 30s and 1920s and fact I love all the 20th century I love the past.

“With each passing moment I'm becoming part of the past. There is no future for me, just the past steadily accumulating.”
Haruki Murakami.

oops ... but I'm thinking out loud .... my apologies!:biggrin:
yeah ' oldusafsniper ' , things were good in the 50tys . Mom at home and Dad made enough to support 5 kids and a nonworking Mom . I was born in 49 after the War , Dad never talked about the war except to say that he was there . I read all about the war in newspapers though starting as a 9 year old while war related trials were going on and the hunt and talk of Nazis was still sorta recent . [comic books , chuckle as I roll my eyes ] By the by , I haven't read the whole thread yet !!
1920s , my parents were born and both were born poor , old man survived the war , things were cool as he got a job and as he advanced job wise , made money , built new houses for my Mom and his 5 kids . 50s are gone , now parents send their kids to free meals at school and the kids start pre - pre school in diapers so that both parents can go to paying jobs at WalMart . Everyone whines and cries for free healthcare that their neighbors pay for because the young working couples at WALMART if married can't afford healthcare and daycare and disposable diapers on their own . Really pretty funny how far America has fallen since the 50s !!
In New York they went anyplace they wanted and voted for whoever they wanted to vote for. They could read and write back then. They didn't need self appointed community organizers to tell them who to vote for.

Please don't suggest that they have human dignity today and didn't before. They have drug addiction today. Black men call their women ho's today. Children have no idea who their fathers are. They can't read, write their own names or speak intelligently. Where you be at? You might call that dignity. They had dignity before they got welfare. Dignity was given away for a crack pioe.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.
In the 50s the streets of all black Harlem were safe enough to walk after dark. Rich people went there for the restaurants and night clubs. There were fabulous jazz clubs where those who could afford it went to see Louis Armstrong and Lena Horne.

The dangerous places were Italian Irish and later Puerto Rican.
Did black people feel bad because they had families with a mother and a father. They were forced to live in neighborhoods where there were no drive by and children asleep in their beds weren't killed. How terrible for them. They are much better off now. The leading cause of death among blacks is murder by other blacks.

Yeah women didn't have it so good. Mostly they got married and missed out on being fucked and dumped for the umpteenth time. Yes gays had to hide their perversion. No different than any other pervert though.

The 50s weren't perfect by any stretch they were just better than the sewer we have now. If there was any perfection to the 50s it would have been perfect for children. Children today will never know the freedom children had in the 50s. We used to go to the park and play all day. Today the mother whose child is playing in the park goes to prison. A fall off the monkey bars and a scraped knee would be the call for every mom available to bring a band aid and a few cookies. Those would be the oppressed women who baked cookies. The cookies were never poisoned. No one ever thought of it. It was understood from family to family that cookies were for everyone so they better be good.
Black people felt bad because they were denied basic human dignity. The right to go anywhere other Americans were allowed to go, the right to vote, the right to equal access of our laws

That was the 1950s

That was part of it.

Don't forget this guy and all the insanity that came with him...

What does Ted Cruz have to do with any of this?
Greatest generation of Americans is dying off. Now look at us. A perversion of a constitutional republic; weak as a people impotent welfare state.
In the 50s the streets of all black Harlem were safe enough to walk after dark. Rich people went there for the restaurants and night clubs. There were fabulous jazz clubs where those who could afford it went to see Louis Armstrong and Lena Horne.

The dangerous places were Italian Irish and later Puerto Rican.

Harlem is still a great place to live

Even the Clinton's moved there
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
I know some of you want to go back to the 50s. I think the 1950s were overrated. I would never want to go back to the 1950s. In the 1950s they censored comic books and as a believer of freedom of speech I don't think any form of art should be relegated to children's entertainment!

Read this!

Do you support censorship of art?

The problem was not the censorship of art, it was a valid question of what was appropriate for Children. A lot of the horror and crime comics of that time had material that was pretty inappropriate. Yes, you did have the craziness of Fredrick Wertham claiming that Batman and Robin were gay...


Then again....

And, no, the government didn't "censor". The Comic Industry self regulated.
1950's were a great time in American history. Coming out of World War Two we had an economic boom for all races of people living in the United States. People acted decent and had decent behavior in public. Men knew their role as father and women theirs as mother. Now we are a freakish, hideous, weak society. Almost all men today, including the President, have refused to wear the uniform and defend their families and way of life. Pussies. We have soccer matches and Little League games where there are "no winners." We have a 100% anti-American city, San Francisco, on our west coast. We are weak and dying as a nation. Culturally the family has been broken and we have socialist welfare moms. If you have not wore the uniform of the US Military should not be allowed to vote.

It was a great time to be a white, Christian male

Not so much for anyone else
Yeah, real bad place to live. Who wants a job and food on their table? Who wants national security? Sorry the USSR lost the Cold War fucko, it must of broke your heart.

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