The Access Hollywood tapes may finally be catching up with trump

No he won't.
I will search for this thread when he is. I will search for the words Trump charged. and look for my name and find this and give you a big fat I told you so.

They just gave him a chance to show up and testify. That usually happens right before charges. Trump refused to show up. He didn't have to but it was his chance to show up and give his side. He chose not to.

Of course he's going to be charged. You think we're fucking around with Lex Luthor?
The Access Hollywood tape is just material that President Trump did for NBC designed to entertain the crowd. No more proof of anything than Rodney Dangerfield's complaints on stage about his doctor are proof of the latter's propensity to malpractice.

Maybe libs weren't entertained by Trump's material for Access Hollywood, but neither was anyone else as it wasn't seen until Election Eve when it was saved to try and rig the election for Hillary.

But it isn't "proof" of anything, except perhaps that this material didn't work for Trump no matter how much the Bush boy was giggling during the event.
I think I have told this story on this forum before but...I was sitting in at the bar on WPAFB drinking a beer late afternoon during the time Trump paying off the stripper was all over TV day after day. The bar tender, in mid swig said to another guy at the bar right beside me, "Thank God Trump brought God back to America." I spewed the beer across the bar. So yea, I can see the evangelicals supporting a p**** grabber. I can see it, but I don't understand it.
I don't either. I am a Christian and cannot understand how evangelicals can abandon their morals and principles in order to support a immoral POS like trump. Hypocrisy at it finest.
I will search for this thread when he is. I will search for the words Trump charged. and look for my name and find this and give you a big fat I told you so.

They just gave him a chance to show up and testify. That usually happens right before charges. Trump refused to show up. He didn't have to but it was his chance to show up and give his side. He chose not to.

Of course he's going to be charged. You think we're fucking around with Lex Luthor?
How many years have we heard this crap?
I don't either. I am a Christian and cannot understand how evangelicals can abandon their morals and principles in order to support a immoral POS like trump. Hypocrisy at it finest.

Maybe because many Christians don't appreciate the Pro-Abort sentiments of your candidate? IMHO, it isn't hypocritical in the least to vote against the Anti-Life candidate.
How many years have we heard this crap?
We couldn't prosecute him when he was president.
He was found guilty but the GOP run Senate let him get away with it.
We probably wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't considering running again.
Most criminal president in US history. Most infamous. If Trump wanted to go down in history, he sure did it. He will be one of our most famous POTUS' of all time. Especially among the 1 termers.

The legal system takes time. And there are statue of limitations. Trump is brilliant tying things up in court, settling, hush money, intimidating his opponents, getting someone else to fall on the sword.

To be honest, I want you to run that slimy mother fucker again. Joe will eat him up. He's a true statesmen. And I think Joe does a real good job explaining his position. Even with the dimensia.
We couldn't prosecute him when he was president.
He was found guilty but the GOP run Senate let him get away with it.
We probably wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't considering running again.
Most criminal president in US history. Most infamous. If Trump wanted to go down in history, he sure did it. He will be one of our most famous POTUS' of all time. Especially among the 1 termers.

The legal system takes time. And there are statue of limitations. Trump is brilliant tying things up in court, settling, hush money, intimidating his opponents, getting someone else to fall on the sword.

To be honest, I want you to run that slimy mother fucker again. Joe will eat him up. He's a true statesmen. And I think Joe does a real good job explaining his position. Even with the dimensia.
trump is slime. I said that in 2015 and it is more true today.
trump is slime. I said that in 2015 and it is more true today.

We warned a lot of people that Trump was full of shit but what he said sounded good and different than the typical republican so they decided to give him a chance. What I find funny is the people who are left still supporting him. The Republicans have a problem. They don't want to be punished by Trump supporters. So for example Mitch doesn't convict Trump after his second impeachment because technically, he didn't have to. Trump was no longer president.

I mean you don't want a guy showing up to your house like the guy who went to Pelosi's house. That guy no doubt is a trumpy.

Let's see how Trump does in the Republican primaries. This will be interesting huh?
We couldn't prosecute him when he was president.
He was found guilty but the GOP run Senate let him get away with it.
We probably wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't considering running again.
Most criminal president in US history. Most infamous. If Trump wanted to go down in history, he sure did it. He will be one of our most famous POTUS' of all time. Especially among the 1 termers.

The legal system takes time. And there are statue of limitations. Trump is brilliant tying things up in court, settling, hush money, intimidating his opponents, getting someone else to fall on the sword.

To be honest, I want you to run that slimy mother fucker again. Joe will eat him up. He's a true statesmen. And I think Joe does a real good job explaining his position. Even with the dimensia.
You cannot prosecute someone who has done nothing wrong. His crime was winning two presidential elections.
Even the media source you get your propoganda from turns out are KNOWINGLY lying to your stupid ass.

I do not watch FOX simpleton. You want to know who is getting lied to? It is you and the other morons who listen to the MSM and the government.
Yeah, I have heard that from lots of people that helped elect a Moron like trump. Thanks.....:rolleyes:
Hillary and Gore would have been great. What this country would be like if it went Carter, Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 48 years of Democratic presidents.

I can tell you one thing. The gap between the rich and rest of us wouldn't have widened as much as it has because of Republican policies.

I do not watch FOX simpleton. You want to know who is getting lied to? It is you and the other morons who listen to the MSM and the government.
You didn't cry when russian operatives were flooding facebook with lies about hillary so why care about this?
Hillary and Gore would have been great. What this country would be like if it went Carter, Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 48 years of Democratic presidents.

I can tell you one thing. The gap between the rich and rest of us wouldn't have widened as much as it has because of Republican policies.

Democrats are now the party of the rich. That is why they are bailing out the elites in Silicone Valley. Democratic policies are destroying this country. Wake up and look around.
Poor Hillary.
Spent $1 billion in ads, lost because of a few Facebook memes.
Plus trashing her endlessly like you did from the 90's to today. Hillary would have been a good president. And she wouldn't have given tax breaks we couldn't afford to billionaires.

And her numbers would have been just as good as Trump's. Plus she would have known how to lead us through the pandemic.

Remember Trump mocked wearing masks and social distancing. Idiot.

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