The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

You guys haven't been watching the giants very much because you are all in bed snoozing. The Giants could afford to lose one ace when they already have two. The have the overall best team era in the majors and it would open up a spot for one of their two blue chip prospects in the minors. If you replace Cain with just an average starter and get Pujols.... Sorry meat, the Giants would get to the playoffs in a hurry. You don't know how bad the Giants offense is right now.

but I'll take the Panda going deep on Santana in a 3-4 day and Bengie Molina's game winner in the tenth! I hope David Wright is ok after the headshot he took from Cain.
If Rowand played to his potential, that would help. He had that great contract year with Philly, and then NOTHING after signing. Go figure :rolleyes:

He's capable of .300/30/100

Rowand is not capable of all of those at the same time. He is a .280 20 homer 75 rbi guy. Respectable if he could just do that.

Look at his contract year stats, in his last season with philly.

.309 - 27hr - 89 RBI

He batted 5th, after Utley and Howard had already pretty much cleared the bases, otherwise he'd have had 100 rbi.

Those numbers were far and away the best of his career, and one only needs to realize that he put those numbers up because it was a contract year.

Hence, he's CAPABLE of it. Capable of, and giving enough of a shit to DO IT, are obviously two different things. You're missing out on runs that you should be getting with Rowand, and it's a problem.

Maybe he needs better protection, in which case you should have picked up one of the various bats that were available this season.
Giants could not afford to lose pitching.

Take out 12 wins and an average guy gives you maybe half of that, say a big bat wins you 4 more so you have back 10, you are still -2 in the hole.

NEVER give up aces.

just stop...he doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

Apparently he thinks by watching Bull Durham a few times gives him any sense of baseball knowledge or basic understandings of the fundamentals.

god you are clueless

1 ace doesn't get you anywhere...IE look at the twins back when they had Santana...however put 2 aces' in the lineup and make the playoffs and your chances of getting a ring double.

You really need to understand that pitching goes farther then hitting.

You need both..but any team will be able to score runs off bad pitching...even a great team won't score runs off an ace
If Rowand produced to his potential, and they had another decent bat that could add 50 rbi, SF easily gets the wildcard.

You get rid of Cain, and now you pretty much give up the potential game 2 win in the playoffs. With that rotation, you can make things happen. That's the point of having the good pitching, if you can get into the postseason, there's no telling how far you could go.

This logic seems to be lost on truthspeaker, and it's making this discussion really hard to endure.
NY falls as the bullpen implodes for a 10-3 loss.

Boston losses again to Texas, so the lead stays at 7 1/2, with Texas now the WC leader by .5 games.
You guys haven't been watching the giants very much because you are all in bed snoozing. The Giants could afford to lose one ace when they already have two. The have the overall best team era in the majors and it would open up a spot for one of their two blue chip prospects in the minors. If you replace Cain with just an average starter and get Pujols.... Sorry meat, the Giants would get to the playoffs in a hurry. You don't know how bad the Giants offense is right now.

but I'll take the Panda going deep on Santana in a 3-4 day and Bengie Molina's game winner in the tenth! I hope David Wright is ok after the headshot he took from Cain.

Lucky for my Dodger blue that won't happen. I was sorry to see Wright take a beaning like that. I hope he will be OK real soon.
DETROIT -- No, Sunday wasn't a good day for Ryan Raburn. But it wasn't easy being a Tigers player in scoring position, either.

Realistically, though, although Raburn's two 10th-inning errors brought in the go-ahead run in the Tigers' 3-2 loss to the Royals, there's a chance they might not have cost Detroit anything besides more stranded baserunners. As glaring as the three "E5" calls on the day were, Detroit's 0-for-16 line with runners in scoring position and 10 runners left on base also stood out.

Missed opportunities cost Tigers | News

Very depressing afternoon with the kids at Comerica Park.....

Enough said. :mad:
So much for that theory that the Braves are better than the Phils, eh Chris?

We took 2 of 3, and you're STILL 6 games back, same as you were a couple weeks ago when you claimed you'd be taking first from us.

You're not as good as us, just deal with it.
More bad news for the hapless Mets, David Wright, their best player will be out for the year after being beaned by Matt Cain.
I suspect he's out for the year because the Mets are out of the race.

Better to just take a rest than to try and push it for nothing. If they were in the race, I bet he'd be back.
If Rowand played to his potential, that would help. He had that great contract year with Philly, and then NOTHING after signing. Go figure :rolleyes:

He's capable of .300/30/100

Rowand is not capable of all of those at the same time. He is a .280 20 homer 75 rbi guy. Respectable if he could just do that.

Look at his contract year stats, in his last season with philly.

.309 - 27hr - 89 RBI

He batted 5th, after Utley and Howard had already pretty much cleared the bases, otherwise he'd have had 100 rbi.

Those numbers were far and away the best of his career, and one only needs to realize that he put those numbers up because it was a contract year.

Hence, he's CAPABLE of it. Capable of, and giving enough of a shit to DO IT, are obviously two different things. You're missing out on runs that you should be getting with Rowand, and it's a problem.

Maybe he needs better protection, in which case you should have picked up one of the various bats that were available this season.

Rowand had his best career year already in a sardine box of a softball field in philadelphia. He couldn't even drive in 100 runs in that park. He couldn't even hit 30 there. He's not capable until he proves he can do it. He's a decent major league bat at best but we overpaid him by double.
Giants could not afford to lose pitching.

Take out 12 wins and an average guy gives you maybe half of that, say a big bat wins you 4 more so you have back 10, you are still -2 in the hole.

NEVER give up aces.

We are starving for some runs. Normally I would agree with you. but the giants consistently struggle to score 4 runs. Even our staff isn't that good. Look at last night against the mets. Any decent offense would be up 3-0 on the mets this series. Instead they lost 3-0; won 5-4 barely with Matt Cain on the mound;lost 3-2 and may win tonight 1-0.

But you see this series is a microcosm of their whole season. If pitching isn't AMAZING, they lose. they need a major bat. What good is the best pitching staff in baseball if you can't at least score SOME runs. how about JUST ONE run. crimony!

The Giants are the exception to the "don't trade aces" rule.
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If Rowand produced to his potential, and they had another decent bat that could add 50 rbi, SF easily gets the wildcard.

You get rid of Cain, and now you pretty much give up the potential game 2 win in the playoffs. With that rotation, you can make things happen. That's the point of having the good pitching, if you can get into the postseason, there's no telling how far you could go.

This logic seems to be lost on truthspeaker, and it's making this discussion really hard to endure.

Paulie, your a moron only because you don't watch the Giants play. They struggle to get a single run across the board every day. It's agonizing. We are the exception to the rule in this case. THAT'S how bad they are. This is the extreme example. You absolutely cannot win unless you score A run.
DETROIT -- No, Sunday wasn't a good day for Ryan Raburn. But it wasn't easy being a Tigers player in scoring position, either.

Realistically, though, although Raburn's two 10th-inning errors brought in the go-ahead run in the Tigers' 3-2 loss to the Royals, there's a chance they might not have cost Detroit anything besides more stranded baserunners. As glaring as the three "E5" calls on the day were, Detroit's 0-for-16 line with runners in scoring position and 10 runners left on base also stood out.

Missed opportunities cost Tigers | News

Very depressing afternoon with the kids at Comerica Park.....

Enough said. :mad:

sounds like the Giants when it comes to RISP.
More bad news for the hapless Mets, David Wright, their best player will be out for the year after being beaned by Matt Cain.

That sucked. It really did. But Cain didn't deserve the boos he got either. Nobody wants to hit David Wright.
Dude, I'm going to try this with you one more time...

You're in the fucking wild card race despite your lack of run scoring BECAUSE of your pitching.

You don't seem to get it.

You could have dumped off some prospects and maybe a Fred Lewis, or a Johnathan Sanchez, and gotten one of the bats that were available this season. You have pitching prospects in AAA that are ready to come up, that could replace Sanchez.

Rowand got his money and now he doesn't give a fuck. That's a problem, and you're losing out on runs because of it. He knocked in 90 runs in '07. He'll do about half of that this year, which is bullshit.

If you lose Matt Cain you can forget about the playoffs. Everyone agrees but you.

But I'll tell you what, I'll give you Ryan Howard right now for Matt Cain, straight up. And I'll sleep like a fucking baby.
Dude, I'm going to try this with you one more time...

You're in the fucking wild card race despite your lack of run scoring BECAUSE of your pitching.

You don't seem to get it.

You could have dumped off some prospects and maybe a Fred Lewis, or a Johnathan Sanchez, and gotten one of the bats that were available this season. You have pitching prospects in AAA that are ready to come up, that could replace Sanchez.

Rowand got his money and now he doesn't give a fuck. That's a problem, and you're losing out on runs because of it. He knocked in 90 runs in '07. He'll do about half of that this year, which is bullshit.

If you lose Matt Cain you can forget about the playoffs. Everyone agrees but you.

But I'll tell you what, I'll give you Ryan Howard right now for Matt Cain, straight up. And I'll sleep like a fucking baby.

I wouldn't take Howard because he strikes out too much. It would need to be a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols. Someone who drives in a hell of a lot of runs. Of course I wouldn't have been a proponent of trading either of my aces at the deadline for a Matt Holliday type player but we should have traded prospects for him since that's what the stupid A's always want more than real players. I'd definitely take a young Ichiro because he SCORES RUNS.

But now the giants management has let us down and so we are stuck with hoping the offense gets better on its own.
I'll tell ya though it would get better on it's own if Bruce Bochy wasn't an idiot at filling out a lineup card. some of his best hitters don't play regularly because they have to play fat contracts like Edgar renteria and Aaron Rowand. Those two guys are killing us. Juan Uribe and Nate Schierholtz both hover around .300 and are far better hitters than either of those two right now. Renteria hits .250 and Rowand .268.
Plus Bochy insists that Bengie Molina is babe ruth and won't move his undisciplined ass to the 8th spot where he belongs. His on base percentage is .270! because he's the slowest player in any league or the minors. He refuses to draw walks which drives me insane at the cleanup hole. put freddy sanchez at 3rd and bat Pablo 4th and schierholtz 5th and their offense would instantly get better.

But Botch-y is an idiot like I said. He's good with pitchers and bullpen but not with filling out a batting order. You see why I am frustrated with the worst offensive team in baseball?

We won't make the playoffs unless we start hitting better. if the giants stay at their current offensive output we won't be able to use our aces in the playoffs so what's the point?

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