The 4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible -- Essentially Romans 1.20

And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
I don't consider you a Christian for the faith is evidenced based. Scientifically, nature always has a cause. But since nature can't always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space; this uncreated Creator is whom we call God. And we know God the Son si Jesus because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles.

You are a fruit cake headed for Hell. You're "without excuse" (Rom. 1.20). This proof has always been known; God is no respecter of persons. People today don't have an advantage over people in the past.
If you don't mind, I'll let God decide my Christianity. You might notice I didn't say a thing against your beliefs........only the silly way you are trying to use your beliefs to disprove accepted science. It was a poor effort. We are told to be as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as doves. Your silly rants are as dumb as a goat, but as harmful as a serpent to the credibility of Christianity.
God has decided Christianity in the Bible which says you are going to Hell because you reject Christ.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Now there is the old Hellfire and Brimstone fanatic that has been poorly hiding under your silly claims. Like I said, I'll work my personal arrangement out with God, unless you think you are more qualified than him.
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. You are not a Christian. You are going to Hell because you reject what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross. How sad for you.

So do Jews Muslims and Mormons. Were all going to hell? Fuckin fool. Lol. How sad u so stupid.
Non-Christian Jews are going to Hell. So are Muslims and Mormons. Christians are not going to Hell with you.
And here I am. Been here for several years.
Exactly, so infinite regress is false. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
The infinite regress argument is flawed so stop using it. It isn't true. It isn't the smoking gun to the first cause argument you think it is. It doesn't disprove our theory. Your theory isn't peer tested and scientifally a0proved so stop using it
The fact remains infinite regress is impossible, so nature needs a cause outside of itself. Science does not agree with you.
No one but you is claiming infinite regress.
I don't believe in infinite regress. But now since you admit you reject infinite regress and that something can't come from nothing then you know nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. T his uncreated Creator is whom we call God.
But something can come from nothing. I'm not claiming infinite regress that's your word
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Not enough interatomic interactions in the history of the universe for it to be possible. God did it.
It's actually the DSM-5 Psychology manual. And yes, mental disorders including hallucinations can be shared.
I know, I must have lost a keystroke there. And no, group hallucinations are impossible. People hallucinate, but never the same thing at the same time in the same setting and repeatedly over and over again in different group sizes, etc. Challenge yourself to search the literature, for none can be found. There are no cited cases in human history.
I challenged myself to research the data and found nothing to indicate that mass hallucinations cannot occur. If you research the data for yourself, you will discover that mass hysteria can incorporate symptoms of mass hallucinations.
There are no known cases in human history of group hallucinations. You should have been able to find one if they were true. Hysteria involving eyes is subject to the law of group hallucinations being impossible since there is no evidence for any in the DSM-5 Psychology Manual or anywhere else in human record. Thanks for proving this to be so.
Well actually, and as I noted, mass hysteria can havs as a manifestation, mass hallucination.

Maybe check your manual for what you may have missed.
You never showed anywhere where there were any group hallucinations.

And she won't Part. She is mad that people believe in God. It's her thing. She's not long on facts until she's just forced to google. Other than that, she's a peach. :)
If you don't mind, I'll let God decide my Christianity. You might notice I didn't say a thing against your beliefs........only the silly way you are trying to use your beliefs to disprove accepted science. It was a poor effort. We are told to be as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as doves. Your silly rants are as dumb as a goat, but as harmful as a serpent to the credibility of Christianity.
God has decided Christianity in the Bible which says you are going to Hell because you reject Christ.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Now there is the old Hellfire and Brimstone fanatic that has been poorly hiding under your silly claims. Like I said, I'll work my personal arrangement out with God, unless you think you are more qualified than him.
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. You are not a Christian. You are going to Hell because you reject what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross. How sad for you.

So do Jews Muslims and Mormons. Were all going to hell? Fuckin fool. Lol. How sad u so stupid.
Non-Christian Jews are going to Hell. So are Muslims and Mormons. Christians are not going to Hell with you.

Wow! Why was I having a scientific discussion with a crazy person? I'm done with you other than to laugh and mock you. Don't try to talk logic and science when you believe in fairy tales. Its like I wasted my time all to find out I'm talking to a crazy person. Fuck your god in his god asshole
God has decided Christianity in the Bible which says you are going to Hell because you reject Christ.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Now there is the old Hellfire and Brimstone fanatic that has been poorly hiding under your silly claims. Like I said, I'll work my personal arrangement out with God, unless you think you are more qualified than him.
Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. You are not a Christian. You are going to Hell because you reject what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross. How sad for you.

So do Jews Muslims and Mormons. Were all going to hell? Fuckin fool. Lol. How sad u so stupid.
Non-Christian Jews are going to Hell. So are Muslims and Mormons. Christians are not going to Hell with you.

Wow! Why was I having a scientific discussion with a crazy person? I'm done with you other than to laugh and mock you. Don't try to talk logic and science when you believe in fairy tales. Its like I wasted my time all to find out I'm talking to a crazy person. Fuck your god in his god asshole
You're insane.
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
And there is also the fact that even that simple one celled amoeba had a complex DNA.
And there never was a simple form of a working eye. The eye is an extreme case of complex design.
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
Thank God the greatest scientists were Christians. So that there is today less of that science so falsely called. Pseudo science.
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
Thank God the greatest scientists were Christians.
Meh. Some were/are, some weren't/aren't.

Either way, if they are a truly great scientist they'll answer no scientific question with "god did it"
I know, I must have lost a keystroke there. And no, group hallucinations are impossible. People hallucinate, but never the same thing at the same time in the same setting and repeatedly over and over again in different group sizes, etc. Challenge yourself to search the literature, for none can be found. There are no cited cases in human history.
I challenged myself to research the data and found nothing to indicate that mass hallucinations cannot occur. If you research the data for yourself, you will discover that mass hysteria can incorporate symptoms of mass hallucinations.
There are no known cases in human history of group hallucinations. You should have been able to find one if they were true. Hysteria involving eyes is subject to the law of group hallucinations being impossible since there is no evidence for any in the DSM-5 Psychology Manual or anywhere else in human record. Thanks for proving this to be so.
Well actually, and as I noted, mass hysteria can havs as a manifestation, mass hallucination.

Maybe check your manual for what you may have missed.
You never showed anywhere where there were any group hallucinations.

And she won't Part. She is mad that people believe in God. It's her thing. She's not long on facts until she's just forced to google. Other than that, she's a peach. :)
She's very sharp. Its you who believes an ancient superstition.

So god
That's not true

DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Neal degrasse Tyson created basic life in a science lab using the same ingredients that created basic life billions of years ago. Co2 h2o hydrogen etc. Over billions of yrs single cell turned into multi cell. They eventually invented sex developed eyes and limbs gills lungs and trilobite's ruled for millions of years before dinosaurs then they ruled millions of years before us. What was that all about?
It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
Thank God the greatest scientists were Christians.
Meh. Some were/are, some weren't/aren't.

Either way, if they are a truly great scientist they'll answer no question with "god did it"
Since God is proven we can disregard pseudo scientists you favor.
I challenged myself to research the data and found nothing to indicate that mass hallucinations cannot occur. If you research the data for yourself, you will discover that mass hysteria can incorporate symptoms of mass hallucinations.
There are no known cases in human history of group hallucinations. You should have been able to find one if they were true. Hysteria involving eyes is subject to the law of group hallucinations being impossible since there is no evidence for any in the DSM-5 Psychology Manual or anywhere else in human record. Thanks for proving this to be so.
Well actually, and as I noted, mass hysteria can havs as a manifestation, mass hallucination.

Maybe check your manual for what you may have missed.
You never showed anywhere where there were any group hallucinations.

And she won't Part. She is mad that people believe in God. It's her thing. She's not long on facts until she's just forced to google. Other than that, she's a peach. :)
She's very sharp. Its you who believes an ancient superstition.

So god
DNA is complex by design. It has a designer. Because of it and it's tendency to auto correct, it is the reason we are not walking on all of the bones of all of the mutants, (in all the species), and missing links there would have to be if Darwin was correct. If monkeys turn into man, then you should be able to reach down and pick up incomplete almost man bones everywhere.
And do we just over look the fact that Darwin was quite mad?

Part, Have I introduced you to Hollie? :)
Other than your "because I say so" commandment. what evidence can you submit for your statement that DNA is the result of supernatural "design"?

It is complex. Don't take my word for it, look up DNA then continue to pretend it could have happened accidentally.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Neal degrasse Tyson created basic life in a science lab using the same ingredients that created basic life billions of years ago. Co2 h2o hydrogen etc. Over billions of yrs single cell turned into multi cell. They eventually invented sex developed eyes and limbs gills lungs and trilobite's ruled for millions of years before dinosaurs then they ruled millions of years before us. What was that all about?
Nobody has been able to recreate abiogenesis. Don't believe the lies. It takes man's intelligence to tinker with these to create pseudo life like implanting genetic material into an empty cell. That's like simply changing the motor on a car, but the origin of that life still alludes.
Except dna really isn't that complex a molecule
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
Thank God the greatest scientists were Christians.
Meh. Some were/are, some weren't/aren't.

Either way, if they are a truly great scientist they'll answer no question with "god did it"
Since God is proven we can disregard pseudo scientists you favor.
God is not proven. Just saying it doesn't make it so
Since man can't cause abiogenesis it is just a pipe dream. So God did it!
Thank god men of science aren't as simple as you or we'd all be living in caves hoping lightening would strike so we could have fire
Thank God the greatest scientists were Christians.
Meh. Some were/are, some weren't/aren't.

Either way, if they are a truly great scientist they'll answer no question with "god did it"
Since God is proven we can disregard pseudo scientists you favor.
God is not proven. Just saying it doesn't make it so
The proof was given, you didn't challenge the proof for God.

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