The 20-year-old woman drowned after her father stopped lifeguards saving her at a beach in Dubai as

2 days ago or 20 years ago, how are such incidents any less shocking? They should not happen at all.
The incident from 20 years ago should never have happened any more than from this last week.

How is this justified when people in muslim dubai were trying to save her? It should not happen anywhere.
Poopoo Pogo, the ignorant leftist whack job.

Islam in Southeast Asia
Islam is the most widely practiced religion in Southeast Asia, numbering approximately 240 million adherents which translate to about 40% of the entire population, with majorities in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Southern Philippines. Significant minorities are located in the other Southeast Asian states. Most Muslims in Southeast Asia belong are Sunni and within it, the Shafi`i school of fiqh, or religious law. It is the official religion in Malaysia and Brunei while it is one of the six official faiths in Indonesia.
It doesnt say Muslim, it says Asian, so not from middle east

Yes, because Asians are all into this "if a male touches a woman he has dishonor end her" crap, not Muslims. Right Achmed? Ha ha ha

"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muslims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Oh "In fact there are more Muslims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world". Actually it's Indonesia that has more Muslims than anywhere else in the world.
So who's the ignorant dipshit, Now?
It doesnt say Muslim, it says Asian, so not from middle east

Yes, because Asians are all into this "if a male touches a woman he has dishonor end her" crap, not Muslims. Right Achmed? Ha ha ha

"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. Moreover less that two-thirds of Maylasia is Muslim. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.
Noooo....nothing to do with Islam...move along folks....

The horror! The horror!

Lifeguards filming Muslim women at Women-only swim sessions

Lifeguards filming Muslim women at Women-only swim sessions

This a warning for muslims (and non-muslim womenm, although i think the risk is more for muslim women) who attend the Women only swim sessions at their local leisure centres and for the husbands, brothers, sons who’s sisters, wives, mothers maybe attending these sessions.

I have found out from a reliable source, that a lifeguard who is normally on duty for these sessions has been filming muslim women at these sessions and putting the videos on a YouTube type site. These videos have been seen by a fellow muslim (whom I got the information from). The latest video was of a muslim woman in the Islamic type swimming costume, in the swimming pool and being mocked, laughed at and ridiculed by the kaafir, on the site (via their comments section).

The site these videos have been found on, is an inappropriate site but the source of this information is reliable. It is also possible that the lifeguard was a female because as far as I am aware, its female lifeguards for the women only sessions. Allahu alim.

So please be warned and warn your sisters, mothers and daughters and also any non-muslim women that maybe attending these sessions too, to be aware.

(and then people wonder why muslims wanted a muslim lifeguard at these sessions).
It doesnt say Muslim, it says Asian, so not from middle east

Yes, because Asians are all into this "if a male touches a woman he has dishonor end her" crap, not Muslims. Right Achmed? Ha ha ha

"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

So, I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. But they are both ASIAN MUSLIM countries and Indonesia does have the most Muslims. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they are. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam", an Egyptian "Masri" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


It doesnt say Muslim, it says Asian, so not from middle east

Yes, because Asians are all into this "if a male touches a woman he has dishonor end her" crap, not Muslims. Right Achmed? Ha ha ha

"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


Yes, because Asians are all into this "if a male touches a woman he has dishonor end her" crap, not Muslims. Right Achmed? Ha ha ha

"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.

The label Asian doesn't exclude the fact that he's a Muslim. Butt plug is in your mouth.
Back pedal what? I mixed Indonesia and Malaysia up. Doesn't change jack shit other than proves that you're such a desperate fuckwad that you actually went and searched it to try to catch me in an error. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost. LOL
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


"Asians" and "Muslims" are not comparable measures, Dumbass.
No more than "mop" and "tangerine" are.
Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.

The label Asian doesn't exclude the fact that he's a Muslim. Butt plug is in your mouth.

Nor does it indicate such. Islam represents about 25% of the "Asian" population, marginally more than Hinduism does, and hardly an indicator. Unless of course you're going back to your Maylasian Math. Oh that worked well.

Nor is any of it relevant, since 'honour killing' is not a religious ritual in the first place-- see previous post on Punjab.

Nor have you been able to reconcile the fact that the local Islamic law enforcement arrested and prosecuted the guy. AWK-ward...*

* Fun fact: in those Indian villages where honor killing goes on rampantly, the common complaint is that local law enforcement is lax in prosecuting it, and sometimes even complicit in it. You know -- what didn't happen in Dubai?
Last edited:
2 days ago or 20 years ago, how are such incidents any less shocking? They should not happen at all.
The incident from 20 years ago should never have happened any more than from this last week.

How is this justified when people in muslim dubai were trying to save her? It should not happen anywhere.
These incidents are happening today. They let schools girls in Saudi Arabia burn to death rather than rescue them during a fire because they were dressed "inappropriately" for male firefighters.
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


Indonesian and Malaysians are considered Asian Muslims. In fact there are more Muskims in Malaysia than anywhere else in the world. There are also Muslim minorities all over Asian countries, you ignorant dipshit.

Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.

The label Asian doesn't exclude the fact that he's a Muslim. Butt plug is in your mouth.

Nor does it indicate such. Islam represents about 25% of the "Asian" population, marginally more than Hinduism does, and hardly an indicator. Unless of course you're going back to your Maylasian Math. Oh that worked well.

Nor is any of it relevant, since 'honour killing' is not a religious ritual in the first place-- see previous post on Punjab.

Nor have you been able to reconcile the fact that the local Islamic law enforcement arrested and prosecuted the guy. AWK-ward...

Asian Muslims visit the Middle East all the time you ignorant whack job. Indonesia alone has over 200 million Asian Muslims. Many of them do pilgrimage and to Mecca and then do a tour of other countries. This father was probably one of these idiots.
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


Absolute horse shit. Maylasia has 17 million Muslims, Indonesia over 200 million. Not even REMOTELY close. You're off by a factor of twelve hundred percent. You continue to embarrass yourself pulling it out of your ass.

"Asian" refers to a CONTINENT. "Muslim" is a follower of a RELIGION. One can be one without being the other; one can be neither, or one can be both.

Regardless, there CONTINUES TO BE, AFTER NINETEEN YEARS, NO MENTION OF ANYONE'S RELIGION IN ANY OF THESE STORIES. Nor should there be, as "honour killings" are not religious in nature. In fact Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism all prohibit it.

Couple that with the fact that the UAE, where this took place, runs under strict Islamic law, and that law arrested and prosecuted this guy for what he did, a contradiction you have utterly FAILED to explain.

Dishonest HACK.

I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.

The label Asian doesn't exclude the fact that he's a Muslim. Butt plug is in your mouth.

Nor does it indicate such. Islam represents about 25% of the "Asian" population, marginally more than Hinduism does, and hardly an indicator. Unless of course you're going back to your Maylasian Math. Oh that worked well.

Nor is any of it relevant, since 'honour killing' is not a religious ritual in the first place-- see previous post on Punjab.

Nor have you been able to reconcile the fact that the local Islamic law enforcement arrested and prosecuted the guy. AWK-ward...

Asian Muslims visit the Middle East all the time you ignorant whack job. Info onesie alone has over 200 million Asian Muslims. Many of them do pilgrimage and to Mecca and then do a tour of other countries. This father was probably one of these idiots.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is an "info onesie"?
Is this your source for the colossal clusters of crap you post? What, onesie-twosie dot com? :lol:

Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children

Because of Sabbath regulations, Orthodox Jews are not allowed to turn their oven on or off from Friday sundown to Saturday evening, for that constituteswork, and you can’t work on the Sabbath. The mother was apparently keeping food warm on a hotplate (turned on before Friday sundown), and the hotplate malfunctioned, causing a fire that killed everyone but the father, who was away, as well as the mother and one daughter, who jumped out their second-floor window. Seven other kids died
Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children Why Evolution Is True
Irrelevant and from a garbage site. Try again, donkey breath.
Now he's flailing around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to deflect to YMCA swimming pools.


I got Malaysia and Indonesia mixed. If you understood middle eastern culture you would know that's how they refer. They have labels for different Muslims. An Iranian Muslim would be called an "Ajam" and so on. When they mentioned Asian in the article they were simply referring to the type of Muslim. But because you are an ignorant leftist whack job, you refuse to accept the truth.

--- and your link to this "truth" is ... where?

Exactly. Same place it's been all along.
Buy a butt plug.

The label Asian doesn't exclude the fact that he's a Muslim. Butt plug is in your mouth.

Nor does it indicate such. Islam represents about 25% of the "Asian" population, marginally more than Hinduism does, and hardly an indicator. Unless of course you're going back to your Maylasian Math. Oh that worked well.

Nor is any of it relevant, since 'honour killing' is not a religious ritual in the first place-- see previous post on Punjab.

Nor have you been able to reconcile the fact that the local Islamic law enforcement arrested and prosecuted the guy. AWK-ward...

Asian Muslims visit the Middle East all the time you ignorant whack job. Info onesie alone has over 200 million Asian Muslims. Many of them do pilgrimage and to Mecca and then do a tour of other countries. This father was probably one of these idiots.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is an "info onesie"?
Is this your source for the colossal clusters of crap you post? What, onesie-twosie dot com? :lol:


I already corrected it, you desperate buffoon, but the clusters of crap are located between your ears.

True story. :cool:
Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children

Because of Sabbath regulations, Orthodox Jews are not allowed to turn their oven on or off from Friday sundown to Saturday evening, for that constituteswork, and you can’t work on the Sabbath. The mother was apparently keeping food warm on a hotplate (turned on before Friday sundown), and the hotplate malfunctioned, causing a fire that killed everyone but the father, who was away, as well as the mother and one daughter, who jumped out their second-floor window. Seven other kids died
Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children Why Evolution Is True

it is a very unusual accident------one of those rare holiday things like the kind of stuff that happens every Christmas and fourth of july. Your
characterization is very Nazi pig like-----you have managed to characterize your disgusting self
Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children

Because of Sabbath regulations, Orthodox Jews are not allowed to turn their oven on or off from Friday sundown to Saturday evening, for that constituteswork, and you can’t work on the Sabbath. The mother was apparently keeping food warm on a hotplate (turned on before Friday sundown), and the hotplate malfunctioned, causing a fire that killed everyone but the father, who was away, as well as the mother and one daughter, who jumped out their second-floor window. Seven other kids died
Crazy Sabbath restrictions for Jews leads to death of 7 children Why Evolution Is True

Oh look Achmed! Here's what else I found in that site you introduced us to. Perhaps you should blow yourself up right away?

Islamic Heaven A penis that never bends Why Evolution Is True

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