The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

Yeah right, an "Asian" father went insane for no reason and stopped the rescue of his own daughter. But if the lifeguard was FEMALE he would have allowed it.

Or perhaps, the most likely and obvious scenario was that he was a devout Malaysian or Indonesian Muslim. This is where the catch phrase "liberalism is a mental disorder" comes into play.
Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?

Yeah right, an "Asian" father went insane for no reason and stopped the rescue of his own daughter. But if the lifeguard was FEMALE he would have allowed it. Or perhaps he was a devout Malaysian or Indonesian Muslim.

Has absolute jack shit to do with Liberalism OR religion. Again, you're simply making it up as you go.

There's no indication of Maylasian, Indonesian, Indian or any other nationality, let alone of any religion whatsoever. An "Asian" could be Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Taoist or any number of other things, NONE of which would be related to ancient pre-religion cultural patriarchy artifacts left over from thousands of years of tradition.

The level of pure pig-ignorance on this board is stupefying. :disbelief:

This is where the catch phrase "liberalism is a mental disorder" comes into play.

Actually this is where the phrase "grow up" comes into play. Do it.
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i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.
Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.
Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?
I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

The girl's father was a devout Muslim who would have rather seen his daughter dead than a male lifeguard touch her body in order to save her from drowning. The only culture in "Asia" who would behave like this are people of the Islamic faith. Even the honor killings in India are conducted by, mostly, drum roll please...PEOPLE OF THE MUSLIM FAITH.

Honour killings bring dishonour to India - Al Jazeera English

Killed in the name of 'honour'

"Honour killings" are traditionally associated with developing countries with significant Muslim populations, and India has been no exception.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In Honor Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men

Mohammad Shafia who murdered daughter in honour killing said he d do the same again Daily Mail Online
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I have heard of asian CULTURES who honor their fathers and whatnot, but I have never heard of anyone of hindu or buddhist faiths stoning, murdering, etc that were NOT muslim. Sorry Pogo. But that sucker is quacking all over the place.
I have heard of asian CULTURES who honor their fathers and whatnot, but I have never heard of anyone of hindu or buddhist faiths stoning, murdering, etc that were NOT muslim. Sorry Pogo. But that sucker is quacking all over the place.
Liberals live in this alternate universe. "Whatever Islamic savages do, Americans do as well, other "Asian" people would rather see their daughter die than be saved by a male lifeguard (he just can't name one now, LOL), etc.". The list is long and needless to say they live in a constant state of denial and delusion, which is why "liberalism is a mental disorder" makes sense.
I already explained it to you. The Muslim faith considers women lower than dirt, they are like goats and cattle to men. Is it any coicidence that the countries where women suffer the most abuse are all if not most Muslim nations and societies? You liberals crack me up. You whine about women's rights but are the first to defend those that are the most abusive toward women.

AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

we don't know----we can make an educated guess. HOWEVER the whole story seems fishy to me. The father was described as a tall strong man who was able to FIGHT OFF a whole bunch of life guards. ----while his daughter was drowning----so THEY would not touch her??? It seems to me that HE could have saved her.---ie the tall strong father. It his story is just a "memory" of some lifeguard---who wants more female life guards around------it seems to
me his "memory" is something just convenient to his agenda (am I too cynical?)
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

"No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse." There's a specific group that always says that. They go out of their way equating everything. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

LOL You think yourself lucid. How funny.

Sorry if fact upsets you but it is, you know, fact. You get emotional whenever your neighborhood is portrayed as anything other than residing at the right hand of god in heaven. That isn't reality of course, but reality is a tough one for conservatives.

You could have shown where I was in error, but alas, I wasn't in error so you fell back on emotion. Fear and anger are the full repertoire of cons.

Reason, for some reason, is lacking. So, brreeeeaaath, don't immediately go to your emotions for a security blanket, and try to discuss the subject. It takes practice, not all can do it, but you are the little train that could! LOL
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

"No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse." There's a specific group that always says that. They go out of their way equating everything. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

LOL You think yourself lucid. How funny.

Sorry if fact upsets you but it is, you know, fact. You get emotional whenever your neighborhood is portrayed as anything other than residing at the right hand of god in heaven. That isn't reality of course, but reality is a tough one for conservatives.

You could have shown where I was in error, but alas, I wasn't in error so you fell back on emotion. Fear and anger are the full repertoire of cons.

Reason, for some reason, is lacking. So, brreeeeaaath, don't immediately go to your emotions for a security blanket, and try to discuss the subject. It takes practice, not all can do it, but you are the little train that could! LOL

to what neighborhood do you refer-------roudy's? which neighborhood is that?
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

"No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse." There's a specific group that always says that. They go out of their way equating everything. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

LOL You think yourself lucid. How funny.

Sorry if fact upsets you but it is, you know, fact. You get emotional whenever your neighborhood is portrayed as anything other than residing at the right hand of god in heaven. That isn't reality of course, but reality is a tough one for conservatives.

You could have shown where I was in error, but alas, I wasn't in error so you fell back on emotion. Fear and anger are the full repertoire of cons.

Reason, for some reason, is lacking. So, brreeeeaaath, don't immediately go to your emotions for a security blanket, and try to discuss the subject. It takes practice, not all can do it, but you are the little train that could! LOL

Oh look, more blah blah and feel goody melodrama.
AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

we don't know----we can make an educated guess. HOWEVER the whole story seems fishy to me. The father was described as a tall strong man who was able to FIGHT OFF a whole bunch of life guards. ----while his daughter was drowning----so THEY would not touch her??? It seems to me that HE could have saved her.---ie the tall strong father. It his story is just a "memory" of some lifeguard---who wants more female life guards around------it seems to
me his "memory" is something just convenient to his agenda (am I too cynical?)

Well you do have a point, I'm sure the lifeguard exaggerated the tale to make it juicy. But the underlying theme of the article is, "they need to hire more female lifeguards" so that the Muslim women who are about to drown don't have to get grabbed, touched, poked, probed and felt by the male lifeguards. LOL. And there is basically one culture out there so obsessed with oppressing and persecuting their women that they would rather let them drown rather than lose control over them...the Islamic one.
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I saw it on the news on AOL. Wow. Sure are pushing a story to make it seem current.

Still....I keep hearing a duck quacking.
So sad to think that a father didn't want his daughter saved because she would be touched by a lifeguard.

Dubai drowning: 'More women could die without female lifeguards' says safety chief after dad stops daughter's rescue
The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as it would have caused 'dishonour'

  • The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as it would have caused 'dishonour'

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  • The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as it would have caused 'dishonour'

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  • The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as it would have caused 'dishonour'

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  • The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as it would have caused 'dishonour'

    " data-content-image="">Pinterest

Drowning: The 20-year-old died after getting into difficulty off the coast of Dubai
A Dubai safety chief has warned more people could drown in the city unless female lifeguards are hired to save struggling women and girls.

A woman drowned off the coast of Dubai when her father stopped male lifeguards trying to save her because it would 'dishonour' her.

The man reportedly grappled with lifeguards as they tried to save the 20-year-old woman as he did not want them to touch her.

Continue reading at:
Dubai drowning More women could die without female lifeguards says safety chief after dad stops daughter s rescue - Mirror Online?

You can find the same and similar in the U.S. People who's religious beliefs don't allow them to get medical help for their children. Or keep them from getting their children vaccinated.

You want to talk about a line between freedom of religion and life? Well which is it? Should someone be forced, against their religious beliefs, to save their life? Isn't allowing your child to die because of your religious beliefs a form of abortion?

And when that happens, they're prosecuted. So eat shit and die.
AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

The girl's father was a devout Muslim who would have rather seen his daughter dead than a male lifeguard touch her body in order to save her from drowning. The only culture in "Asia" who would behave like this are people of the Islamic faith. Even the honor killings in India are conducted by, mostly, drum roll please...PEOPLE OF THE MUSLIM FAITH.

Honour killings bring dishonour to India - Al Jazeera English

Killed in the name of 'honour'

"Honour killings" are traditionally associated with developing countries with significant Muslim populations, and India has been no exception.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In Honor Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men

Mohammad Shafia who murdered daughter in honour killing said he d do the same again Daily Mail Online

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

----- Number one, there's absolutely no mention of "devout" (or non-devout) "Muslim" (or any other religion) attached to the father, the daughter, the lifeguards, the police who arrested him, the writer, the publisher, the owner of the internet server it sits on, the local ice cream vendor, anyone in the story at all, anywhere. Including its source links. You're pulling this shit completely out of your ass.

---- Number two, the concept of "honor killing" is widespread worldwide, especially among tribal units with a nomadic historical background, practiced in Mediterranean Europe (rooting back to ancient Rome's doctrine of pater familias) as well as the Inca and Aztecs in the Americas. NONE of them were Muslim, as Islam hadn't even been invented yet --- which again confirms my characterization of a socio-CULTURAL/tribal tradition... not a religious one.

Italy didn't toughen its laws against it until less than forty years ago (1981). Brazil didn't clamp down until 1991. Yet none of those Italian or Brazilian honor killings had jack squat to do with being Catholic.

>> The cultural features which lead to honor killings are complex. Honor killings involve violence and fear as a tool of maintaining control. Honor killings are argued to have their origin among nomadic peoples and herdsmen: such populations carry all their valuables with them and risk having them stolen, and do not have proper recourse to law. As a result, inspiring fear, using aggression, and cultivating a reputation for violent revenge in order to protect property is preferred to other behaviors. In societies where there is a weak rule of law, people must build fierce reputations.[22]

In many cultures where honor is of central value, men are sources, or active generators /agents of that honor, while the only effect that women can have on honor is to destroy it. << -- Honor Killing Wiki Page

>> The incident in Subalpur village in West Bengal’s Birbhum district, in which a 20-year-old tribal woman was gang-raped by a dozen men as punishment for alleged immoral conduct, is shocking in its unimaginable brutality and points to a larger malaise. The order by a kangaroo court led by a village headman is proof that a section of rural India is outside the pale of the country’s constitutional values and judicial system. Ill-informed men with medieval social attitudes and patriarchal prejudices are allowed to adjudicate on the conduct and morality of women and pass unconscionable forms of punishment, such as social ostracism, payment of arbitrary fines and, as in this case, sexual violence in lieu of monetary penalty. <<
That's in India, from this page full of honour killing news, and it illustrates AGAIN the tribal sociocultural origins that have nothing to do with Hinduism, or Sikhism, or Islam or any other religion.

Oh wait, I already said that. You just weren't listening.

---- Number three, honor killing is prohibited in Islam anyway:

>> There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.

First of all, in order to sanction killing, it must be through a binding verdict issued by an authoritative law court. Individuals themselves have no authority either to judge cases or pass judgments. Therefore, a Muslim should not sanction such killing because doing so will be leading to the rule of the law of the jungle. A civilized society cannot be run by such laws.” --- Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, senior lecturer and Islamic scholar, Islamic Institute of Toronto

“Like all other religions, Islam strictly prohibits murder and killing without legal justification. Allah, Most High, says, “Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell for ever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.” (An-Nisa’: 93)

The so-called “honor killing” is based on ignorance and disregard of morals and laws, which cannot be abolished except by disciplinary punishments.

It goes without saying that people are not entitled to take the law in their own hands, for it’s the responsibility of the Muslim State and its concerned bodies to maintain peace, security, etc., and to prevent chaos and disorder from creeping into the Muslim society.”--- Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee (source for both here)​

---- Number four, if this bullshit you pick out of your nose had any validity we should expect to see honor killings wherever we see Islam, yet we don't. On the other hand India's swimming in it, and trying to pass its own tougher legislation. Trying to pass laws to change culture -- kinda like gun control laws here.

I'm pretty sure there's not a whole lotta Muslims in India. I'm pretty sure that's why they divided the British colonial territory into India and Pakistan.

Albania had/has a long tradition of it within the Kanun, the local oral-tradition community laws that are thought to date all the way back to the Bronze Age, Islam didn't even reach Albania until the 14th century and is only followed by slightly over half the population; yet honor killings were fairly common in rural Albania (and elsewhere in the Balkans) up until the dictatorial communist government took over after WWII.

The Incas and Aztecs encountered by the Spanish were practicing it, as well as in our own time the Cosa Nostra, who tend to use machine guns, in a tradition of "honor" that goes back to ancient Rome.

None of this shit has anything to do with Islam, which did not exist in ancient Rome, which did not exist in the Bronze Age, which did not exist among the Native Americans of the 16th century. Nor, by definition, does it exist among Hindus and Sikhs in India. Nor does the Mafia doing it make it "Catholic".

---- And number five, we did all this shit before, you and your ilk got your asses handed back to you then, and here you come with the same made-up crap expecting different results. All you're doing here is trying to foment hate by making shit up with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. When you do that, yer gonna get yer ass called on it, pronto.
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I have heard of asian CULTURES who honor their fathers and whatnot, but I have never heard of anyone of hindu or buddhist faiths stoning, murdering, etc that were NOT muslim. Sorry Pogo. But that sucker is quacking all over the place.

I don't know what rock you hide under to not know about bride burnings and honour killings going on in India for thousands of years but here's an entire page of gory stories. Let me know when you find one that has anything to do with "Islam".
AGAIN -- WHERE do you see any mention of anybody's religion here?

Are we lost on what the word "where" means?

It says he was a tourist, describing him only as "Asian". Far as I know "Asian" is not a religion.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

we don't know----we can make an educated guess. HOWEVER the whole story seems fishy to me. The father was described as a tall strong man who was able to FIGHT OFF a whole bunch of life guards.

The story describes two. Not sure two can be characterized as "a whole bunch".
The girl was already drowning when they tried to act. I don't even swim and even I know when somebody's drowning, seconds count. He didn't need to "fight them off" -- all he had to do was delay them long enough for her to drown, which he did.

----while his daughter was drowning----so THEY would not touch her??? It seems to me that HE could have saved her.---ie the tall strong father. It his story is just a "memory" of some lifeguard---who wants more female life guards around------it seems to
me his "memory" is something just convenient to his agenda (am I too cynical?)

What might his "agenda" be in simply recounting an incident from 1996?
I have heard of asian CULTURES who honor their fathers and whatnot, but I have never heard of anyone of hindu or buddhist faiths stoning, murdering, etc that were NOT muslim. Sorry Pogo. But that sucker is quacking all over the place.

I don't know what rock you hide under to not know about bride burnings and honour killings going on in India for thousands of years but here's an entire page of gory stories. Let me know when you find one that has anything to do with "Islam".
Are Hindus engaging in honor killings at Dubai and in the US now? Not that I've heard. So...irrelevant. Quit defending murderous Islam.
I have heard of asian CULTURES who honor their fathers and whatnot, but I have never heard of anyone of hindu or buddhist faiths stoning, murdering, etc that were NOT muslim. Sorry Pogo. But that sucker is quacking all over the place.

Liberals live in this alternate universe. "Whatever Islamic savages do, Americans do as well, other "Asian" people would rather see their daughter die than be saved by a male lifeguard (he just can't name one now, LOL), etc.". The list is long and needless to say they live in a constant state of denial and delusion, which is why "liberalism is a mental disorder" makes sense.

There is exactly the same amount of "Liberals" related to this story as there is the amount of "religions" --- zero.

Aw come on, get real here, we are in a Muslim country, and the lifeguards because they were male were not allowed to save the girl. You're grasping at straws here. It's not like this barbaric faith hasn't caused Muslims to do this kind of barbarity before.

And AGAIN .... the officials IN that country, ON the scene, who are presumably themselves Muslims, tried to rescue the girl, were stopped by the intervening "Asian" father, and then arrested and sued him for what he did.

>> Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.

““This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.

... Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job.
"He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.” --- Emirates 24/7 <<​

Col. Burquibah was apparently relating a story from two decades ago that still haunts him.. For exactly the same reason it haunts us.

--- And yet somehow you want to blame "Islam". In a story that makes no mention of any kind of religion at all.

What's wrong with this picture?
Whats wrong with this pictures is....drumroll....islam is known for honor killings. Therefore, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. In this case, it turned out to be a turkey.

No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Second thing wrong with this picture is....drumroll...why print that story NOW? And who reported it? Or rather, who chose to have it reported? MEDIA. And what was the MEDIA's true agenda in printing this old story?
Lots of things wrong with this. Not just one thing.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

we don't know----we can make an educated guess. HOWEVER the whole story seems fishy to me. The father was described as a tall strong man who was able to FIGHT OFF a whole bunch of life guards. ----while his daughter was drowning----so THEY would not touch her??? It seems to me that HE could have saved her.---ie the tall strong father. It his story is just a "memory" of some lifeguard---who wants more female life guards around------it seems to
me his "memory" is something just convenient to his agenda (am I too cynical?)

Well you do have a point, I'm sure the lifeguard exaggerated the tale to make it juicy. But the underlying theme of the article is, "they need to hire more female lifeguards" so that the Muslim women who are about to drown don't have to get grabbed, touched, poked, probed and felt by the male lifeguards. LOL. And there is basically one culture out there so obsessed with oppressing and persecuting their women that they would rather let them drown rather than lose control over them...the Islamic one.

Islam isn't a "culture" stupid --- it's a religion. And AGAIN there's no reference whatsoever to what the tourists' religion might have been, if they even have one. "Asian" is neither a culture nor a religion.

Are these simple concepts completely over your pointy little head, or what?

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