The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

Dude, I'm going to try this with you one more time...

You're in the fucking wild card race despite your lack of run scoring BECAUSE of your pitching.

You don't seem to get it.

You could have dumped off some prospects and maybe a Fred Lewis, or a Johnathan Sanchez, and gotten one of the bats that were available this season. You have pitching prospects in AAA that are ready to come up, that could replace Sanchez.

Rowand got his money and now he doesn't give a fuck. That's a problem, and you're losing out on runs because of it. He knocked in 90 runs in '07. He'll do about half of that this year, which is bullshit.

If you lose Matt Cain you can forget about the playoffs. Everyone agrees but you.

But I'll tell you what, I'll give you Ryan Howard right now for Matt Cain, straight up. And I'll sleep like a fucking baby.

I wouldn't take Howard because he strikes out too much. It would need to be a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols. Someone who drives in a hell of a lot of runs. Of course I wouldn't have been a proponent of trading either of my aces at the deadline for a Matt Holliday type player but we should have traded prospects for him since that's what the stupid A's always want more than real players. I'd definitely take a young Ichiro because he SCORES RUNS.

But now the giants management has let us down and so we are stuck with hoping the offense gets better on its own.
I'll tell ya though it would get better on it's own if Bruce Bochy wasn't an idiot at filling out a lineup card. some of his best hitters don't play regularly because they have to play fat contracts like Edgar renteria and Aaron Rowand. Those two guys are killing us. Juan Uribe and Nate Schierholtz both hover around .300 and are far better hitters than either of those two right now. Renteria hits .250 and Rowand .268.
Plus Bochy insists that Bengie Molina is babe ruth and won't move his undisciplined ass to the 8th spot where he belongs. His on base percentage is .270! because he's the slowest player in any league or the minors. He refuses to draw walks which drives me insane at the cleanup hole. put freddy sanchez at 3rd and bat Pablo 4th and schierholtz 5th and their offense would instantly get better.

But Botch-y is an idiot like I said. He's good with pitchers and bullpen but not with filling out a batting order. You see why I am frustrated with the worst offensive team in baseball?

We won't make the playoffs unless we start hitting better. if the giants stay at their current offensive output we won't be able to use our aces in the playoffs so what's the point?

I am hoping to high heavens you guys don't make the playoffs, because I don't want the Beloved Blue facing your pitching. However, I think Colorado will collapse, the Giants will sneak in. and I pray the Central Division winner is going to blast your sock off. Dodgers will beat Philly this year in the playoffs, then we toast and roast either Chicago or St. Louis on the way to the World Series.
Dude, I'm going to try this with you one more time...

You're in the fucking wild card race despite your lack of run scoring BECAUSE of your pitching.

You don't seem to get it.

You could have dumped off some prospects and maybe a Fred Lewis, or a Johnathan Sanchez, and gotten one of the bats that were available this season. You have pitching prospects in AAA that are ready to come up, that could replace Sanchez.

Rowand got his money and now he doesn't give a fuck. That's a problem, and you're losing out on runs because of it. He knocked in 90 runs in '07. He'll do about half of that this year, which is bullshit.

If you lose Matt Cain you can forget about the playoffs. Everyone agrees but you.

But I'll tell you what, I'll give you Ryan Howard right now for Matt Cain, straight up. And I'll sleep like a fucking baby.

I wouldn't take Howard because he strikes out too much. It would need to be a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols. Someone who drives in a hell of a lot of runs. Of course I wouldn't have been a proponent of trading either of my aces at the deadline for a Matt Holliday type player but we should have traded prospects for him since that's what the stupid A's always want more than real players. I'd definitely take a young Ichiro because he SCORES RUNS.

But now the giants management has let us down and so we are stuck with hoping the offense gets better on its own.
I'll tell ya though it would get better on it's own if Bruce Bochy wasn't an idiot at filling out a lineup card. some of his best hitters don't play regularly because they have to play fat contracts like Edgar renteria and Aaron Rowand. Those two guys are killing us. Juan Uribe and Nate Schierholtz both hover around .300 and are far better hitters than either of those two right now. Renteria hits .250 and Rowand .268.
Plus Bochy insists that Bengie Molina is babe ruth and won't move his undisciplined ass to the 8th spot where he belongs. His on base percentage is .270! because he's the slowest player in any league or the minors. He refuses to draw walks which drives me insane at the cleanup hole. put freddy sanchez at 3rd and bat Pablo 4th and schierholtz 5th and their offense would instantly get better.

But Botch-y is an idiot like I said. He's good with pitchers and bullpen but not with filling out a batting order. You see why I am frustrated with the worst offensive team in baseball?

We won't make the playoffs unless we start hitting better. if the giants stay at their current offensive output we won't be able to use our aces in the playoffs so what's the point?

I am hoping to high heavens you guys don't make the playoffs, because I don't want the Beloved Blue facing your pitching. However, I think Colorado will collapse, the Giants will sneak in. and I pray the Central Division winner is going to blast your sock off. Dodgers will beat Philly this year in the playoffs, then we toast and roast either Chicago or St. Louis on the way to the World Series.

Boy wouldn't it be sweet to have a Dodgers Giants Series on one side and a Red Sox Yankees series on the other side. We won't stand a chance if that umpiring crew is there frome the last series.
They were the worst officiating crew in the 164 year history of the game.
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I wouldn't take Howard because he strikes out too much. It would need to be a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols. Someone who drives in a hell of a lot of runs. Of course I wouldn't have been a proponent of trading either of my aces at the deadline for a Matt Holliday type player but we should have traded prospects for him since that's what the stupid A's always want more than real players. I'd definitely take a young Ichiro because he SCORES RUNS.

But now the giants management has let us down and so we are stuck with hoping the offense gets better on its own.
I'll tell ya though it would get better on it's own if Bruce Bochy wasn't an idiot at filling out a lineup card. some of his best hitters don't play regularly because they have to play fat contracts like Edgar renteria and Aaron Rowand. Those two guys are killing us. Juan Uribe and Nate Schierholtz both hover around .300 and are far better hitters than either of those two right now. Renteria hits .250 and Rowand .268.
Plus Bochy insists that Bengie Molina is babe ruth and won't move his undisciplined ass to the 8th spot where he belongs. His on base percentage is .270! because he's the slowest player in any league or the minors. He refuses to draw walks which drives me insane at the cleanup hole. put freddy sanchez at 3rd and bat Pablo 4th and schierholtz 5th and their offense would instantly get better.

But Botch-y is an idiot like I said. He's good with pitchers and bullpen but not with filling out a batting order. You see why I am frustrated with the worst offensive team in baseball?

We won't make the playoffs unless we start hitting better. if the giants stay at their current offensive output we won't be able to use our aces in the playoffs so what's the point?

I am hoping to high heavens you guys don't make the playoffs, because I don't want the Beloved Blue facing your pitching. However, I think Colorado will collapse, the Giants will sneak in. and I pray the Central Division winner is going to blast your sock off. Dodgers will beat Philly this year in the playoffs, then we toast and roast either Chicago or St. Louis on the way to the World Series.

Boy wouldn't it be sweet to have a Dodgers Giants Series on one side and a Red Sox Yankees series on the other side. We won't stand a chance if that umpiring crew is there frome the last series.
They were the worst officiating crew in the 164 year history of the game.

Yeah, oh, yeah.
Giants could not afford to lose pitching.

Take out 12 wins and an average guy gives you maybe half of that, say a big bat wins you 4 more so you have back 10, you are still -2 in the hole.

NEVER give up aces.

We are starving for some runs. Normally I would agree with you. but the giants consistently struggle to score 4 runs. Even our staff isn't that good. Look at last night against the mets. Any decent offense would be up 3-0 on the mets this series. Instead they lost 3-0; won 5-4 barely with Matt Cain on the mound;lost 3-2 and may win tonight 1-0.

But you see this series is a microcosm of their whole season. If pitching isn't AMAZING, they lose. they need a major bat. What good is the best pitching staff in baseball if you can't at least score SOME runs. how about JUST ONE run. crimony!

The Giants are the exception to the "don't trade aces" rule.
No they are not.

Trade an ace and you will be struggling to have a win.
Giants could not afford to lose pitching.

Take out 12 wins and an average guy gives you maybe half of that, say a big bat wins you 4 more so you have back 10, you are still -2 in the hole.

NEVER give up aces.

We are starving for some runs. Normally I would agree with you. but the giants consistently struggle to score 4 runs. Even our staff isn't that good. Look at last night against the mets. Any decent offense would be up 3-0 on the mets this series. Instead they lost 3-0; won 5-4 barely with Matt Cain on the mound;lost 3-2 and may win tonight 1-0.

But you see this series is a microcosm of their whole season. If pitching isn't AMAZING, they lose. they need a major bat. What good is the best pitching staff in baseball if you can't at least score SOME runs. how about JUST ONE run. crimony!

The Giants are the exception to the "don't trade aces" rule.
No they are not.

Trade an ace and you will be struggling to have a win.

this could all be a moot point if the giants would hit half as good as they did yesterday.
Dude, I'm going to try this with you one more time...

You're in the fucking wild card race despite your lack of run scoring BECAUSE of your pitching.

You don't seem to get it.

You could have dumped off some prospects and maybe a Fred Lewis, or a Johnathan Sanchez, and gotten one of the bats that were available this season. You have pitching prospects in AAA that are ready to come up, that could replace Sanchez.

Rowand got his money and now he doesn't give a fuck. That's a problem, and you're losing out on runs because of it. He knocked in 90 runs in '07. He'll do about half of that this year, which is bullshit.

If you lose Matt Cain you can forget about the playoffs. Everyone agrees but you.

But I'll tell you what, I'll give you Ryan Howard right now for Matt Cain, straight up. And I'll sleep like a fucking baby.

I wouldn't take Howard because he strikes out too much. It would need to be a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols. Someone who drives in a hell of a lot of runs. Of course I wouldn't have been a proponent of trading either of my aces at the deadline for a Matt Holliday type player but we should have traded prospects for him since that's what the stupid A's always want more than real players. I'd definitely take a young Ichiro because he SCORES RUNS.

But now the giants management has let us down and so we are stuck with hoping the offense gets better on its own.
I'll tell ya though it would get better on it's own if Bruce Bochy wasn't an idiot at filling out a lineup card. some of his best hitters don't play regularly because they have to play fat contracts like Edgar renteria and Aaron Rowand. Those two guys are killing us. Juan Uribe and Nate Schierholtz both hover around .300 and are far better hitters than either of those two right now. Renteria hits .250 and Rowand .268.
Plus Bochy insists that Bengie Molina is babe ruth and won't move his undisciplined ass to the 8th spot where he belongs. His on base percentage is .270! because he's the slowest player in any league or the minors. He refuses to draw walks which drives me insane at the cleanup hole. put freddy sanchez at 3rd and bat Pablo 4th and schierholtz 5th and their offense would instantly get better.

But Botch-y is an idiot like I said. He's good with pitchers and bullpen but not with filling out a batting order. You see why I am frustrated with the worst offensive team in baseball?

We won't make the playoffs unless we start hitting better. if the giants stay at their current offensive output we won't be able to use our aces in the playoffs so what's the point?

I don't understand why you would trade Cain for Fielder, but not for Howard. This year, Fielder is hitting better than he has in prior years, but typically they have the same stats. Howard has more K's, but so what? They both produce the same amount of runs.

And then you go and say you'd take Ichiro because he scores runs. What good does an Ichiro do for your lineup if you still have no one to drive him in? I hope you weren't saying that you would trade Cain for Ichiro.

You don't need a Prince Fielder to make the playoffs, you need another DECENT bat, and for the ones you already have to step their game up. I'm going to mention Rowand again, because he's not playing to his potential, and you're wasting money on his ass.

All you need is a wild card, and your rotation can win you series'. Players step it up to a higher level in the postseason too, so there's no telling what kind of production you get from your lineup once you get in.

If you get in this year, and don't do well, I might reconsider. But I'd still try and keep Cain if you can, and look for somsone else that's not so expensive, that you can dump prospects for. You should use Johnathan Sanchez as bait as well, he's expendable and could land you a nice bat.
St. Louis 68 52 .567 - - 9-1 W5 13-11 32-24 14-11 9-6 36-24 32-28 46-36 22-16 4-4 14-12 542 485 66-54 8/17 @ LAD, W 3-2 8/18 @ LAD, 10:10P
Chicago 60 56 .517 6.0 39 3-7 L1 11-12 34-23 9-13 6-8 35-22 25-34 47-43 13-13 8-7 15-17 517 495 60-56 8/17 @ SD, L 1-4 8/18 @ SD, 10:05P
Milwaukee 58 60 .492 9.0 35 4-6 L2 14-12 29-23 10-15 5-10 30-29 28-31 42-46 16-14 3-2 15-17 569 598 56-62 8/17 @ PIT, L 5-9 8/18 @ PIT, LIVE
Houston 57 61 .483 10.0 34 4-6 W1 7-9 25-32 19-11 6-9 31-28 26-33 46-46 11-15 3-7 17-15 500 573 52-66 8/16 @ MIL, W 8-5 8/18 vs FLA, 8:05P
Cincinnati 50 67 .427 16.5 28 4-6 L3 11-17 25-27 8-14 6-9 25-33 25-34 37-47 13-20 4-5 13-13 465 554 49-68 8/16 vs WSH, L 4-5 8/18 vs SF, 7:10P
Pittsburgh 47 70 .402 19.5 25 2-8 W1 16-15 15-31 8-17 8-7 29-27 18-43 33-51 14-19 2-5 8-18 477 550 51-66 8/17 vs MIL, W 9-5 8/18 vs MIL, LIVE
St. Louis 68 52 .567 - - 9-1 W5 13-11 32-24 14-11 9-6 36-24 32-28 46-36 22-16 4-4 14-12 542 485 66-54 8/17 @ LAD, W 3-2 8/18 @ LAD, 10:10P
Chicago 60 56 .517 6.0 39 3-7 L1 11-12 34-23 9-13 6-8 35-22 25-34 47-43 13-13 8-7 15-17 517 495 60-56 8/17 @ SD, L 1-4 8/18 @ SD, 10:05P
Milwaukee 58 60 .492 9.0 35 4-6 L2 14-12 29-23 10-15 5-10 30-29 28-31 42-46 16-14 3-2 15-17 569 598 56-62 8/17 @ PIT, L 5-9 8/18 @ PIT, LIVE
Houston 57 61 .483 10.0 34 4-6 W1 7-9 25-32 19-11 6-9 31-28 26-33 46-46 11-15 3-7 17-15 500 573 52-66 8/16 @ MIL, W 8-5 8/18 vs FLA, 8:05P
Cincinnati 50 67 .427 16.5 28 4-6 L3 11-17 25-27 8-14 6-9 25-33 25-34 37-47 13-20 4-5 13-13 465 554 49-68 8/16 vs WSH, L 4-5 8/18 vs SF, 7:10P
Pittsburgh 47 70 .402 19.5 25 2-8 W1 16-15 15-31 8-17 8-7 29-27 18-43 33-51 14-19 2-5 8-18 477 550 51-66 8/17 vs MIL, W 9-5 8/18 vs MIL, LIVE


A baseball matrix!
St. Louis 68 52 .567 - - 9-1 W5 13-11 32-24 14-11 9-6 36-24 32-28 46-36 22-16 4-4 14-12 542 485 66-54 8/17 @ LAD, W 3-2 8/18 @ LAD, 10:10P
Chicago 60 56 .517 6.0 39 3-7 L1 11-12 34-23 9-13 6-8 35-22 25-34 47-43 13-13 8-7 15-17 517 495 60-56 8/17 @ SD, L 1-4 8/18 @ SD, 10:05P
Milwaukee 58 60 .492 9.0 35 4-6 L2 14-12 29-23 10-15 5-10 30-29 28-31 42-46 16-14 3-2 15-17 569 598 56-62 8/17 @ PIT, L 5-9 8/18 @ PIT, LIVE
Houston 57 61 .483 10.0 34 4-6 W1 7-9 25-32 19-11 6-9 31-28 26-33 46-46 11-15 3-7 17-15 500 573 52-66 8/16 @ MIL, W 8-5 8/18 vs FLA, 8:05P
Cincinnati 50 67 .427 16.5 28 4-6 L3 11-17 25-27 8-14 6-9 25-33 25-34 37-47 13-20 4-5 13-13 465 554 49-68 8/16 vs WSH, L 4-5 8/18 vs SF, 7:10P
Pittsburgh 47 70 .402 19.5 25 2-8 W1 16-15 15-31 8-17 8-7 29-27 18-43 33-51 14-19 2-5 8-18 477 550 51-66 8/17 vs MIL, W 9-5 8/18 vs MIL, LIVE


A baseball matrix!

Shogun is "The One".
We are starving for some runs. Normally I would agree with you. but the giants consistently struggle to score 4 runs. Even our staff isn't that good. Look at last night against the mets. Any decent offense would be up 3-0 on the mets this series. Instead they lost 3-0; won 5-4 barely with Matt Cain on the mound;lost 3-2 and may win tonight 1-0.

But you see this series is a microcosm of their whole season. If pitching isn't AMAZING, they lose. they need a major bat. What good is the best pitching staff in baseball if you can't at least score SOME runs. how about JUST ONE run. crimony!

The Giants are the exception to the "don't trade aces" rule.
No they are not.

Trade an ace and you will be struggling to have a win.

this could all be a moot point if the giants would hit half as good as they did yesterday.

Most teams are not as lame as the Mets and won't trot out livan Hernandez as a big leaguer.
Speaking of lame, Met's manager Manuel AGAIN attacked long since traded Ryan Church in the papers, claiming 'he's not that kind of animal' comparing Church's concussion to David Wright's.
Nice coverage NESN! :thup:

Return from commercial just in time to see Ortiz rounding first base on his home run trot! :doubt:
No they are not.

Trade an ace and you will be struggling to have a win.

this could all be a moot point if the giants would hit half as good as they did yesterday.

Most teams are not as lame as the Mets and won't trot out livan Hernandez as a big leaguer.

If most teams could have done the pitching job agains the Mets that the Giants did, they would all sweep the mets. But not the giants.
NY back on track with a 7-2 win behind 8 strong from CC.

Boston wins to remain 7 back, Texas falls so Boston is again even in the WC.

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