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The alternative US future: Baby beheadings

The alt right here is justifying and minimizing their errors in their gaslighting so one day they can take control and have a dictatorship in America.

I am highlighting the consequences of YOUR errors. The consequences of importing a bunch of 3rd world Muslims that is.
I invited the Board to note your demonization of a despised minority in America, much as your hero did elsewhere in Europe.

  1. A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population | Pew Research ...
    Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population.

Did you fail to read the word "ALTERNATIVE" in the tag?

Which part of the word do you not understand?
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.
and you worry about guns, not the fact that a mother drowned her 2 kids, you gonna ban tubs and water as well?
But again you didn't answer the question. Are you ok with people BEHEADING their kids......talk about regressive
and why doesn't the press report this?
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.
Thinking Errors:justifying, minimizing

No just saying we should not pick out one person in Germany who committed a horrible crime when we have plenty of crazies here.
well it was an extrodinary thing and the biggest part is the press wont' report thing that are contrary to their ideology.

Like this horrific story

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia
The image of a beheading is grotesque but so is holding a squirming full term baby's head in the womb until it is stabbed in the back of the head without anesthesia and a tube inserted to suck it's brain out until it's facial structure and skull collapses. It's called "late term abortion" or "partial birth abortion" and Bill Clinton vetoed a bi-partisan bill that would outlawed it.
The alt right here is justifying and minimizing their errors in their gaslighting so one day they can take control and have a dictatorship in America.

I am highlighting the consequences of YOUR errors. The consequences of importing a bunch of 3rd world Muslims that is.
I invited the Board to note your demonization of a despised minority in America, much as your hero did elsewhere in Europe.

  1. A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population | Pew Research ...
    Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population.

Did you fail to read the word "ALTERNATIVE" in the tag?

Which part of the word do you not understand?
I understand that there is (1) no mass migration of Muslims to America and (2) that you have an alternative universe in your head.
The alt right here is justifying and minimizing their errors in their gaslighting so one day they can take control and have a dictatorship in America.

I am highlighting the consequences of YOUR errors. The consequences of importing a bunch of 3rd world Muslims that is.
I invited the Board to note your demonization of a despised minority in America, much as your hero did elsewhere in Europe.

  1. A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population | Pew Research ...
    Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population.

Did you fail to read the word "ALTERNATIVE" in the tag?

Which part of the word do you not understand?
I understand that there is (1) no mass migration of Muslims to America and (2) that you have an alternative universe in your head.

The alternative "univese" is Germany. There they have elected a bunch of regressives as we were close to doing in this country. As result they will lose their countries soon enough.

We need to keep people like Trump in power or the alternative future is ours.
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.

That is because you don't know much.
Leftist regressives have had a huge victory. The first public baby beheading in Germany has taken place. No, not a fetus, a one year old baby. Apparently, reporting on the incident has since been banned. There even is a video of the incident in case some leftist here wants to copy-cat.

"It happened back in April, although it was reported only in the German media; apparently the English-language media didn’t find it newsworthy that a Muslim migrant beheaded his one-year-old daughter on a Hamburg train platform. But the sheer horror of this incident has been compounded now by Angela Merkel’s government, which has reportedly banned further reporting on the incident. Anything to keep as many Germans as possible ignorant and complacent regarding just how devastating the Muslim migrant influx into Germany really is."

Germany: Muslim Migrant Beheads Baby

This is the future we would have under the open borders Clinton crowd. How much longer until the first public gay execution?
Now if they would just do it to conservative republicans.
Leftist regressives have had a huge victory. ...
This is the future we would have under the open borders Clinton crowd. How much longer until the first public gay execution?
Gays and blacks have already been gang executed by white racists in the US. Your hatred of liberals and feigned abhorrence is pretty sick.

Well, the democrat KKK members are an extreme minority in the country... or were an extreme minority. I guess leftists just love beheadings and that sort of stuff, can't live without it. If no one else provides it, let's import a bunch of muslims to do so.

In the Muslim countries beheadigs are the law.

We need yet a other plane ticket for this idiot who prefers cultures that beheads its citizens.

Saudi Arabia criticised for 48 beheadings in four months of 2018
Rights group says half of those executed by ‘notorious’ system were on non-violent charges

Saudi Arabia criticised for 48 beheadings in four months of 2018



Now you have gone totally insane. Are you saying that Trump has something to do with the beheadings?

He was in Arabia making trade deals, and he won a bunch for Americans.

Damn this guy is a retard. His favorite position:


lol! uh- no, dippity do-duh. you don't get to say a fucking word about that shit coming here & then excuse your president from having an alliance cause of money.

btw- the gropenfurer curtsied for them thar moooooozlems.
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.

Get some control of your emotions Penelope. Until then you'll remain rock dumb.
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.

Get some control of your emotions Penelope. Until then you'll remain rock dumb.
Metamorphic seems to fit you. What kind do you think penelope is. And rocks do not have emotions.
Leftist regressives have had a huge victory. The first public baby beheading in Germany has taken place. No, not a fetus, a one year old baby. Apparently, reporting on the incident has since been banned. There even is a video of the incident in case some leftist here wants to copy-cat.

"It happened back in April, although it was reported only in the German media; apparently the English-language media didn’t find it newsworthy that a Muslim migrant beheaded his one-year-old daughter on a Hamburg train platform. But the sheer horror of this incident has been compounded now by Angela Merkel’s government, which has reportedly banned further reporting on the incident. Anything to keep as many Germans as possible ignorant and complacent regarding just how devastating the Muslim migrant influx into Germany really is."

Germany: Muslim Migrant Beheads Baby

This is the future we would have under the open borders Clinton crowd. How much longer until the first public gay execution?
I'm more concerned by the looming threat of terror babies, but thanks for your informative link.

HuTube: Texas Congressman Warns of Terrorist Babies

Imagine being so twisted that your first reaction to a story about a baby beheading is to click the "funny" button. The absolute state of the modern left.
View attachment 204527

Imagine being so twisted that your first reaction to a story about a baby beheading is to click the "funny" button. The absolute state of the modern left.

right. it couldn't possibly be the OP's opining that sharia law will be taking over here. that tired old excuse being revived is what is being mocked, idiot.
View attachment 204527

Imagine being so twisted that your first reaction to a story about a baby beheading is to click the "funny" button. The absolute state of the modern left.

right. it couldn't possibly be the OP's opining that sharia law will be taking over here. that tired old excuse being revived is what is being mocked, idiot.

Hyperbole aside, did you think twice before clicking that particular reaction? Or was it an ingrained kneejerk impulse because someone said something negative about muslims?
View attachment 204527

Imagine being so twisted that your first reaction to a story about a baby beheading is to click the "funny" button. The absolute state of the modern left.

right. it couldn't possibly be the OP's opining that sharia law will be taking over here. that tired old excuse being revived is what is being mocked, idiot.

Sharia law has already taken over in parts of the nations. They are known as "no-go zones". Nothing funny about it.

The muslims will take over the whole countries according to current projections if nothing is done about it. Exactly according to the crazy leftist plan...

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