The alleged Burisma tapes. Another Republican fantasy? Are they to be released after the missing informants pop up?

And you believe Hillary Clinton ordered the killings in Benghazi and that Obama was a secret Muslim born in Kenya. Russian collusion had actual documents and witnesses that were investigated, and the Biden laptop story was coming from people who had been raving lunatics for 10+ years. :dunno:
What was the outcome of Russia collusion? Is the Hunter Biden laptop real or fake?
Everyone I know got the vaccine so none of them died from it, and none of them had any vaccinated friends or family that died from covid either. But please tell conservatives to not get vaccinated and not to trust their doctor :thup:

Wow, it sounds like you're still repeating the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or transmit covid. Since you're too scared to answer my question, I'll go with the assumption that you killed 300 people because of your ignorance about how the vaccines did (or didn't work).

Biden lied, people died.
Now, there are alleged Burisma tapes that have not been released, but are simply said to exist.
Maybe this guy knows:
Fabricate bull shit and lies and repeat it 10000x. Then believe the lies. Then repeat the lies even when they are debunked and live the lie. Ignore all facts that clearly debunk the lie. Repeat the lie some more.
Russian collusion, anyone?
Russian collusion, anyone?
they accused Trump of collusion, then investigated him, then found nothing, then dropped, and you cried like a pussy the entire time.
Meanwhile you have 10000+ fake bullshit investigations into dems that produce nothing at all
You are a little punk who loves fake investigations into dems, but cries like a pussy when Trump gets investigated for highly suspicious behavior.
You really don't see the connection between increases in Trump's support and every new specious allegation/indictment/accusation coming out of the DNC/DOJ/Media machine?

I have no doubt Trump's support is increasing among Cult 45. What's amusing is that you imbeciles think him getting arrested is making him look better to independents.
Was one of them Trump?
Trump didn't personally collude, but his campaign staff did.

And Don Jr. certainly tried to, but he's a retard and so of course he fucked it up. There is strong circumstantial evidence his daddy knew about the attempt by Jr. to collude.
Trump didn't personally collude, but his campaign staff did.

And Don Jr. certainly tried to, but he's a retard and so of course he fucked it up. There is strong circumstantial evidence his daddy knew about the attempt by Jr. to collude.
“There is strong circumstantial evidence his daddy knew about the attempt by Jr. to collude.”

The irony

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