The Aimless Blade Of Fortuity


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013
So inebriated am I that i have no concern for even my own existence. i laugh with laughing tears.
I am an abject failure unto humaanity, a disgrace and an embarrassment
such is the destiny of one who loves and loves with no boundary, but lacks the spine nor the inclination

i once walked the earth with inexhaustible capacity, with th4e fierceness of the undefeated
i now walk in shadows and sleep in the crevices.
for that is the path of the defeated

i did not attain the favor i though myself worthy
victory is for but the few
and now, in abjct defeat, i have no cause to suffer
it is easy when you have lost

my child is bound and sedated like a failed experiment; probed and tested
he cries to leave and his words but a wisper
again, nothing i do or did, has brought salvation
and posterity once again records my failure

if it were my choice, i would cease to exist
i would forgo all futre happiness
i would not smile for the rest of forever

but as with all other dreams that i dreamt
i lack the steadiness to rise above

and my very thoughts betray me.


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