The 4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible -- Essentially Romans 1.20

See how dumb your thoughts are as you keep struggling to find a way to disprove God. That is your insanity you can take with you to Hell.

Other than because the bible says so, why does the cause of our universe have to be a god?

We might be on the other end of a black hole. And on the other end of black holes in our universe are other universes.

Black holes suck up stars and planets all the time and stars become black holes every day. Whats on the other side of black holes. 2 choices.

A. Don't know
B. God
The Bible supplies the proof that no naturalistic explanation can account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Black holes are subject to cause and effect also; so infinite regress is impossible since you would have happened already.
See how dumb your thoughts are as you keep struggling to find a way to disprove God. That is your insanity you can take with you to Hell.

Other than because the bible says so, why does the cause of our universe have to be a god?

We might be on the other end of a black hole. And on the other end of black holes in our universe are other universes.

Black holes suck up stars and planets all the time and stars become black holes every day. Whats on the other side of black holes. 2 choices.

A. Don't know
B. God
The Bible supplies the proof that no naturalistic explanation can account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Black holes are subject to cause and effect also; so infinite regress is impossible since you would have happened already.

Most scholars agree the gospels were not written by eye witnesses. Wiki authorship of bible then pick new testament. Gospel and acts are anonymous? Interpolations?
See how dumb your thoughts are as you keep struggling to find a way to disprove God. That is your insanity you can take with you to Hell.

Other than because the bible says so, why does the cause of our universe have to be a god?

We might be on the other end of a black hole. And on the other end of black holes in our universe are other universes.

Black holes suck up stars and planets all the time and stars become black holes every day. Whats on the other side of black holes. 2 choices.

A. Don't know
B. God
The Bible supplies the proof that no naturalistic explanation can account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings.

Black holes are subject to cause and effect also; so infinite regress is impossible since you would have happened already.

Most scholars agree the gospels were not written by eye witnesses. Wiki authorship of bible then pick new testament. Gospel and acts are anonymous? Interpolations?
Most scholars agree the gospels and all the books of the NT were written by eyewitnesses or in the case of Luke who was close friends with the Apostles.

Luke said in Acts it was part two of his former work of Luke, and documents his travels with Paul and the other Apostles.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.
Why? Are stars and the cosmos part of nature? What were things like before the creation? 20 billion years before the big bang a Google light years away from the milky way. Why couldn't a universe there have been created and died maybe and that debree ended up condensed into the size of your fist and then our universe started.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.
Why? Are stars and the cosmos part of nature? What were things like before the creation? 20 billion years before the big bang a Google light years away from the milky way. Why couldn't a universe there have been created and died maybe and that debree ended up condensed into the size of your fist and then our universe started.
Infinite regress is impossible, for if it were true you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. So nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

Your entire argument is that there has to be a beginning point for everything. Nothing can not produce something. If your argument is that God always was, then how is that different than the theory that what ever natural occurrence that produced the universe always was? So.....where did God come from?
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

Your entire argument is that there has to be a beginning point for everything. Nothing can not produce something. If your argument is that God always was, then how is that different than the theory that what ever natural occurrence that produced the universe always was? So.....where did God come from?
Nature proves the uncreated Creator just as Romans 1.20 days. It's illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.
Why? Are stars and the cosmos part of nature? What were things like before the creation? 20 billion years before the big bang a Google light years away from the milky way. Why couldn't a universe there have been created and died maybe and that debree ended up condensed into the size of your fist and then our universe started.
Infinite regress is impossible, for if it were true you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. So nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
Infinity is limitless, so how could infinity have already happened?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.
Why? Are stars and the cosmos part of nature? What were things like before the creation? 20 billion years before the big bang a Google light years away from the milky way. Why couldn't a universe there have been created and died maybe and that debree ended up condensed into the size of your fist and then our universe started.
Infinite regress is impossible, for if it were true you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. So nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
Infinity is limitless, so how could infinity have already happened?
Infinity in the past or infinity in the future?
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

Your entire argument is that there has to be a beginning point for everything. Nothing can not produce something. If your argument is that God always was, then how is that different than the theory that what ever natural occurrence that produced the universe always was? So.....where did God come from?
Nature proves the uncreated Creator just as Romans 1.20 days. It's illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

No. It's illogical to give you a pass just because you claim God.

Romans 1:20 says
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
what exactly is clearly seen that proves God?
Don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian, and believe in God myself. I'm just saddened by people professing to be Christians who make statements that make all Christians look like nuts. If you believe the things you wrote, then fine. If you want to convince others, that's fine too. But don't go making arguments against science when you have nothing provable to discredit that science. Perhaps one day, there will be a logical way to prove the existence of God. Until then, you are doing nothing more than making yourself and all other Christians look like fruit cakes.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.
Why? Are stars and the cosmos part of nature? What were things like before the creation? 20 billion years before the big bang a Google light years away from the milky way. Why couldn't a universe there have been created and died maybe and that debree ended up condensed into the size of your fist and then our universe started.
Infinite regress is impossible, for if it were true you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. So nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
Infinity is limitless, so how could infinity have already happened?
Infinity in the past or infinity in the future?

Infinity is infinity.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

Your entire argument is that there has to be a beginning point for everything. Nothing can not produce something. If your argument is that God always was, then how is that different than the theory that what ever natural occurrence that produced the universe always was? So.....where did God come from?
Nature proves the uncreated Creator just as Romans 1.20 days. It's illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

No. It's illogical to give you a pass just because you claim God.

Romans 1:20 says
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
what exactly is clearly seen that proves God?
Don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian, and believe in God myself. I'm just saddened by people professing to be Christians who make statements that make all Christians look like nuts. If you believe the things you wrote, then fine. If you want to convince others, that's fine too. But don't go making arguments against science when you have nothing provable to discredit that science. Perhaps one day, there will be a logical way to prove the existence of God. Until then, you are doing nothing more than making yourself and all other Christians look like fruit cakes.
I don't consider you a Christian for the faith is evidenced based. Scientifically, nature always has a cause. But since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space; this uncreated Creator is whom we call God. And we know God the Son si Jesus because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles.

You are a fruit cake headed for Hell. You're "without excuse" (Rom. 1.20). This proof has always been known; God is no respecter of persons. People today don't have an advantage over people in the past.
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
You've illustrated a complete lack of understanding of evolution. Congrats
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
You've illustrated a complete lack of understanding of evolution. Congrats
The Bible covers it simply as the body from dust (Gen. 2.7). And there have not been enough interatomic interactions in the history of the universe to turn dust into life. God's divine spark was needed.
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.
What is uncaused? God didn't create you we invented god. We created god. What came first the chicken or the egg. If gods the chicken then the answer is the egg came first.
Since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space.

I just looked into your argument. Turns out as far as science physics cosmology logic and philosophy are concerned your argument are far from being undeniable. It turns out it isn't illogical to ask these questions.

Your infinite regress argument is flawed. But I see its an argument theists think is good. As far back as Aristotle
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
You've illustrated a complete lack of understanding of evolution. Congrats
The Bible covers it simply as the body from dust (Gen. 2.7). And there have not been enough interatomic interactions in the history of the universe to turn dust into life. God's divine spark was needed.
We are made of star stuff. Jesus didn't die for you a star did.
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
You've illustrated a complete lack of understanding of evolution. Congrats
The Bible covers it simply as the body from dust (Gen. 2.7). And there have not been enough interatomic interactions in the history of the universe to turn dust into life. God's divine spark was needed.
According to whom?
Where did God come from? If you don't know, then how is your theory any more possible than any other?
It is illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

Your entire argument is that there has to be a beginning point for everything. Nothing can not produce something. If your argument is that God always was, then how is that different than the theory that what ever natural occurrence that produced the universe always was? So.....where did God come from?
Nature proves the uncreated Creator just as Romans 1.20 days. It's illogical to ask what caused the uncaused.

No. It's illogical to give you a pass just because you claim God.

Romans 1:20 says
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
what exactly is clearly seen that proves God?
Don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian, and believe in God myself. I'm just saddened by people professing to be Christians who make statements that make all Christians look like nuts. If you believe the things you wrote, then fine. If you want to convince others, that's fine too. But don't go making arguments against science when you have nothing provable to discredit that science. Perhaps one day, there will be a logical way to prove the existence of God. Until then, you are doing nothing more than making yourself and all other Christians look like fruit cakes.
I don't consider you a Christian for the faith is evidenced based. Scientifically, nature always has a cause. But since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space; this uncreated Creator is whom we call God. And we know God the Son si Jesus because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles.

You are a fruit cake headed for Hell. You're "without excuse" (Rom. 1.20). This proof has always been known; God is no respecter of persons. People today don't have an advantage over people in the past.
If you don't mind, I'll let God decide my Christianity. You might notice I didn't say a thing against your beliefs........only the silly way you are trying to use your beliefs to disprove accepted science. It was a poor effort. We are told to be as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as doves. Your silly rants are as dumb as a goat, but as harmful as a serpent to the credibility of Christianity.

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