The Access Hollywood tapes may finally be catching up with trump

I don't really believe in Good and Evil in the Biblical sense. But I do believe in love and hate and everything in between. That line does nothing but dilute truth. There is a big difference between...say...making a decision to bomb a town where terrorists are planning an attack, knowing a couple of civilians could get killed to spare thousands more...and building a compound such as Auschwitz to murder thousands of innocent people. That line has no relevance whatsoever in making such a distinction.
True. But good people can do bad things and bad people do good things.

There are serial killers who love their mamas and sisters or daughters.
True. But good people can do bad things and bad people do good things.

There are serial killers who love their mamas and sisters or daughters.

This guy...and I'm sure you know who he is...loved his Daughter immensely, and she felt the same way about him. But we all know what he did...and guess what, SO DID SHE by the time she was an adult. But she denied her father was any kind of monster and stood up for him posthumously and many other aging Nazis spared the death penalty by the Allies. She dedicated a part of her life to make sure they got their pensions and had easy lives in convalescence. Oh, what a sweet little Angel.

It reminds me of how touched and giddy I feel when a bear mauls a human to death for merely taking a hike through bear country when the little ones are tagging along with their moms...or when killer bees sting children to death for walking too close to the hive. Just endearing how living things take care of their own. Just a good side of humanity that kind of smoothes it all out. Just imagine the horrible pain and suffering Heinrich was trying to spare poor little Gudrun from. Reminds me of the Huey Lewis song "Doin' It All for Mah Baybuh".



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This guy...and I'm sure you know who he is...loved his Daughter immensely, and she felt the same way about him. But we all know what he did...and guess what, SO DID SHE by the time she was an adult. But she denied her father was any kind of monster and stood up for him posthumously and many other aging Nazis spared the death penalty by the Allies. She dedicated a part of her life to make sure they got their pensions and had easy lives in convalescence. Oh, what a sweet little Angel.

It reminds me of how touched and giddy I feel when a bear mauls a human to death for merely taking a hike through bear country when the little ones are tagging along with their moms...or when killer bees sting children to death for walking too close to the hive. Just endearing how living things take care of their own. Just a good side of humanity that kind of smoothes it all out. Just imagine the horrible pain and suffering Heinrich was trying to spare poor little Gudrun from. Reminds me of the Huey Lewis song "Doin' It All for Mah Baybuh".

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That was fucking deep!

Maybe the difference between a guy like that who loves his daughter and Mother Theresa is she thinks of everyone as her family and loves everyone. That guy loves just that little girl. Maybe even more than himself. Maybe he'd give his life for that little girl. But Mother Theresa would give her life for you, me and even that guy. BTW no I didn't know who he is. I thought it was Hitler but I didn't think he had a little girl. LOL.

Anyways, how many people are in your tribe? Everyone's different. I'm not Mother Theresa but I'm not that guy either. I'm somewhere in between and suspect so are you.

I love my family the most. That's 4 people. Then I love my extended family. Sister in laws, aunts, cousins. I love my community. I have all kinds of friends arabs, indians, italians, russians, belarus, mexicans. I don't have any black people in my inner circle. Michigan is very segregated. Almost just as bad as down south. But that's another conversation.

I have neighbors and friends I care about too. And I do care about all Americans. And I do care about humans who are not Americans. But not as much as I do Americans.

And I'm Greek so I guess I'm tribal when it comes to Greek or not Greek.

What was your point again? I'm hi.
/——-/ Oh you got him this time, #8,974
Desperate democRATs recycling Storm Daniels and Access Hollyweird stories because they tried everything else and failed. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he expects to be arrested in connection with the yearslong investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels and called on his supporters to protest any such move.

In a social media post, Trump, referring to himself, said the “leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States will be arrested on Tuesday of next week” – though he did not say why he expects to be arrested. His team said after Trump’s post that it had not received any notifications from prosecutors.

What you gonna do about it?
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he expects to be arrested in connection with the yearslong investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels and called on his supporters to protest any such move.

In a social media post, Trump, referring to himself, said the “leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States will be arrested on Tuesday of next week” – though he did not say why he expects to be arrested. His team said after Trump’s post that it had not received any notifications from prosecutors.

What you gonna do about it?
/-----/ I'm going to warn you, like every other scam the left cooked up, will blow up in your face. Because nothing says Banana Republic like arresting your political opponents who can fill football stadiums with supporters.
/——-/ A billionaire playboy—- oh the humanity.

If Trump is president, the Federal Government might pass a federal law banning abortion. And they will be anti gay again. No chance of that if a Democrat is in office. So I get why religious people vote Republican. Same with Ron DiSantis. Both will pass anti gay legislation and make abortion illegal.

Republicans said they were okay with the morning after pill but that we know was a lie. In Texas they are trying to ban them.
If Trump is president, the Federal Government might pass a federal law banning abortion. And they will be anti gay again. No chance of that if a Democrat is in office. So I get why religious people vote Republican. Same with Ron DiSantis. Both will pass anti gay legislation and make abortion illegal.

Republicans said they were okay with the morning after pill but that we know was a lie. In Texas they are trying to ban them.
/----/ That would have to be passed by a majority of Congress regardless of who is president.
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he expects to be arrested in connection with the yearslong investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels and called on his supporters to protest any such move.

In a social media post, Trump, referring to himself, said the “leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States will be arrested on Tuesday of next week” – though he did not say why he expects to be arrested. His team said after Trump’s post that it had not received any notifications from prosecutors.

What you gonna do about it?
trump will not be happy until he causes another Civil War.
trump will not be happy until he causes another Civil War.
Yeah. I mean, it is definitely concerning. And that's because it's - what we're seeing is a real empowerment of this group of people that have, you know, truly anti-democratic attitudes and goals. And they have also taken control of basically the entire Republican Party at this point, not because all Republicans agree with them, but mainly because Republicans fear the voters that agree with them.

And we've all been kind of hampered in talking honestly about what we're seeing because it's been about partisanship, and it's been about polarization, which suggests, you know, both Democrats and Republicans are - have become equally extreme. But if instead we focus on this sort of sub-faction of Americans, which is not even close to a majority of Americans, it's a lot easier, I think, for us to talk about politics in a way that says, you know, for instance, Biden could say, yes, I want to have cooperation with the Republican Party, but I want to have cooperation with a responsible opposition party, not with people who are acting on behalf of hatred of marginalized groups

But he wasn't sexually harassing Monica.

Who said he was?

Remember that ugly bitch who told Monica she could trust her then she told all she knew?

Remember that ugly bitch who talked about "bimbo eruptions" and "nuts and sluts"?
Trump has called Bragg an animal, and he warned of “death and destruction” from his supporters if he was indicted on charges related to the hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. He posted a now-deleted image of himself holding a baseball bat positioned next to a picture of Bragg’s head.

The racist and escalatory rhetoric Trump is using to speak about Bragg isn’t just business as usual, nor mere political rhetoric. It is serious. Bragg has reportedly received at least one death threat (among hundreds of other threats) in the form of a package that was mailed to his office. The package contained a note that said “Alvin — I’ll kill you.”

That's what fixers do. They make threats to your opponents. Stormy Daniels said a man approached her in a garage and said, "that's a cute kid it'd be a shame if anything happened to it"

Probably can't prove Michael Cohen paid someone to go do that for Trump but he probably did.
Yea , because when lefty don't get his way it time to kill Americans until they do.
Why do you think we unleashed covid on old people? Sure it killed blacks too but most of them don't vote anyways. MOST of the people who died of Covid were Republicans.

Proof of this. 5 right wing radio hosts in America who told people covid was a hoax, died of covid because they weren't vaccinated. They were anti vaccine. Idiots. And Herman Cain. We literally dared you guys to go to Trump rallies and look who went. Now he's dead, from Covid, because he wasn't vaccinated.

I can't count 5 left wing radio hosts in America can you? But I can name 5 right wing radio hosts who've been brainwashing people like you who have literally died from it, because they weren't vaccinated.

Can you name anyone famous who got covid and died even though they were vaccinated?
Why do you think we unleashed covid on old people? Sure it killed blacks too but most of them don't vote anyways. MOST of the people who died of Covid were Republicans.

Proof of this. 5 right wing radio hosts in America who told people covid was a hoax, died of covid because they weren't vaccinated. They were anti vaccine. Idiots. And Herman Cain. We literally dared you guys to go to Trump rallies and look who went. Now he's dead, from Covid, because he wasn't vaccinated.

I can't count 5 left wing radio hosts in America can you? But I can name 5 right wing radio hosts who've been brainwashing people like you who have literally died from it, because they weren't vaccinated.

Can you name anyone famous who got covid and died even though they were vaccinated?
Or Cuomo directed infected people into nursing homes to increase the death count.
Or Cuomo directed infected people into nursing homes to increase the death count.
That was smart. How much did we save? How many people do you think he killed?

Under ex-governor Andrew Cuomo, New York's health agency undercounted at least 4,100 Covid-related nursing home deaths, according to a state audit.

Do you know how much nursing homes cost loveones?

Do you know how over crowded they are?

How much does the average senior make a month? It's $1800 but let's call it $2000 a month. X 4100 people? That's $8 million a month he saved NYC. $100 million dollars a year.
That was smart. How much did we save? How many people do you think he killed?

Under ex-governor Andrew Cuomo, New York's health agency undercounted at least 4,100 Covid-related nursing home deaths, according to a state audit.

Do you know how much nursing homes cost loveones?

Do you know how over crowded they are?

How much does the average senior make a month? It's $1800 but let's call it $2000 a month. X 4100 people? That's $8 million a month he saved NYC. $100 million dollars a year.

That's awesome!

How many more people should we kill to save money?

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