The Access Hollywood tapes may finally be catching up with trump

Yeah, he didn't beat her in the contrived, bogus, fulla-shit MSM polarity polls which projected her landslide victory.
You know what I love? You told us not to run Hillary and we tried but she wouldn't go away and finally we had to run her. Women don't give a fuck about women's lib. Women cost Hillary the White House. They didn't show up just like they don't go to WNBA games. LOL.

Anyways, you told us not to run Hillary and we did anyways. Just like we're telling you not to run Trump. You're not going to listen to us just like we didn't listen to you. LOL. She was too polarizing remember? Well what do you think Trump is?
You know what I love? You told us not to run Hillary and we tried but she wouldn't go away and finally we had to run her. Women don't give a fuck about women's lib. Women cost Hillary the White House. They didn't show up just like they don't go to WNBA games. LOL.

Anyways, you told us not to run Hillary and we did anyways. Just like we're telling you not to run Trump. You're not going to listen to us just like we didn't listen to you. LOL. She was too polarizing remember? Well what do you think Trump is?
trump will be indicted 2 or 3 times before the year's end. He will be a great repub candidate.
trump will be indicted 2 or 3 times before the year's end. He will be a great repub candidate.
About half the country would vote for him in prison. Then he could pardon himself and walk out. Obviously the founding fathers did not think of everything.
About half the country would vote for him in prison. Then he could pardon himself and walk out. Obviously the founding fathers did not think of everything.

Consider this. Fox News personalities won't even vote for Trump. You saw their private texts? They "hate" him. Many many Republicans can't say it publically but they wish he would die already.

Do you think they will vote for him? I don't think so.

Will Trump supporters vote for DiSantis?

Which Republicans will fall in line? I say the Trump supporters will get over Trump and quickly fall in love with Ron.
Consider this. Fox News personalities won't even vote for Trump. You saw their private texts? They "hate" him. Many many Republicans can't say it publically but they wish he would die already.

Do you think they will vote for him? I don't think so.

Will Trump supporters vote for DiSantis?

Which Republicans will fall in line? I say the Trump supporters will get over Trump and quickly fall in love with Ron.
I think you underestimate the cult nature of the mental disease called MAGA. And by the time trump finishes trashing desantis...Ron will be left with some very deep scars.

At the time it was aired on national TV, many thought Donald was done. But, thanks to the massive support in far right evangelical segment, he was able to overcome the damage. His luck seems to be getting out.
No one cares.

Seriously. People in the thrall of Trump know he's a jackass (lots of them actually like that about him). They don't care. And they don't care about the "evidence". People who don't like Trump also know he's a jackass, and they don't need to be convinced with more evidence.
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I think you underestimate the cult nature of the mental disease called MAGA. And by the time trump finishes trashing desantis...Ron will be left with some very deep scars.
I can't wait to see what Ron says to Don at the debates. He should be able to shred him. Republicans won't listen to us when we tell them Trump was the most corrupt president but maybe they'll listen to Nikki and Ron when they explain.

Trump did a lot of inappropriate things. That's how they'll put it. He meant good but his approach was not good. He tried to cut corners. He didn't know the system. I know the system. He didn't handle the pandemic well. He was too divisive

If Trump goes low and you want to go lower, point out his Corporation, Foundation and Universities have all had issues. Trump the corporation got caught not paying it's taxes. Trump Foundation was a slush fund. Trump U was a scam. Bring up Stormy. Why would Ron be afraid of Trump he can embarrass the fuck out of him and win over his fans. Point out even Fox News thinks you are full of shit Mr Trump.

If Ron can't beat Trump in the primaries he's a pussy and an idiot. What can Trump say? Ron Santimonious? BFD.

Nikki Haley will be a good little ethnic girl, say America is not racist or sexist. Look at her. Then she will lose because Republican men don't really think women should lead.

Trump said he would work with the brightest and best. He has surrounded himself with Rudy, My Pillow, Roger Stone and Sidney Powell. Sidney btw hacked into a voting machine. The woman claiming Dominion machines were hacked, actually hacked into a voting machine. I don't recall which state it was but it was in a precinct that was heavily Republican. Video shows her and her crew sneaking in the middle of the night.

DUDE! Ron has so much on Trump. This is going to be fun.
I can't wait to see what Ron says to Don at the debates. He should be able to shred him. Republicans won't listen to us when we tell them Trump was the most corrupt president but maybe they'll listen to Nikki and Ron when they explain.

Trump did a lot of inappropriate things. That's how they'll put it. He meant good but his approach was not good. He tried to cut corners. He didn't know the system. I know the system. He didn't handle the pandemic well. He was too divisive

If Trump goes low and you want to go lower, point out his Corporation, Foundation and Universities have all had issues. Trump the corporation got caught not paying it's taxes. Trump Foundation was a slush fund. Trump U was a scam. Bring up Stormy. Why would Ron be afraid of Trump he can embarrass the fuck out of him and win over his fans. Point out even Fox News thinks you are full of shit Mr Trump.

If Ron can't beat Trump in the primaries he's a pussy and an idiot. What can Trump say? Ron Santimonious? BFD.

Nikki Haley will be a good little ethnic girl, say America is not racist or sexist. Look at her. Then she will lose because Republican men don't really think women should lead.

Trump said he would work with the brightest and best. He has surrounded himself with Rudy, My Pillow, Roger Stone and Sidney Powell. Sidney btw hacked into a voting machine. The woman claiming Dominion machines were hacked, actually hacked into a voting machine. I don't recall which state it was but it was in a precinct that was heavily Republican. Video shows her and her crew sneaking in the middle of the night.

DUDE! Ron has so much on Trump. This is going to be fun.
Ron is going to have to balance his attack. If too harsh...he loses the MAGA cult. If he is to soft...trump rolls over him.
No he won't.

Then why is Trump freaking out?

The former president’s campaign released the fiery statement just days after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office invited Trump to testify in front of a grand jury, seen as a signal that charges could be near. Any indictment would be historic: No former American president has been indicted, and any charges are sure to upend the 2024 race for the Republican presidential nomination.

What I love is that it was Trump republicans who started the "lock her up" witch hunts and now that Trump has broken multiple laws because he believed that he was above the law just because no other former president has ever been charged with a crime.

There's always a first.

And no you can't go find something petty and charge Obama or Biden. They didn't blatantly abuse their power for 4 years. They didn't ask a state to "find" them more votes. They didn't use campaign money illegally. They didn't pay off a porn star. They didn't insight a riot when they lost. Trump went way too far. Now, lock him up.

Oh, I forgot. Not turning over top secret documents when they asked him to. You can't do that.

Plus Jared got $2 billion from the Saudi's? What did he do to deserve that? You guys cry Bo Biden's wife got $35,000 but don't see Jared got two BILLION?
Charged with what?
Take your pick. He broke the law when he paid Stormy hush money. Certainly as bad as what Bill Clinton did right? But there's more.

It’s one of several ongoing investigations into Trump’s behavior, including his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and an inquiry into dozens of classified documents held at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, after he left the White House.
The New York Times reported Thursday that the Trump camp is preparing for a broad attack against Bragg and other prosecutors in his office, aiming to smear the group as Democratic assassins in an effort to flame outrage among his supporters. Trump’s team hopes to tie any charges from the investigation to President Joe Biden, the paper added, in an attempt to make any indictment seem like a political attack.
Then why is Trump freaking out?

The former president’s campaign released the fiery statement just days after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office invited Trump to testify in front of a grand jury, seen as a signal that charges could be near. Any indictment would be historic: No former American president has been indicted, and any charges are sure to upend the 2024 race for the Republican presidential nomination.

What I love is that it was Trump republicans who started the "lock her up" witch hunts and now that Trump has broken multiple laws because he believed that he was above the law just because no other former president has ever been charged with a crime.

There's always a first.

And no you can't go find something petty and charge Obama or Biden. They didn't blatantly abuse their power for 4 years. They didn't ask a state to "find" them more votes. They didn't use campaign money illegally. They didn't pay off a porn star. They didn't insight a riot when they lost. Trump went way too far. Now, lock him up.

Oh, I forgot. Not turning over top secret documents when they asked him to. You can't do that.

Plus Jared got $2 billion from the Saudi's? What did he do to deserve that? You guys cry Bo Biden's wife got $35,000 but don't see Jared got two BILLION?
trump will get a bump is his approval rating after the first indictment. But when the next one comes, people will begin to realize that the man is no more than a Political Mafia Boss. I doubt very seriously that NY, Fulton County, or the DOJ will indict a former president, if they do not think 99.9% that he can be convicted. I do think think trump's day of reckoning is coming in the next few weeks.
trump will get a bump is his approval rating after the first indictment. But when the next one comes, people will begin to realize that the man is no more than a Political Mafia Boss. I doubt very seriously that NY, Fulton County, or the DOJ will indict a former president, if they do not think 99.9% that he can be convicted. I do think think trump's day of reckoning is coming in the next few weeks.

It has to be laid out.

He started the insurrection.

Fox News knew he was lying about a rigged election. If Trump truly believes the election was stolen, like Fox says, he's fucking crazy. And should not be POTUS.

He said he would surround himself with the best. Instead he surrounded himself with Rudy, Sidney Powell and My Pillow. All being sued for lying about Dominion.

His charity was shut down. What was that all about?

His university was shut down. What's that all about?

He hires fixers like Michael Cohen. This is what rich, powerful and corrupt men do. Michael Jackson hired a fixer to help slander the boys he raped. Trump uses a fixer to do his dirty work.

Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell broke into an election location and hacked into a voting machine. What was that all about?

It would be so fun to debate Trump

What was he thinking when he called Georgia and said find me more votes? So un democratic.

Trump had the balls to say in the primaries, "there were no WMD's, BUSH LIED". I hope Trump's opponents in the primaries have the balls to call Trump out.

Taking top secret shit home and refusing to give it back when asked.

Trump hires illegals himself. Only half way through his presidency did he stop and he's probably doing it again now that he's out.

His CIO went to prison for tax evasion.

These aren't witch hunts. This is a very corrupt man.
It has to be laid out.

He started the insurrection.

Fox News knew he was lying about a rigged election. If Trump truly believes the election was stolen, like Fox says, he's fucking crazy. And should not be POTUS.

He said he would surround himself with the best. Instead he surrounded himself with Rudy, Sidney Powell and My Pillow. All being sued for lying about Dominion.

His charity was shut down. What was that all about?

His university was shut down. What's that all about?

He hires fixers like Michael Cohen. This is what rich, powerful and corrupt men do. Michael Jackson hired a fixer to help slander the boys he raped. Trump uses a fixer to do his dirty work.

Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell broke into an election location and hacked into a voting machine. What was that all about?

It would be so fun to debate Trump

What was he thinking when he called Georgia and said find me more votes? So un democratic.

Trump had the balls to say in the primaries, "there were no WMD's, BUSH LIED". I hope Trump's opponents in the primaries have the balls to call Trump out.

Taking top secret shit home and refusing to give it back when asked.

Trump hires illegals himself. Only half way through his presidency did he stop and he's probably doing it again now that he's out.

His CIO went to prison for tax evasion.

These aren't witch hunts. This is a very corrupt man.
He is a very corrupt POS that Poootin practically installed himself by the misinformation his social media troll army promoted. If trump had been re-elected, Poootin would be in Kiev right now with his feet propped up on Zelensky's desk. The US would be out of NATO and our country would be well on the way to becoming an Autocracy. I don't think many people understand how close we were to having a King on J6.

Now trump wants another chance at destroying our democracy and MAGA repubs are supporting the criminal SOB. The DOJ needs to do it's job in indict the POS.

At the time it was aired on national TV, many thought Donald was done. But, thanks to the massive support in far right evangelical segment, he was able to overcome the damage. His luck seems to be getting out.
And still millions on the reprehensible right will vote for Trump in 2024.
He’s going to be charged in a week or two.
I think the first Indictment will come from NY. The second will come from Fulton County in Georgia. And the third, most likely will come from the DOJ.

MAGA will shout and scream, but the guy has been getting away with crimes for far too long. It is time to pay the Piper.
You know what I love? You told us not to run Hillary and we tried but she wouldn't go away and finally we had to run her. Women don't give a fuck about women's lib. Women cost Hillary the White House. They didn't show up just like they don't go to WNBA games. LOL.

Anyways, you told us not to run Hillary and we did anyways. Just like we're telling you not to run Trump. You're not going to listen to us just like we didn't listen to you. LOL. She was too polarizing remember? Well what do you think Trump is?
It's the Deep State and their MSM which does most of the polarizing. Trump is at one of the poles because they put him there - represent him as such - when they regurgitate the garbage that they do. The Deep State simply wants to create a black & white, for-us-or-against-us framework labeled "good" and "evil"...where they are good and everything else not them is evil. They are so good at it even Goebbels would be jealous.
It's the Deep State and their MSM which does most of the polarizing. Trump is at one of the poles because they put him there - represent him as such - when they regurgitate the garbage that they do. The Deep State simply wants to create a black & white, for-us-or-against-us framework labeled "good" and "evil"...where they are good and everything else not them is evil. They are so good at it even Goebbels would be jealous.
I like this line I heard on a western. No one's good and no one's evil. We all got good and evil in us. So true.
I like this line I heard on a western. No one's good and no one's evil. We all got good and evil in us. So true.

I don't really believe in Good and Evil in the Biblical sense. But I do believe in love and hate and everything in between. That line does nothing but dilute truth. There is a big difference between...say...making a decision to bomb a town where terrorists are planning an attack, knowing a couple of civilians could get killed to spare thousands more...and building a compound such as Auschwitz to murder thousands of innocent people. That line has no relevance whatsoever in making such a distinction.

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