The actress hosted the President in her Brentwood backyard, gushing to Obama, "You’re so handsome th

Does she know he's gay?

Does she live in Hollywood? The Hollywood crowd evidently believes Obama is gay. This was news to me. I didn't realize they thought he was gay until I read an article a few days ago by some man who said that 2 months after Joan Rivers said, Obama's gay and Michelle is a man - that she died mysteriously.

The author of the article claimed that he believed Rivers was intentionally murdered and that the person who did the procedure had a history of other "strange deaths". I do not know if that is true or not but I read the comments and evidently Joan Rivers did in fact say, Obama is gay and Michelle is a man!

If that is true then where did the two children come from? I was astonished at reading that and looked it up and sure enough she did say it two months before she died and someone else on there was claiming other comediennes had died after saying something about Obama. This was the first I heard of it so it must be something that was never mentioned on other internet news but Hollywood must surely have heard Joan Rivers say it.
You really need to stop getting your information from the tabloid rack when you are in the checkout line at the Family Dollar.
The story about Paltrow hosting Obama and his speech was on USMB. I do not buy Tabloids. The real news stories are sensational enough. Thanks.

note - I see you are referencing the Joan Rivers story - that was on the internet and face book -not Tabloids - take it up with them -
Funny? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The only thing she didn't say was - let's make him a Dictator so he does not need to leave office - who needs elections anymore? We've got the answer in front of us now. Let's keep him indefinitely and give him all the power he needs to change all the laws and end America as we know it.

Do NOT say that. I have had a bad feeling about 2016 since that man got elected . . . .

Here is the truth, Teddyearp - I have believed Obama indicated the end from the day George Bush Jr. left office. I have something to tell you all. Today is a good day to tell it as it is 10/10 and 10 is the number for judgment. It is a right day to let this be known.
I told the Jews and pro Israel people back over ten years ago (many are here today) that the LORD had told me something concerning George Bush Jr's election before he was elected. The night of George Bush Jr.'s election I was driving home by myself. (I lived in Florida at the time)

My husband was out voting. Our neighborhood was nearby a voting poll station that had been set up and there were cars lined down the streets parked. I had never registered to vote and had never voted in my life. I kept to myself and had a very shut in life with the LORD. I still do to this very day although I talk with you people and write on the religion forum. So back then I never owned a computer and had no dealings with the outside world really. As I was driving home I said to the LORD, I had no idea that this election was such a big deal, Lord! I'm amazed at all these cars! Wow! ( I didn't watch television at all back then either - I was totally against even permitting a TV to be used in our home and my husband had to adjust to that) After I married him he put his television in a closet of the house.

So getting back to my story - when I told the LORD that he responded and said, George Bush will be the next president. I said, Okay. That was it. You see, what was that to me? I didn't even know what a democrat or a republican was! Mind you, this disturbed my husbands family greatly because they were very politically involved people!

So when I arrived home - a short time after my husband returns home from voting and I told him, the LORD says George Bush will be the next president. He said to me, We'll find out soon enough! The votes will be counted tonight and they will tell us. We were newly married at the time and my husband didn't quite understand my relationship with the LORD and that when He told me something? It happened. No if's about it.

So I said, alright. He said, I can take the television out of the closet and we can watch the votes come in if you'd like. I said, alright. Go ahead. I'm thinking this is going to be a lesson for my new husband so why not? Let's see how he reacts. So we are watching the votes come in and suddenly my husband says Gore won Florida. The election is over. He won. I said, what are you talking about? He said, they just reported Gore won Florida! That means Gore won! Whoever wins Fla. wins. He won the election. I said to my husband, then there has been some mistake. Because George Bush won and that is not possible. My husband was a little put off and said, let's wait and we'll see. He turned off the television and we left the room. That was the end of the discussion.

Some days - perhaps weeks later - he turned on an update and it said Gore is losing by 300 votes. The LORD reminded me of Gideon's defeat of the Midianites with 300 men and told me that Gore was not striving against a man but against Him. I told my husband and then he unplugged the TV and put it away for good I believe. (my husband says he does not remember if he put the TV in the closet at that point or not - so please note that as I wish to be as accurate as possible when telling what happened )

So around this time - while recount was happening - I was working at a very lavish home hanging wallpaper for one of my decorators. I am smoothing the paper on the walls and there is an elderly woman lying in her bed - she is terminal - she has servants waiting on her and she rings a bell when she wishes for them to come to her - this woman has lived quite a life - there is a photograph of her in front of her private jet - she is dressed to the nines - she has enjoyed a very lavish life - the home is quite spectacular - I am in the master bath which is larger then some people's master living room - so she has this television that is very huge - like the size of a television you see at restaurants that stands on the floor - and from the television is a blaring news report about the recount! They are recounting the votes in Florida (where I was at - I used to live there) and they are talking about this recount - it is a very heated debate about this recount - and as I am overhearing this - I say to the LORD, Lord? You are so good to me that you share your secrets with me! I do not have to wonder about these things like everyone else does. (because how good is the LORD to be such a wonderful friend to me like that? Truly I am the most blessed woman in the world!)

So I wasn't expecting Him to say anything to me - but He did! He spoke this very clearly to me. He said to me,
I started this country with a man named George and I am going to end it with a man named George.

That is what He said to me. I was stunned - I didn't say anything at first but then I asked him if I could tell anyone what he told me and he didn't say anything. He didn't say a word after that.

So as He didn't respond - I didn't tell anyone immediately but later I told my bible study teacher who was a spiritual confidante' and they told me they believed I had heard from the LORD. So some time later- I think it was about a week or two - I was at the breakfast table with my husband and I told him I have something I must tell you - as the recount was still going on! I told him what the Lord had told me while I was at my job - that he said, I started this country with a man named George and I am going to end it with a man named George.

My husband said, The country is doing great! I see no sign of this. Perhaps God meant another George. I told him this is not possible as the LORD would not trick me. He knew how simple I was ( not stupid but simplistic in my thinking) and He would not do that! My husband had no explanation - I told a few of his family members who were in great fear George Bush Jr. would not win - and later they saw I was right and he won. Then months later 9/11 happened and some people began to take notice and asked me if I thought that was the end of America and the LORD told me no, that was the beginning of the end.

That is all the LORD has told me about it and I didn't tell any of you about it because I endured much mockery over it in the past. I do not like that so sometimes I say things like I sure hope I'm wrong - but truly that isn't possible - I repent, sorry, ya'll.

Back when I told the people over 10 years ago some were kind and said nothing, some said well, I just think you're wrong, and then others claiming it was impossible that the LORD would let me know such a thing but I must tell you the LORD does do this - he shares his secrets with His Servants. He has always shared His secrets with His servants and in fact He won't do a thing until He does share it.

As for Obama becoming president - he isn't legitimate - obviously many have learned this concerning his mysterious background, no legitimate birth certificate, where are his former girlfriends, guy friends - school mates and such? It is all some sort of cover up and truly I do not care because what is that to me? I am the LORD's servant. I follow Jesus. I trust Jesus. Whatever happens to this nation - I pray for the people. That is all I can do. Is pray for the people. The LORD has kept His Word. Some believe this will turn around but I know differently and the stress of knowing that used to trouble me at times but these days it does not trouble me any more.

God is a just God. We know that the wicked are a sword in the Lord's hand. Psalm 17 tells us this. Trust in the LORD and live for Him, live holy, do what is right, the very best that you can and you won't have anything to worry about. Amen? Amen.

Are you ready, VOR? If not? Get ready. Because judgment is coming whether you are ready or not.

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