The "accidental" meeting between AG Lynch & Bill Clinton

Ever notice that the MSM has "investigative reporters" checking on every nuance of every cocktail party members of the Trump administration ever attended for evidence of clandestine conversations but there is no effort to get to the bottom of the very inappropriate meeting between Bill Clinton and Obama's A.G. on the tarmac of an airport?
One would think ALL Americans would pick up on the transparent and obvious deception, but one would be wrong.
Let me remind you that Hillary was running for President and Barack Obama was campaigning for her. Obviously, he didn't want to be seen as influencing her email investigation. The solution was to have his AG "accidentally" run into Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac (!) and "accidentally" have some inane (but private!) conversation about their grandchildren. Upon "reflection" AG Lynch could claim a lapse of judgment and thus "recuse" herself (and Obama!) from the investigation, handing over the decision to prosecute to sycophant FBI Director James Comey (even though that is not the FBI's decision to make). Is it really that hard to connect these stains?
Isn't it interesting that both Obama Bin Lying, and Lying Loretta Lynch both used aliases to communicate with Hillary Clinton on her private email server, and both claimed not to know it existed?

And isn't it interesting that the FBI under Comey said that no transcripts of The Bill Clinton Lynch Conversation about Grandkids and Golf existed, and the FBI under Wray said that this was categorically false and the NSA has them?

And isn't it interesting that THE NSA is claiming that yes they have THE TRANSCRIPTS but that DISCUSSIONS about GOLF and GRANDKIDS are in THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY, and therefore THE NSA is refusing to fulfill the FOIA requests for them?

The Lies on top of lies, that liars tell, to cover for the lies they lied about.
And Treasonous

Our government is the most corrupt in history. It's amazing how all these permanent employees of the deep state bend over backwards to give Democrats a pass while they stab Republicans in the back every chance they get.

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