The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

stick a fork in 'em, only chance now is the wild card.
ah, well, it's almost labor day; i can remember when they wouldn't keep us in it past mother's day :lol:
You are getting Tim Wakefield back this week, and maybe Matusaka in two weeks, so its not all bad.

Plus NY is playing Texas next, if you take care of business with the pale hose you should open some distance with Texas.
stick a fork in 'em, only chance now is the wild card.
ah, well, it's almost labor day; i can remember when they wouldn't keep us in it past mother's day :lol:
You are getting Tim Wakefield back this week, and maybe Matusaka in two weeks, so its not all bad.

Plus NY is playing Texas next, if you take care of business with the pale hose you should open some distance with Texas.

Yes, please hose the pale hose.
you know what I think is funny Felix Hernadez has the second best ERA in AL but he has only won one game this month and the Mariner's are back to sucking it up.
you know what I think is funny Felix Hernadez has the second best ERA in AL but he has only won one game this month and the Mariner's are back to sucking it up.

Here's to hoping Theo finds a way to pry him away from your ownership's cold dead hands.
you know what I think is funny Felix Hernadez has the second best ERA in AL but he has only won one game this month and the Mariner's are back to sucking it up.

Here's to hoping Theo finds a way to pry him away from your ownership's cold dead hands.
I bet you do, pitcher's leave Seattle and they go on to win world series! Look at Randy Johnson. Shit you could have the best pitcher of all time come to Seattle and he wouldn't be able to do anything, it is like a black hole in the Mariners Bull pen.
and it was nice :D

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then Beckett went and gave up a career high 5 home runs to them the next day ....
And only one went over the monster, 3 of them were to right center and one down the right flied line.

Unusal to see a lot of HR to that spot in fenway.

The ball was really jumping out to right field for some reason last night.

I give Beckett credit for staying poised and getting into the eighth inning and all but jeeez that was tough to watch.
Its rough when you score 29 runs in 3 games and lose 2 of them.

I heard something about papelbon dissing wagner, what's up with that?
Papelbon is a redneck asshole...I find it amazing that sox fans try to defend him and the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.

First off, it's not his job to think that the sox pen is good enough...his job is to pitch and close games out.

If the front office wants to bring Wagner in, they have every right to.



Fisticuffs In New York: Mets Fan Gets Soaked, Dropped - Philadelphia Phillies - Deadspin

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Its rough when you score 29 runs in 3 games and lose 2 of them.

I heard something about papelbon dissing wagner, what's up with that?

I can't say that I disagree with him but it sure isn't his place to be saying it.
Its rough when you score 29 runs in 3 games and lose 2 of them.

I heard something about papelbon dissing wagner, what's up with that?

I can't say that I disagree with him but it sure isn't his place to be saying it.

He tried to clarify the statement.

He said that to bring in wagner they would have to get rid of someone, and he likes everyone and doesn't wanna see someone leave.

Ass is covered :lol:
Its rough when you score 29 runs in 3 games and lose 2 of them.

I heard something about papelbon dissing wagner, what's up with that?

I can't say that I disagree with him but it sure isn't his place to be saying it.

no question that he may be right, but it's not his job to open his dumb redneck mouth.

What happens if the deal goes look at the tension in the clubhouse. Also he is dissing one of the better clsoers of our time...5h all time 385 total...I think Papelbon has like 150 so far...sure if he stays healthy eh will surpass him but he's got a long road a head of him

The guy is an idiot
Wow, homeboy at that Mets game got aired the fuck out! :lol:

That's nothing though. It happens at every Phils Mets game.

I was at a game last year where an entire section was brawling, with guys jumping over rows of seats to get shots in. It was all the way across on the other side of the park, so we didn't get to see it as well as we would have liked, but that kind of thing is par for the course at those games.

The tension between fans can be cut with a knife from the moment you walk up from your car and take your seats, until the moment you finally get out of the traffic jam and onto the freeway after the game.

Is it like that during Sox/Yanks games?
Papelbon is a redneck asshole...I find it amazing that sox fans try to defend him and the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.

First off, it's not his job to think that the sox pen is good enough...his job is to pitch and close games out.

If the front office wants to bring Wagner in, they have every right to.



Fisticuffs In New York: Mets Fan Gets Soaked, Dropped - Philadelphia Phillies - Deadspin

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

What's so bad is that the mets fan gets beer poured on him and THEN get's knocked out after he tried to fight back. Definitely a rough day at the yard.:slap:
I like someone's comment at the bottom of that page..

why waste a $6.75 beer on a Mets fan? :lol:
I like someone's comment at the bottom of that page..

why waste a $6.75 beer on a Mets fan? :lol:

Raiders fans are the worst. there were some 49ers fans at a preseason raiders game against the niners. A dad and his kid. The niners made a field goal and all the kid did was cheer for his team. Didn't take any shots at the raiders.

the raider fan behind him poured beer all over the 9-year old kid.

On a separate occasion a chargers fan wearing his teams jersey was STABBED TO DEATH BY MEMBERS OF THE BLACK HOLE.
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Yankee/Sox games get rough...I've seen a few fights.

The best thing I ever saw was a red sox and a yankee fan were getting into it. The sox fan was wearin sandals and went to charge the Yankee fan and his sandal went flying off. At that second out of no where a random Yankee fan grabbed his sandal and went running down the corridor and disspeared lol. The guy was walkin around barefoot for the rest of the night while getting abused by the section. he left the game in the 5th inning.

That was hysterical

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