The Alaskan village that needs to be moved because of climate change

So pleased to see that those among us concerned about the folks in that village were so concerned that they turned off their computers so as to minimize the need for polluting sources of electricity!

Oh wait..........
So pleased to see that those among us concerned about the folks in that village were so concerned that they turned off their computers so as to minimize the need for polluting sources of electricity!

Oh wait..........

oh darn. lol
It's no use arguing with idiots
Yo, Mother Nature is HELL!!!


and them Scientist all of a sudden become G-D. so we must bow and throw our money at them so they can STOP that darn mother earth from warming or cooling. maybe they can stop the rain too when we have a BIG football game coming up
Climate change happens. The dumb asses need to move themselves like their ancestors did.

You just repeated your Strawman.

Global Warming scientists don't argue that climate change never happened in the past, so your argument is a Strawman.
No they understand climate change has always happened since the beginning of time.
You just repeated your Strawman.
You need to put down the pipe.
was reading this:

WashPost: Global warming tides will carry screaming Eskimos out to sea
By Pedro Gonzales

The giant 600-foot tidal wave roared large over the remote Eskimo village of Kivalina. Kumaglak's infant son Inuksuk gave a whimper of fear as he clung tighter to her bosom. Kumaglak heard the screams of her fellow villagers as the tidal wave started to descend on the small Eskimo village.

As the giant wave of water was about to hit her, her last thought was not of the hot spicy kisses of her boyfriend Umlaut, or the tasty walrus tusks she had boiled for dinner, but rather an odd pang of regret for holding on to her coal-fired stove when Al Gore had offered her a perfectly good solar cooker for her igloo...

I may think that I'm a good fiction writer, but I'm an amateur compared to the expert propagandists at the Washington Post. They wrote about the small Eskimo village of Kivalina, which they claimed has to be evacuated due to global warming.

This tiny and isolated town of 400 cannot be reached by road. It lies on a fragile barrier island along the Chukchi Sea, 83 miles above the Arctic circle. But in recent years, climate change has thinned the ice so much that it has become too dangerous to hunt the whales.

The only problem: there is no "climate change," or, as they used to call it, global warming. There is no global warming – not man-made, not nature made, as in no global warming of any kind. Unless you believe falsified temperature figures, there has been no global warming in 17 years. An individual region may get warmer or colder, but that has nothing to do with some global effect.

Soon, the U.S. government says, it may be too dangerous to live here at all, with less sea ice to protect the barrier island from powerful waves that wash across the village.

So it's not a danger now, but someday, it may get too dangerous. On the other hand, it may get safer. Who can tell?

“Global warming has caused us so much problems,” said Joseph Swan, Sr., a Kivalina elder, at a town meeting last week. The ice “does not freeze like it used to. It used to be like 10 to 8 feet thick, way out in the ocean.”

The article goes on to talk about whale hunters who can't walk on the ocean ice anymore because it's too thin. There's no immediate threat to the village. That's the only thing they can find to complain about, and yet this is a featured story on the Washington Post website.

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If there were men on Mars polluting the atmosphere, would the rate of warming accelerate or be the same?

Mars is like it is because of a lack of SUVs....the martians got tired of mass transit and just said "fuck it, we're out of here" and flew to Uranus. Our Rover has ample evidence more carbon monoxide and less carbon dioxide is the ticket to a healthy planet....NASA can't admit it until the manchurian muslim is sitting in Leavenworth.

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