The Alaskan village that needs to be moved because of climate change

By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

It'll be more amusing when we waste trillions on less reliable energy, and sea levels rise anyway.
Thinning ice is appealing to emotion?

The ice is not thinning. it is thickening.

The appeal to emotion is the story of poor hunters driven from lands because the volcano god is angered by the carbon sins of the infidels.

The volcano god scam has been used for 5,000 years to manipulate primitive morons. That the AGW cult uses this is not clever - even if a few ignorant fools fall for it,
Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

You cult morons love the idea of misery for your fellow man. Same basic evil that drove the Nazis.

Of course with 40 years of study - anyone actually looking at this knows the whole thing is a fraud. It keeps the grant money flowing and the rulers can use it to keep the peasants in line. This was always the reason for the volcano god.
Global Warming scientists don't argue that climate change never happened in the past, so your argument is a Strawman.

Climate change, dumbass. You don't want people to remember your stupid predictions of warming - since it failed to happen. Blame the cold on the anger of Gaea over the carbon sins of the unrepentant.

Try to keep up young padawan.
Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

You cult morons love the idea of misery for your fellow man. Same basic evil that drove the Nazis.

Of course with 40 years of study - anyone actually looking at this knows the whole thing is a fraud. It keeps the grant money flowing and the rulers can use it to keep the peasants in line. This was always the reason for the volcano god.

Ya, we love misery for our fellow man so much we propose not drowning our fellow man.
Ya, we love misery for our fellow man so much we propose not drowning our fellow man.

You do love misery for your fellow man.

I doubt you even buy into the retarded AGW cult - you just wish it were true so that pain would be inflicted on others.
Does it always change or te same reasons? Your argument is similar to the argument that a man did not fall into depression due to the death of his mother because he was previously depressed due to a loss of a job and a failed romantic-relationship.

You're aware that we've had no "warming" since 2003 right? Dubya put a stop to it. Did you know Mars is also "warming".....damn martian SUVs I bet is why.
Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

You cult morons love the idea of misery for your fellow man. Same basic evil that drove the Nazis.

Of course with 40 years of study - anyone actually looking at this knows the whole thing is a fraud. It keeps the grant money flowing and the rulers can use it to keep the peasants in line. This was always the reason for the volcano god.

Ya, we love misery for our fellow man so much we propose not drowning our fellow man.

Make energy more expensive and less reliable for your fellow man.
You can tell him it will stop California from flooding.
Does it always change or te same reasons? Your argument is similar to the argument that a man did not fall into depression due to the death of his mother because he was previously depressed due to a loss of a job and a failed romantic-relationship.

You're aware that we've had no "warming" since 2003 right? Dubya put a stop to it. Did you know Mars is also "warming".....damn martian SUVs I bet is why.

If there were men on Mars polluting the atmosphere, would the rate of warming accelerate or be the same?
I doubt the op and a few others telling us the sky is falling on them has ever been to Alaska. they just take anybody's word for it

and then they have the nerve to put a warning for conservatives

I lived there from 1993-2008 .... how about the op?

Alaska is a "conservative" State. funny they didn't know that
Last edited:
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Wasn't the Bering Straits a 'land mass' eons ago?
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

It'll be more amusing when we waste trillions on less reliable energy, and sea levels rise anyway.

Hmmmmm....seems to me that that level of water rose and fell before.......a long time before man was driving cars.......
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

It'll be more amusing when we waste trillions on less reliable energy, and sea levels rise anyway.

Hmmmmm....seems to me that that level of water rose and fell before.......a long time before man was driving cars.......
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Wasn't the Bering Straits a 'land mass' eons ago?
Yes. But but scientists don't argue that warming didn't occur before the industrial revolution. They argue that the most important factor behind the warming that has occurred since the 19th century is due to man-made factors. Therefore yours is a Strawman. Now tell me: How much faster would the Bering Strait have melted if man had been polluting the atmosphere back then? At the same speed? Faster? Slower?
I doubt the op and a few others telling us the sky is falling on them has ever been to Alaska. they just take anybody's word for it

and then they have the nerve to put a warning for conservatives

I lived there from 1993-2008 .... how about the op?

Alaska is a "conservative" State. funny they didn't know that
Cancer researchers don't have to have cancer and Alaska warming does not have to be analyzed by non-scientists who lived in Alaska.
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Gonna be amusing when California, Florida, and Louisiana are flooded due to non-existant climate change and rising sea levels from melting polar caps.

"This isn't happening, it's liberal bullsGLUB GLUB GLUB." :)

It'll be more amusing when we waste trillions on less reliable energy, and sea levels rise anyway.

Hmmmmm....seems to me that that level of water rose and fell before.......a long time before man was driving cars.......
By Chris Mooney February 24 at 12:10 PM
Washington Post: link The remote Alaskan village that needs to be relocated due to climate change - The Washington Post

*Warning: This article may cause depression and/or anger on conservatives who did not know there is life outside the USA Northeast. Enjoy:

KIVALINA, ALASKA — This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. And for generations, the Iñupiaq Eskimos of the region have hunted gigantic bowhead whalesfrom camps atop the sea ice that stretches out from the town’s icy shores.

But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales. Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”


The question now facing the town, the state of Alaska, and the nation is whether to move the people of Kivalina to a safer location nearby, either inland or further down the coast — and who would pay upwards of a hundred million dollars to do it. It’s a question already facing Kivalina and a handful of other native Alaskan villages, and in the coming decades could apply to numerous other towns along U.S. coastlines. Here, climate change is less a future threat and more a daily force, felt in drastic changes to weather, loss of traditional means of sustenance like whale hunting, and the literal vanishing of land.

Wasn't the Bering Straits a 'land mass' eons ago?
Yes. But but scientists don't argue that warming didn't occur before the industrial revolution. They argue that the most important factor behind the warming that has occurred since the 19th century is due to man-made factors. Therefore yours is a Strawman. Now tell me: How much faster would the Bering Strait have melted if man had been polluting the atmosphere back then? At the same speed? Faster? Slower?
How about you tell me, since you are so brilliant?
omg, THEY ARGUE that the important FACTOR has occurred due to MAN

for sure because man pays their wages to argue it. Before that, they got paid with pigs or chickens.

good grief

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