The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

You sir are a fucking FRAUD. You've been challenged all day to come up with some substantiation, have miserably and pitifully FAILED to come up with a single one --- and you want to claim somebody else has a "mental disorder"???

Fucking dishonest HACK.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

You sir are a fucking FRAUD. You've been challenged all day to come up with some substantiation, have miserably and pitifully FAILED to come up with a single one --- and you want to claim somebody else has a "mental disorder"???

Fucking hack.

Actually I did substantiate, SUBSTANTIALLY.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

You sir are a fucking FRAUD. You've been challenged all day to come up with some substantiation, have miserably and pitifully FAILED to come up with a single one --- and you want to claim somebody else has a "mental disorder"???

Fucking hack.

Actually I did substantiate, SUBSTANTIALLY.

You did absolutely nothing of the kind. And I knew you wouldn't be able to, because I actually read the links. And the links they came from. So I already knew you were pulling it out of your ass.

Dishonest HACK.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.

You're comparing a father watching his daughter drown because he doesn't want her to be touched by male faith healers?! Come on, get serious. Another liberal trying to equivocate and justify this barbarity.
Astute, profound and lucid. Clearly the rest of us are intellectually overmatched here.

Where do you get "Islam" out of this, speaking of brain cells?
Where in fact does it mention religion at all?

i was talking to a moron who claimed that you find the same or similar to this in the U.S.

No matter what barbarism occurs in the world, the U.S. Is always guilty of the same if not worse. There's a specific group that always does that. I suppose you're part of this enlightened group of people.

Yes, Islam does cause these abominations to occur. It is a violent, intolerant, and chauvinistic faith.

Again -- WHERE do you see "Islam", or any religion, mentioned anywhere here at all?

Is that question inconvenient?

Patriarchal culture perversion (PCP) caused this abomination to occur. It ain't got shit to do with religions. It's the same knuckledragging bullshit that brought us the wonders of "honor killings" and female genital mutilations. The local officials -- who presumably are themselves Muslims -- arrested this idiot and put him in the clink.

Ok sure it was a Christian. :lmao:

Could be. Nobody knows because nobody asked because it's irrelevant.

Bet he is Muslim and had he not been, she'd be alive today.

Based on -------- what?
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.

You're comparing a father watching his daughter drown because he doesn't want her to be touched by male faith healers?! Come on, get serious. Another liberal trying to equivocate and justify this barbarity.

You're a bald faced liar. Nobody here has tried to "justify" this shit.

Fuck the fuck you, ya fucking HACK.. :fu:
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.

You're comparing a father watching his daughter drown because he doesn't want her to be touched by male faith healers?! Come on, get serious. Another liberal trying to equivocate and justify this barbarity.

Again, I'm comparing a father watching his daughter drown because of his religious belief, with parents watching their children die because of their religious belief.

I understand that you're squirming out of this because you want to think that Islam is bad and Christianity is good. However we're dealing with different shades of gray here. Both are bad. Admit it.

Do you think parents who let their kid die because they refuse medicine for them is good or bad?
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?

Medieval isn't today. Christians and Jews aren't crucifying and chopping people's heads off TODAY. Do you understand the difference? Damn you're stupider than I thought and committed to your warped ideology.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Given your posting history, you're in no position to comment on the mental health of others.

Indeed, your unwarranted, unfounded hatred of all Muslims and Islam – in addition be being a ridiculous composition fallacy – is utterly irrational, obsessive, delusional, and paranoid.

Please seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.

You're comparing a father watching his daughter drown because he doesn't want her to be touched by male faith healers?! Come on, get serious. Another liberal trying to equivocate and justify this barbarity.

You're a bald faced liar. Nobody here has tried to "justify" this shit.

Fuck the fuck you, ya fucking HACK.. :fu:

Look at this thread, you mental midget. You and your friends keep telling us how this kind of stuff goes on all time in the U.S. :9:
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?

Medieval isn't today. Christians and Jews aren't crucifying and chopping people's heads off TODAY. Do you understand the difference? Damn you're stupider than I thought and committed to your warped ideology.

Nobody mentioned fucking "medieval" until you did, lying HACK.

Whether anybody's "carrying it out" is in no way the point, though perhaps it's unfair to expect a dishonest lying HACK to get that. The point is that when these were written, a thousand years before there was such a thing as "Islam" --- THERE WAS ALREADY SUCH A THING AS HONOR KILLING. And it was already ancient THEN.

Dishonest fucking lying HACK.

As for what actually IS going on today -- check out Congo. You know, Christians. Plenty of cum hoc fallacies for your dishonest lying fallacious hack ass in there.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Given your posting history, you're in no position to comment on the mental health of others.

Indeed, your unwarranted, unfounded hatred of all Muslims and Islam – in addition be being a ridiculous composition fallacy – is utterly irrational, obsessive, delusional, and paranoid.

Please seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.

Oh okay I'm sorry that I hinted that the father is a Muslim and it was his faith that drove him to do this. Please accept my apologies. Ha ha ha.
Clearly things like this don't happen in Christianity.

Religious groups that reject medical treatment in favor of prayer

Faith groups which avoid conventional medical procedures:

Wait! You're comparing a Muslim idiot beating male lifeguards away while watching his daughter drown to people who believe in religious healing?

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I'm comparing people who allow people to die when they could be saved with people who allow people to die when they could be saved.

Do you see the link?

As for your ridiculous statement at the end, it shows you're not going to be rational about this.

You're comparing a father watching his daughter drown because he doesn't want her to be touched by male faith healers?! Come on, get serious. Another liberal trying to equivocate and justify this barbarity.

You're a bald faced liar. Nobody here has tried to "justify" this shit.

Fuck the fuck you, ya fucking HACK.. :fu:

Look at this thread, you mental midget. You and your friends keep telling us how this kind of stuff goes on all time in the U.S. :9:

I've posted absolutely nothing about anything "going on all the time in the US", you fucking Lying HACK.
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?

Medieval isn't today. Christians and Jews aren't crucifying and chopping people's heads off TODAY. Do you understand the difference? Damn you're stupider than I thought and committed to your warped ideology.

Nobody mentioned fucking "medieval" until you did, lying HACK.

Whether anybody's "carrying it out" is in no way the point, though perhaps it's unfair to expect a dishonest lying HACK to get that. The point is that when these were written, a thousand years before there was such a thing as "Islam" --- THERE WAS ALREADY SUCH A THING AS HONOR KILLING. And it was already ancient THEN.

Dishonest fucking lying HACK.

You're the one that mentioned a Medieval King Henry, you lying asshole. Is the liberal pussy having a mental breakdown? Ha ha ha ha

Pogo stick up the ass:

"But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong"

Henry VIII - King Henry VIII of England
And speaking of the Holy Babble, shall we?

Exodus 21:17

17 Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:9-13

9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Leviticus 21:9

9 If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.

Deuteronomy (13:6-10) says if your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” … You must stone him or her to death. Death by stoning is also the punishment stipulated for a “stubborn and rebellious” son in 21:18-21.

In 2 Kings (2:23-25), when youngsters made fun of the Prophet Elisha’s bald head, he called down a curse “in the name of the Lord,”and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the youths to pieces.

Diga me hombre ---- how much influence did "Islam" have on the OT, a good thousand years before Mohammed was even born?

Not that the above suggest a Christian or Jewish origin either; these philosophical rants, as all do, derive from social mores and practices already known in that place and time.

But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong.

Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?

Medieval isn't today. Christians and Jews aren't crucifying and chopping people's heads off TODAY. Do you understand the difference? Damn you're stupider than I thought and committed to your warped ideology.

Nobody mentioned fucking "medieval" until you did, lying HACK.

Whether anybody's "carrying it out" is in no way the point, though perhaps it's unfair to expect a dishonest lying HACK to get that. The point is that when these were written, a thousand years before there was such a thing as "Islam" --- THERE WAS ALREADY SUCH A THING AS HONOR KILLING. And it was already ancient THEN.

Dishonest fucking lying HACK.

You're the one that mentioned a Medieval King Henry, you lying asshole. Is the liberal pussy having a mental breakdown? Ha ha ha ha

Pogo stick up the ass:

"But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong"

Henry VIII - King Henry VIII of England

--- and "medieval" ends with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Henry VIII wasn't even BORN until 1491.

Kinda like Mohammed inventing honor killings seven thousand years before he was born huh?
You don't have a working relationship with "linear time" I take it.

Fucking dishonest HACK.
Right. Same old same old liberal argument:

Reciting medieval European history and then comparing it to Muslim behavior today, as justification for that behavior.

Quoting phrases out of the Bible, non of which are carried out by Jew or Christian today. Clearly happening on a daily basis with Muslims.

How many times have we seen these lame responses from liberals?

Wasn't it Obama that brought up the crusades in order to defend what Islamic savages are doing today? Guys like pogo are like his foot soldiers.

I see you're as familiar with the Holey Babble as you are with logic.

Here's your first hint:
It's juuuuuust a wee bit older than "medieval".

Do you even understand what "medieval" means?

Medieval isn't today. Christians and Jews aren't crucifying and chopping people's heads off TODAY. Do you understand the difference? Damn you're stupider than I thought and committed to your warped ideology.

Nobody mentioned fucking "medieval" until you did, lying HACK.

Whether anybody's "carrying it out" is in no way the point, though perhaps it's unfair to expect a dishonest lying HACK to get that. The point is that when these were written, a thousand years before there was such a thing as "Islam" --- THERE WAS ALREADY SUCH A THING AS HONOR KILLING. And it was already ancient THEN.

Dishonest fucking lying HACK.

You're the one that mentioned a Medieval King Henry, you lying asshole. Is the liberal pussy having a mental breakdown? Ha ha ha ha

Pogo stick up the ass:

"But speaking of religion, pop quiz ---- what happened to Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Time's up. She was beheaded --- at the ripe old age of 21 --- on a charge of adultery.
Honor killing.

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII was not a Muslim. Prove me wrong"

Henry VIII - King Henry VIII of England

--- and "medieval" ends with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Henry VIII wasn't even BORN until 1491.

Kinda like Mohammed inventing honor killings seven thousand years before he was born huh?
You don't have a working relationship with "linear time" I take it.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

But you see, you're too busy trying to bite your tail like a dog to realize how stupid you sound. YOU brought up a Medieval King in order to equivocate Islamic savagery and persecution towards women:

Henry VIII - King Henry VIII of England

This profile of Henry VIII is part of
Who's Who in Medieval History

Henry VIII was also known as:
Prince Hal

And now you're squealing like a pig "I never mentioned medieval history...blah blah blah..."Oh but that's not reeeealy a medieval king...blah blah blah..."

Proving once again, that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Last edited:
I can think of some choice words but only sailors or rap artists would actually speak them.

OMG! Where does this nonsense end and rational thinking begin?

and I though practicing medicine through a thick curtain by gloved touch alone was insane

Why did god give them brains if not to use them???? How is this "god's will"? It is called murder.

So who actually brought the body out of the water? A woman?
how the hell can anything overcome the parents instinct to protect their child....i just do not get it....i am glad to live in a area where most men will take a bullet to save not only their child but any child...

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