The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as

Sorry to disappoint you, Pogo, but simple me is simple me. When I hear about someone being stoned to death or heads lopped off or honor killings I immediately think ISLAM. So let it be written so shall it be done my head. And I am not inclined to change my initial gut reaction to what is blatantly obvious. Islam sucks. Actually, most religions suck. Which is why I walk my own path.

Dad didn't want MEN to save his daughter due to it being dishonorable, 10 to 1 its a fuckin muslim.

Most people would think that. The phrase "dishonored him" is always Muslim.
What a stupid reason to let your loved one die. Seems logical that instinct would take over and he'd rush them out to save her .How could you just do nothing.

Because a female is not worth more than goat to a devout Muslim. They are allowed to legally have multiple wives, they are allowed to beat their women. What do you expect? Funny part is these so called "pro women, feminist" liberals are always the first ones rushing to their defense.

Id hate to think what would happen if they got in a normal disagreement with these men.

Over the top, extreme feminist are idiots. More often than not, they actually hurt women s rights...and they dont even see it. lol
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.
Last edited:
Sorry to disappoint you, Pogo, but simple me is simple me. When I hear about someone being stoned to death or heads lopped off or honor killings I immediately think ISLAM. So let it be written so shall it be done my head. And I am not inclined to change my initial gut reaction to what is blatantly obvious. Islam sucks. Actually, most religions suck. Which is why I walk my own path.

Dad didn't want MEN to save his daughter due to it being dishonorable, 10 to 1 its a fuckin muslim.

Most people would think that. The phrase "dishonored him" is always Muslim.

Bull SHIT.

Read the thread.
I tried to open the link and it said "argh something went wrong"
Whats bullshit? Anytime I hear of a person being harmed in the name of "dishonoring a loved one" I think Muslim.They live by their law.

Now when I first saw this I immediately thought Muslim (because of what THEY say) or out of wack Christian.

....You are quoting from the Old Testament.
I tried to open the link and it said "argh something went wrong"
Whats bullshit? Anytime I hear of a person being harmed in the name of "dishonoring a loved one" I think Muslim.They live by their law.

Now when I first saw this I immediately thought Muslim (because of what THEY say) or out of wack Christian.

....You are quoting from the Old Testament.

AGAIN ---- NOWHERE in the article is anything about any religion at all mentioned, whatsoever. Roudy inserted that, because he's pulling it out of his ass. He's been thoroughly handed his ass on that fabrication, and not for the first time.

And AGAIN -- the setting is Dubai, predominantly Muslim. Therefore the police that arrested the father for what he did, the court system that prosecuted him, and the lifeguards themselves, are presumably most likely Muslim. That's who this "honor" freak is FIGHTING.

The father who intervened to let his daughter drown is a foreigner. Therefore we don't know anything about his religion, even as a guess, or if he even practices one.

Nor would we, because it wouldn't have been a question asked at the time, because "honor killing" is a sociocultural tradition -- NOT A RELIGIOUS ONE. Has nothing to do with Islam; has nothing to do with Sikhism; has nothing to do with Hinduism; has nothing to do with Christianism. ZERO. It's older than all that shit.
The big complaint in the article was that there needs to be more women lifeguards in this Muslim country, why? Because devout Muslim assholes like this girl's father who treat their women like cattle, would feel more at ease
This ^

Then why is this "Muslim" asshole father arrested and prosecuted by the local "Muslim" authorities, if it's an "Islam" thing? Why is Colonel Burqibah haunted by it two decades on?

I've questioned this obvious paradox all day today. Nobody's dared to even touch it.

That ^
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:
The big complaint in the article was that there needs to be more women lifeguards in this Muslim country, why? Because devout Muslim assholes like this girl's father who treat their women like cattle, would feel more at ease
This ^

Then why is this "Muslim" asshole father arrested and prosecuted by the local "Muslim" authorities, if it's an "Islam" thing? Why is Colonel Burqibah haunted by it two decades on?

I've questioned this obvious paradox all day today. Nobody's dared to even touch it.

That ^
I don't really care. If there is an honor killing, you can doubledamn guarantee its a muslim.
No actually it isn't. That's only if you read hacks like Roudy who are clearly making it up as they go.
"Honor killings" are a cultural artifact left over from thousands of years of patriarchal traditions. They still go on in some cultures -- because it's a cultural thing -- exclusive of any religion.

For example they go on in both India and Pakistan, committed by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.... men who have nothing in common in religion but very much have the subcontinent cultural traditions in common. On the other hand they don't happen in, say, Morocco or Tunisia, which are as Muslim as they come.

So the commonality here is culture -- not religion. And this cultural bullshit was around long before any of those religions were even founded. It's got DEEP roots. As a woman you need to know this.

Yup, I pointed out that it's from 1996. I always check out these scary-monster stories from the middle east; we take them with many grains of salt.

Bottom line though, there's no mention of anybody's religion here; and if we want to assume one, well the authorites who tried to save the girl were local in Dubai --- which means Muslims. They were trying to be the good guys.

Somebody needs to walk me through how we get "Islam did this" out of that. Why would these (presumably Muslim) officials arrest the guy and prosecute him, if that's the case? Hm?

The girl's father was a devout Muslim who would have rather seen his daughter dead than a male lifeguard touch her body in order to save her from drowning. The only culture in "Asia" who would behave like this are people of the Islamic faith. Even the honor killings in India are conducted by, mostly, drum roll please...PEOPLE OF THE MUSLIM FAITH.

Honour killings bring dishonour to India - Al Jazeera English

Killed in the name of 'honour'

"Honour killings" are traditionally associated with developing countries with significant Muslim populations, and India has been no exception.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In Honor Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men

Mohammad Shafia who murdered daughter in honour killing said he d do the same again Daily Mail Online

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

----- Number one, there's absolutely no mention of "devout" (or non-devout) "Muslim" (or any other religion) attached to the father, the daughter, the lifeguards, the police who arrested him, the writer, the publisher, the owner of the internet server it sits on, the local ice cream vendor, anyone in the story at all, anywhere. Including its source links. You're pulling this shit completely out of your ass.

---- Number two, the concept of "honor killing" is widespread worldwide, especially among tribal units with a nomadic historical background, practiced in Mediterranean Europe (rooting back to ancient Rome's doctrine of pater familias) as well as the Inca and Aztecs in the Americas. NONE of them were Muslim, as Islam hadn't even been invented yet --- which again confirms my characterization of a socio-CULTURAL/tribal tradition... not a religious one.

Italy didn't toughen its laws against it until less than forty years ago (1981). Brazil didn't clamp down until 1991. Yet none of those Italian or Brazilian honor killings had jack squat to do with being Catholic.

>> The cultural features which lead to honor killings are complex. Honor killings involve violence and fear as a tool of maintaining control. Honor killings are argued to have their origin among nomadic peoples and herdsmen: such populations carry all their valuables with them and risk having them stolen, and do not have proper recourse to law. As a result, inspiring fear, using aggression, and cultivating a reputation for violent revenge in order to protect property is preferred to other behaviors. In societies where there is a weak rule of law, people must build fierce reputations.[22]

In many cultures where honor is of central value, men are sources, or active generators /agents of that honor, while the only effect that women can have on honor is to destroy it. << -- Honor Killing Wiki Page

>> The incident in Subalpur village in West Bengal’s Birbhum district, in which a 20-year-old tribal woman was gang-raped by a dozen men as punishment for alleged immoral conduct, is shocking in its unimaginable brutality and points to a larger malaise. The order by a kangaroo court led by a village headman is proof that a section of rural India is outside the pale of the country’s constitutional values and judicial system. Ill-informed men with medieval social attitudes and patriarchal prejudices are allowed to adjudicate on the conduct and morality of women and pass unconscionable forms of punishment, such as social ostracism, payment of arbitrary fines and, as in this case, sexual violence in lieu of monetary penalty. <<
That's in India, from this page full of honour killing news, and it illustrates AGAIN the tribal sociocultural origins that have nothing to do with Hinduism, or Sikhism, or Islam or any other religion.

Oh wait, I already said that. You just weren't listening.

---- Number three, honor killing is prohibited in Islam anyway:

>> There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.

First of all, in order to sanction killing, it must be through a binding verdict issued by an authoritative law court. Individuals themselves have no authority either to judge cases or pass judgments. Therefore, a Muslim should not sanction such killing because doing so will be leading to the rule of the law of the jungle. A civilized society cannot be run by such laws.” --- Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, senior lecturer and Islamic scholar, Islamic Institute of Toronto

“Like all other religions, Islam strictly prohibits murder and killing without legal justification. Allah, Most High, says, “Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell for ever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.” (An-Nisa’: 93)

The so-called “honor killing” is based on ignorance and disregard of morals and laws, which cannot be abolished except by disciplinary punishments.

It goes without saying that people are not entitled to take the law in their own hands, for it’s the responsibility of the Muslim State and its concerned bodies to maintain peace, security, etc., and to prevent chaos and disorder from creeping into the Muslim society.”--- Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee (source for both here)​

---- Number four, if this bullshit you pick out of your nose had any validity we should expect to see honor killings wherever we see Islam, yet we don't. On the other hand India's swimming in it, and trying to pass its own tougher legislation. Trying to pass laws to change culture -- kinda like gun control laws here.

I'm pretty sure there's not a whole lotta Muslims in India. I'm pretty sure that's why they divided the British colonial territory into India and Pakistan.

Albania had/has a long tradition of it within the Kanun, the local oral-tradition community laws that are thought to date all the way back to the Bronze Age, Islam didn't even reach Albania until the 14th century and is only followed by slightly over half the population; yet honor killings were fairly common in rural Albania (and elsewhere in the Balkans) up until the dictatorial communist government took over after WWII.

The Incas and Aztecs encountered by the Spanish were practicing it, as well as in our own time the Cosa Nostra, who tend to use machine guns, in a tradition of "honor" that goes back to ancient Rome.

None of this shit has anything to do with Islam, which did not exist in ancient Rome, which did not exist in the Bronze Age, which did not exist among the Native Americans of the 16th century. Nor, by definition, does it exist among Hindus and Sikhs in India. Nor does the Mafia doing it make it "Catholic".

---- And number five, we did all this shit before, you and your ilk got your asses handed back to you then, and here you come with the same made-up crap expecting different results. All you're doing here is trying to foment hate by making shit up with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. When you do that, yer gonna get yer ass called on it, pronto.

Yawn. Typical liberal-speak. Fact is, honor killings, child brides, women as slaves are more prevalent in Muslim societies. You listing exceptions here and there doesn't add up didly, compared to general systemic problem with Muslim societies, all having to do with the way their prophet, who married an 8 year old treated women. And, since he is considered the most perfect human being :lmao: in Islam, Muslim men model their lives after him. :Boom2:

The father of the girl didn't let his daughter die than allow the male lifeguards close to his daughter. The big complaint in the article was that there needs to be more women lifeguards in this Muslim country, why? Because devout Muslim assholes like this girl's father who treat their women like cattle, would feel more at ease. UAE is a Muslim country, and the vast majority of visitors there are from Muslim countries. So I would say yes, the asshole was most likely an Asian from a Muslim country like Indonesia or Malaysia which has the most Muslims in the world.

In other words you reject any facts that oppose your hatred of particular groups.

Enough said.

Not as much as you stretch and contort the truth in an effort to whitewash the barbarity emanating from a particular group. Not to mention the bullshit comparisons and equating the U.S. with said groups and their behavior.

That's what your mind tells you anyway.
The big complaint in the article was that there needs to be more women lifeguards in this Muslim country, why? Because devout Muslim assholes like this girl's father who treat their women like cattle, would feel more at ease
This ^

Then why is this "Muslim" asshole father arrested and prosecuted by the local "Muslim" authorities, if it's an "Islam" thing? Why is Colonel Burqibah haunted by it two decades on?

I've questioned this obvious paradox all day today. Nobody's dared to even touch it.

That ^
I don't really care. If there is an honor killing, you can doubledamn guarantee its a muslim.

Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:

Could be. Nobody knows because nobody asked because it's irrelevant what his religion is.

This "honor" bullshit isn't a part of religions. It's part of ancient social structure and based on devices to control women's power. That's a dynamic that came WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY before anybody invented religion.

Half a year from now we'll have Christmas lights and mistletoe up. Is that "religious"?
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:

Could be. Nobody knows because nobody asked because it's irrelevant.

Bet he is Muslim and had he not been, she'd be alive today.
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:

Wrong! Pogo said it was either a Hindu or a Chinese guy. And when pogo speaks, people listen. :ack-1:
The girl's father was a devout Muslim who would have rather seen his daughter dead than a male lifeguard touch her body in order to save her from drowning. The only culture in "Asia" who would behave like this are people of the Islamic faith. Even the honor killings in India are conducted by, mostly, drum roll please...PEOPLE OF THE MUSLIM FAITH.

Honour killings bring dishonour to India - Al Jazeera English

Killed in the name of 'honour'

"Honour killings" are traditionally associated with developing countries with significant Muslim populations, and India has been no exception.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In Honor Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men

Mohammad Shafia who murdered daughter in honour killing said he d do the same again Daily Mail Online

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

----- Number one, there's absolutely no mention of "devout" (or non-devout) "Muslim" (or any other religion) attached to the father, the daughter, the lifeguards, the police who arrested him, the writer, the publisher, the owner of the internet server it sits on, the local ice cream vendor, anyone in the story at all, anywhere. Including its source links. You're pulling this shit completely out of your ass.

---- Number two, the concept of "honor killing" is widespread worldwide, especially among tribal units with a nomadic historical background, practiced in Mediterranean Europe (rooting back to ancient Rome's doctrine of pater familias) as well as the Inca and Aztecs in the Americas. NONE of them were Muslim, as Islam hadn't even been invented yet --- which again confirms my characterization of a socio-CULTURAL/tribal tradition... not a religious one.

Italy didn't toughen its laws against it until less than forty years ago (1981). Brazil didn't clamp down until 1991. Yet none of those Italian or Brazilian honor killings had jack squat to do with being Catholic.

>> The cultural features which lead to honor killings are complex. Honor killings involve violence and fear as a tool of maintaining control. Honor killings are argued to have their origin among nomadic peoples and herdsmen: such populations carry all their valuables with them and risk having them stolen, and do not have proper recourse to law. As a result, inspiring fear, using aggression, and cultivating a reputation for violent revenge in order to protect property is preferred to other behaviors. In societies where there is a weak rule of law, people must build fierce reputations.[22]

In many cultures where honor is of central value, men are sources, or active generators /agents of that honor, while the only effect that women can have on honor is to destroy it. << -- Honor Killing Wiki Page

>> The incident in Subalpur village in West Bengal’s Birbhum district, in which a 20-year-old tribal woman was gang-raped by a dozen men as punishment for alleged immoral conduct, is shocking in its unimaginable brutality and points to a larger malaise. The order by a kangaroo court led by a village headman is proof that a section of rural India is outside the pale of the country’s constitutional values and judicial system. Ill-informed men with medieval social attitudes and patriarchal prejudices are allowed to adjudicate on the conduct and morality of women and pass unconscionable forms of punishment, such as social ostracism, payment of arbitrary fines and, as in this case, sexual violence in lieu of monetary penalty. <<
That's in India, from this page full of honour killing news, and it illustrates AGAIN the tribal sociocultural origins that have nothing to do with Hinduism, or Sikhism, or Islam or any other religion.

Oh wait, I already said that. You just weren't listening.

---- Number three, honor killing is prohibited in Islam anyway:

>> There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.

First of all, in order to sanction killing, it must be through a binding verdict issued by an authoritative law court. Individuals themselves have no authority either to judge cases or pass judgments. Therefore, a Muslim should not sanction such killing because doing so will be leading to the rule of the law of the jungle. A civilized society cannot be run by such laws.” --- Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, senior lecturer and Islamic scholar, Islamic Institute of Toronto

“Like all other religions, Islam strictly prohibits murder and killing without legal justification. Allah, Most High, says, “Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell for ever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.” (An-Nisa’: 93)

The so-called “honor killing” is based on ignorance and disregard of morals and laws, which cannot be abolished except by disciplinary punishments.

It goes without saying that people are not entitled to take the law in their own hands, for it’s the responsibility of the Muslim State and its concerned bodies to maintain peace, security, etc., and to prevent chaos and disorder from creeping into the Muslim society.”--- Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee (source for both here)​

---- Number four, if this bullshit you pick out of your nose had any validity we should expect to see honor killings wherever we see Islam, yet we don't. On the other hand India's swimming in it, and trying to pass its own tougher legislation. Trying to pass laws to change culture -- kinda like gun control laws here.

I'm pretty sure there's not a whole lotta Muslims in India. I'm pretty sure that's why they divided the British colonial territory into India and Pakistan.

Albania had/has a long tradition of it within the Kanun, the local oral-tradition community laws that are thought to date all the way back to the Bronze Age, Islam didn't even reach Albania until the 14th century and is only followed by slightly over half the population; yet honor killings were fairly common in rural Albania (and elsewhere in the Balkans) up until the dictatorial communist government took over after WWII.

The Incas and Aztecs encountered by the Spanish were practicing it, as well as in our own time the Cosa Nostra, who tend to use machine guns, in a tradition of "honor" that goes back to ancient Rome.

None of this shit has anything to do with Islam, which did not exist in ancient Rome, which did not exist in the Bronze Age, which did not exist among the Native Americans of the 16th century. Nor, by definition, does it exist among Hindus and Sikhs in India. Nor does the Mafia doing it make it "Catholic".

---- And number five, we did all this shit before, you and your ilk got your asses handed back to you then, and here you come with the same made-up crap expecting different results. All you're doing here is trying to foment hate by making shit up with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. When you do that, yer gonna get yer ass called on it, pronto.

Yawn. Typical liberal-speak. Fact is, honor killings, child brides, women as slaves are more prevalent in Muslim societies. You listing exceptions here and there doesn't add up didly, compared to general systemic problem with Muslim societies, all having to do with the way their prophet, who married an 8 year old treated women. And, since he is considered the most perfect human being :lmao: in Islam, Muslim men model their lives after him. :Boom2:

The father of the girl didn't let his daughter die than allow the male lifeguards close to his daughter. The big complaint in the article was that there needs to be more women lifeguards in this Muslim country, why? Because devout Muslim assholes like this girl's father who treat their women like cattle, would feel more at ease. UAE is a Muslim country, and the vast majority of visitors there are from Muslim countries. So I would say yes, the asshole was most likely an Asian from a Muslim country like Indonesia or Malaysia which has the most Muslims in the world.

In other words you reject any facts that oppose your hatred of particular groups.

Enough said.

Not as much as you stretch and contort the truth in an effort to whitewash the barbarity emanating from a particular group. Not to mention the bullshit comparisons and equating the U.S. with said groups and their behavior.

That's what your mind tells you anyway.

Good to see you and those voices in your head get along.
Blah blah blah.

Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:

Could be. Nobody knows because nobody asked because it's irrelevant what his religion is.

This "honor" bullshit isn't a part of religions. It's part of ancient social structure and based on devices to control women's power. That's a dynamic that came WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY before anybody invented religion.

Half a year from now we'll have Christmas lights and mistletoe up. Is that "religious"?
Yeah it's irrelevant what the guys religion is! <wink wink>

As long as it's not a Muslim. <wink wink>.

However if he's a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, or Sikh, then feel free to throw the book at him.

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