The Administration’s Deceptions Fall Apart -- Iran Systematically Humiliated American Sailors!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Yes folks, there IS SOMETHING THAT SMELLS about the Iranians taking hostages just a day or 2 before they get BILLIONS of dollars from us!

National Review ^ | 01/14/2016 | David French
First, watch this:CLICK ABOVE LINK AT N.R. FOR THE VIDEO.... Vice President Biden actually claims that Iran behaved the way "ordinary nations" would: One of the boats had engine failure and drifted into Iranian waters. The Iranians picked up both boats, as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued and took them to -- I'm not sure exactly where. I don't want to misspeak here. And realized they were there and distressed, and said they would release them, and they released them like ordinary nations would do. That is the way nations should do it, and that...


  • DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP ^ | 01/14/16 | Bob Lonsberry
    It’s unfathomable. The account of two U. S. Navy vessels being seized by the Iranian navy earlier this week seems completely implausible. No part of it makes any sense. The story is that two river patrol boats – bristling modern-day incarnations of the Vietnam swift boats – were navigating south from Kuwait to Bahrain. At some point, via some means, the two boats, with their contingent of five sailors each, surrendered to the Iranians. Two accounts have been offered as to how that happened. The first was that one of the vessels lost its engine and that they both then...

  • After Kerry thanks them for ‘appropriate response,’ his Iranian BFFs air hostage video

    Canada Free Press ^ | )1/14/16 | Dan Calabrese
    "It was a mistake, it's our fault, and we apologize for our mistake." You’ve heard of the Geneva Convention, right? Both the U.S. and Iran are signatories to it (unlike, say, Al Qaeda or ISIS), and signatories agree among other things that when they detain people from other nations for border incursions, they will not release photos or other images of them for the purpose of humiliating them. So surely Iran, considering the favorable treatment it’s received of late from the United States, wouldn’t treat U.S. sailors that way - especially in a situation that resulted from a mere no-harm-no-foul...
BREAKING: Defense Secretary Slips Up, Reveals Obama Admin LED IRAN Straight to Our Sailors
By: Wilmot Proviso on January 14, 2016 at 7:16am

Now comes the disturbing revelation, apparently delivered by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, that the Obama administration tipped off the Iranians that our soldiers were lost at sea and requested their aid.

The news came from Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, during an interview on TheBlaze’s Dana Loesch shortly after Iran’s arrest of the sailors had come to light.

“I understand that (Secretary of State) John Kerry has indicated, look, when he got word, he and Ash Carter called the Iranians to help take care of our Navy guys, because they had some mechanical problems,” Gohmert said.

I’ll give you a second to pick your jaw off the floor.


BREAKING: Defense Secretary Slips Up, Reveals Obama Admin LED IRAN Straight to Our Sailors

fb1jj8iqtuab96reslwu.jpg 1 boat broke down? And only Iran could rescue the 2 boats???

What if we were at war with Iran?

Oh.....then boat 2 would hook a tow strap and pull boat 1 to safety as air support was en route to escort them?

Why couldn't they have done that? Why give Iran the chance for such propoganda on the SAME week they get the victory of sanctions being lifted? WHY would Obama........oh......nevermind.

Guess you need to look up "propaganda" in the English dictionary.

If iran wanted humilate american soldier.then why send this pictures to press?

everybody see respect in this pictures.iran captain sit down near the american soldier
I've been to my share of meals with Muslims. I've had meals with Bedouins and they had a big plate full of steaming rice and boiled goat meat. This was every meal. That meal pictured looks like a token snack. Also, the Iranian shouldn't be sitting next to the female touching her. That shows disrespect. Where are the rest of the Iranians? Only one was willing to sit with these Americans?

Oh, and the American sailors all look like they aren't enjoying themselves. They look rather upset or nervous.

Just my opinion.
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Yes folks, there IS SOMETHING THAT SMELLS about the Iranians taking hostages just a day or 2 before they get BILLIONS of dollars from us!

National Review ^ | 01/14/2016 | David French
First, watch this:CLICK ABOVE LINK AT N.R. FOR THE VIDEO.... Vice President Biden actually claims that Iran behaved the way "ordinary nations" would: One of the boats had engine failure and drifted into Iranian waters. The Iranians picked up both boats, as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued and took them to -- I'm not sure exactly where. I don't want to misspeak here. And realized they were there and distressed, and said they would release them, and they released them like ordinary nations would do. That is the way nations should do it, and that...


  • DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP ^ | 01/14/16 | Bob Lonsberry
    It’s unfathomable. The account of two U. S. Navy vessels being seized by the Iranian navy earlier this week seems completely implausible. No part of it makes any sense. The story is that two river patrol boats – bristling modern-day incarnations of the Vietnam swift boats – were navigating south from Kuwait to Bahrain. At some point, via some means, the two boats, with their contingent of five sailors each, surrendered to the Iranians. Two accounts have been offered as to how that happened. The first was that one of the vessels lost its engine and that they both then...
I can remember in the USA older ladies in the USA wouldn't leave home without having a scarf or other head covering on...


That's because your an brain washed iranin child...




Here is Dani in iran walking past the old American embassy...




its rule.+ iran just asked him .no force

even president did it in iran.



Your full of
you should join your bothers and sisters Here, and if that is to messy you can use this ...

im not salafi /wahabi.they arent my brother .we are killing this people.we are in war with this basterd
this basterd are your dogs
.you should join your dogs
I can remember in the USA older ladies in the USA wouldn't leave home without having a scarf or other head covering on...
That was before they invented hairspray.:smartass:
Funny thing is, there has been hairspray since..1948
It was a joke.
That's why I used the emoticon.

I didn't attack your false assertion that all old ladies used headscarves, so bear with me.
We ate the bares...

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