The Access Hollywood tapes may finally be catching up with trump

The problem in the plaintiff’s defamation “case” against Trump is that E. Jean Carroll herself will have to testify. And she is a nut bar.

It is a mystery why the court has allowed this bullshit to even be litigated. Her theory of the case is that she was permitted to accuse Trump of a crime but when he publicly denied her allegation that denial somehow defamed her.

The self-evident absurdity of that position is something which shouldn’t even be denied or debated even by the folks with the most profound case of TDS.

In what imaginable view of the real world and present-day America can an accuser seek to deny the accused the right to deny the allegation?

Think it through. J says D raped her. D says “I deny J’s claim.” And in that basis the accuser says she has been defamed?
Plus trashing her endlessly like you did from the 90's to today. Hillary would have been a good president. And she wouldn't have given tax breaks we couldn't afford to billionaires.

And her numbers would have been just as good as Trump's. Plus she would have known how to lead us through the pandemic.

Remember Trump mocked wearing masks and social distancing. Idiot.

Oh no, we trashed your corrupt old sot.

Hillary would have been a good president.

She'd have been awful! But she was defeated by 2 amateurs.
We warned a lot of people that Trump was full of shit but what he said sounded good and different than the typical republican so they decided to give him a chance. What I find funny is the people who are left still supporting him. The Republicans have a problem. They don't want to be punished by Trump supporters. So for example Mitch doesn't convict Trump after his second impeachment because technically, he didn't have to. Trump was no longer president.

I mean you don't want a guy showing up to your house like the guy who went to Pelosi's house. That guy no doubt is a trumpy.

Let's see how Trump does in the Republican primaries. This will be interesting huh?
The GOP has a problem. The establishment GOP vs MAGA repubs. How does the GOP tell trump to go away without alienating the MAGA repubs? trump is done. He will never be elected to anything again.

But he will trash the GOP's Great White Hope. Little Ron desantis and possible make him unelectable. Then the GOP may need to fall back on loser Don. Problems...Problems
The GOP has a problem. The establishment GOP vs MAGA repubs. How does the GOP tell trump to go away without alienating the MAGA repubs? trump is done. He will never be elected to anything again.

But he will trash the GOP's Great White Hope. Little Ron desantis and possible make him unelectable. Then the GOP may need to fall back on loser Don. Problems...Problems
Basketball analogy. Ron is going hard right. If he gets the the nomination he will fake left for a second and pretend to be a center(ist) when we all know he's clearly a right wing power forward.

WOKE. He's immediately going to start with the divisive shit.
Basketball analogy. Ron is going hard right. If he gets the the nomination he will fake left for a second and pretend to be a center(ist) when we all know he's clearly a right wing power forward.

WOKE. He's immediately going to start with the divisive shit.
That is how Yougkin won the Governor's race in blue Virginia. He faked that he was a centrist and then when he was elected be became a hard right MAGA.
That is how Yougkin won the Governor's race in blue Virginia. He faked that he was a centrist and then when he was elected be became a hard right MAGA.
I would love to find out George is actually a Democrat and he duped Republicans into voting for him


At the time it was aired on national TV, many thought Donald was done. But, thanks to the massive support in far right evangelical segment, he was able to overcome the damage. His luck seems to be getting out.
Still crying about Trump. Look out your basement window dumbass...
Cause all evil comes from the Libs, even if the Republicans elected him. The delusion of the conservatives is kinda sad.

I thought about this Trump thing last night. If this Stormy Daniels thing is a witch hunt, what was the Monica Lewinsky thing?

And Republicans will say they don't care about Monica. They care that Clinton lied under oath. But Trump won't testify because if he did, he too would lie.

IN FACT, his lawyers are trying to get him to invoke the "I didn't want my wife to find out" defense. Isn't that exactly why Bill Clinton lied?

OR, are Republicans suggesting Trump is telling the truth when he says he didn't sleep with that woman? That's not an option. lol
I thought about this Trump thing last night. If this Stormy Daniels thing is a witch hunt, what was the Monica Lewinsky thing?

And Republicans will say they don't care about Monica. They care that Clinton lied under oath. But Trump won't testify because if he did, he too would lie.

IN FACT, his lawyers are trying to get him to invoke the "I didn't want my wife to find out" defense. Isn't that exactly why Bill Clinton lied?

OR, are Republicans suggesting Trump is telling the truth when he says he didn't sleep with that woman? That's not an option. lol
Trump is a deity to them. He might have slept with that woman, then paid her off against the election laws. But it is Trump, so somehow, even the Evangelicals think it is just Donald bringing God back to America. Or something. I quit even bringing up hypocrisy, too rich.
Still holding on to the three time loser. Great! Keep humping him.

Couple thoughts about what that guy said.

1. How come Republicans didn't stop talking about the Clinton's when Bill Clinton left office? It was because the Clinton's still had political aspirations. Hillary was running for Senate so she could eventually run for POTUS. How is our talking about Trump any different then them talking about the Clinton's? Doesn't Trump still have political aspirations? And talk about witch hunts? They went after Hillary for using her private emails and phone? They all do that too!!! Now that was a witch hunt.

2. Hitler went to jail for his attempted coup. Reminds me a lot of Trump. I'm sure Nazi's told normal German's that they had HDS and to get over it. Let it go.

Hitler escaped immediate arrest and was spirited off to safety in the countryside. After two days, he was arrested and charged with treason.

Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison,[note 2]where he dictated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released.

Perhaps if Trump goes to jail for the felonies he's about to be charged with, maybe he will be housed with the Insurrectionists who are serving now. I hear they sing god bless America at night.

Trump and a group of individuals incarcerated for their alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 riot have collaborated on a song called “Justice for All.” It will debut Thursday at midnight on streaming services, including Apple Music and Spotify, according to a person with knowledge of the project.
An investigation into Clinton sexually harassing a state employee.
But he wasn't sexually harassing Monica. In fact, the other side used a guy like Michael Cohen to illegally wiretap Monica to get this information. Same guy Michael Jackson used. Anthony Pelagano.

Remember that ugly bitch who told Monica she could trust her then she told all she knew? What was that bitches name? Republicans actually sent her to get the dirt on Monica. To spy for them. Crazy shit. What length they went to dig up this petty bullshit on Bill.

If he were a Republican you'd call it a witch hunt.
But he wasn't sexually harassing Monica. In fact, the other side used a guy like Michael Cohen to illegally wiretap Monica to get this information. Same guy Michael Jackson used. Anthony Pelagano.

Remember that ugly bitch who told Monica she could trust her then she told all she knew? What was that bitches name? Republicans actually sent her to get the dirt on Monica. To spy for them. Crazy shit. What length they went to dig up this petty bullshit on Bill.

If he were a Republican you'd call it a witch hunt.

But he wasn't sexually harassing Monica.

Who said he was?

Remember that ugly bitch who told Monica she could trust her then she told all she knew?

Remember that ugly bitch who talked about "bimbo eruptions" and "nuts and sluts"?

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