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The alternative US future: Baby beheadings

A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.

We don't allow mass school shootings. That's just stupid.
Norman confirms that Reuters or AP are not carrying it.

Thus . . . it is a made up incident, or a fake video, or a family squabble gone horribly bad.

And the alt right wing Norman propagandizes the supposed incident into a vicious attack on a religion and a country he does not like.

The message is his to make, but he should not feign conditions that do not exist.

And the Earth is flat. You're such a dumbass.
Thinker101 posted a history.com that shows the immigrants did not commit acts that provoked mass murder. The poster demonstrates a complete inability to understand what happened.

Norman shows that his attitude is far more in line with the fascists and the Muslim murders in the far east than American values.
Thinker101 posted a history.com that shows the immigrants did not commit acts that provoked mass murder. The poster demonstrates a complete inability to understand what happened.

Norman shows that his attitude is far more in line with the fascists and the Muslim murders in the far east than American values.

My attitude of admitting facts?

Your attitude of denying facts is exactly line with the far left, and those who have committed mass murders in attempts to conceal certain facts. And also, you are apologizing for Islam. Not a neighbor I would want. Those other countries that you prefer have ample space...
A white man just killed his 3 kids ,his wife and then committed suicide here in the US. These stories are common everyday in the US.

As far as I know we are the only country who allows mass school shootings.

France has "allowed" multiple mass shootings. Their draconian gun laws don't seem to have done any good, hey?

Liberals are okay with beheading babies, as long as the cutting is done while the baby is still living inside the womb.
Show me ONE example of a white guy executing his baby PUBLICLY. Ripping the baby's head apart...

London crime statistics up 50% after the enrichment. Now they are constructing Trump balloons. In a few years these people will realize that they acted like cretins as the beheadings ramp up. Trump will be the biggest Hero of the West ever known.

Murders and shooting are up in every state where “Stand your ground” is passed. The USA has the highest murder rate in the first world. There are many “no go” areas in US cities - places where you call a cop and no one comes. None of them are Muslim.

The US has a lot of “gated communities” to keep undesirables out. We don’t have those in other first world countries.

The USA is a mess of bad public policy. Your country is ghetto-ized and dangerous. White people under Trump feel empowered to report black people for falling asleep in study hall, lounging by their pools, and generally “living while black”.

6 million Jews were murdered in death camps in Europe during WWII and the world stood by and let it happen. When Jews tried to flee Hitler, no one would let them in. They did what Trump is doing on your southern border. Hitler blamed the Jews for the poverty in Germany and fools like you, Norman, believed him. So when Hitler started putting them in camps, no one said anything. The state seized their property, and they just ceased to exist.

This time, the rest of the first world didn’t turn away the people who were fleeing for their lives. 5 million Syrians have poured into Europe. Are there problems? Yes. Europe was ill prepared to take them in but the alternative was to allow another Holocaust, and I would like to think we all really meant it when we said “Never again!”.

American policies in the Middle East created this refugee crisis and yet YOUR country is the only first world country to refuse to take in the refugees you created.

Shame on you!!

And of course, it did not take more than a few paragraphs to equate me with Hitler. This is the grade of the argument we hear from these idiots. What a moron. Of course, he can't help but to make up complete lies as well... Murders are down almost across the board.

This person speaks more like Starkey than an American, both extremely anti-American. Should be in the same country. They both also seem to loathe themselves, but at least the European has a good reason. He participated in killing 6 million jews, and now is participating in the invasion of his own land.

First off, I didn’t equate you with Hitler. I said you’re enabling Trump’s worst authoritarian tendencies to deport brown people and ban Muslims in exactly the same manner that the German people were taught to hate the Jews.

Trump has already moved to putting asylum seekers in “internment camps”. Separating children from their parents with no plan of ever returning them. Shipping the youngest to all parts of the US and putting them into the foster care system.

Murders are down compared to the past, except in specific “no go” pockets of your large cities. Murder statistics show pockets where murders aren’t solved, and the police don’t go. They raise your murder statistics far beyond anything going on in Europe. This is being allowed to happen in inner cities. It helps gin up hatred of blacks, and confirm the line that they’re all violent criminals.

And last but not least, I’m not nor have I ever said that I’m an American.
Show me ONE example of a white guy executing his baby PUBLICLY. Ripping the baby's head apart...

London crime statistics up 50% after the enrichment. Now they are constructing Trump balloons. In a few years these people will realize that they acted like cretins as the beheadings ramp up. Trump will be the biggest Hero of the West ever known.

Murders and shooting are up in every state where “Stand your ground” is passed. The USA has the highest murder rate in the first world. There are many “no go” areas in US cities - places where you call a cop and no one comes. None of them are Muslim.

The US has a lot of “gated communities” to keep undesirables out. We don’t have those in other first world countries.

The USA is a mess of bad public policy. Your country is ghetto-ized and dangerous. White people under Trump feel empowered to report black people for falling asleep in study hall, lounging by their pools, and generally “living while black”.

6 million Jews were murdered in death camps in Europe during WWII and the world stood by and let it happen. When Jews tried to flee Hitler, no one would let them in. They did what Trump is doing on your southern border. Hitler blamed the Jews for the poverty in Germany and fools like you, Norman, believed him. So when Hitler started putting them in camps, no one said anything. The state seized their property, and they just ceased to exist.

This time, the rest of the first world didn’t turn away the people who were fleeing for their lives. 5 million Syrians have poured into Europe. Are there problems? Yes. Europe was ill prepared to take them in but the alternative was to allow another Holocaust, and I would like to think we all really meant it when we said “Never again!”.

American policies in the Middle East created this refugee crisis and yet YOUR country is the only first world country to refuse to take in the refugees you created.

Shame on you!!

And of course, it did not take more than a few paragraphs to equate me with Hitler. This is the grade of the argument we hear from these idiots. What a moron. Of course, he can't help but to make up complete lies as well... Murders are down almost across the board.

This person speaks more like Starkey than an American, both extremely anti-American. Should be in the same country. They both also seem to loathe themselves, but at least the European has a good reason. He participated in killing 6 million jews, and now is participating in the invasion of his own land.

First off, I didn’t equate you with Hitler. I said you’re enabling Trump’s worst authoritarian tendencies to deport brown people and ban Muslims in exactly the same manner that the German people were taught to hate the Jews.

Trump has already moved to putting asylum seekers in “internment camps”. Separating children from their parents with no plan of ever returning them. Shipping the youngest to all parts of the US and putting them into the foster care system.

Murders are down compared to the past, except in specific “no go” pockets of your large cities. Murder statistics show pockets where murders aren’t solved, and the police don’t go. They raise your murder statistics far beyond anything going on in Europe. This is being allowed to happen in inner cities. It helps gin up hatred of blacks, and confirm the line that they’re all violent criminals.

And last but not least, I’m not nor have I ever said that I’m an American.

Just say it... get it out... The BLACKS raise the murder statistics far beyond what is going on in Europe. The ghetto is our no go zone. Just wait a few years and the statistics in Europe will be the same. As said crime stats are up 50% in London.

Deportation is not a word I have used once in this thread, I have no idea where you got it from. I have stated multiple times, this thread is about the consequences of third world immigration. And yes, banning that for the most part is a reasonable idea. Here you are lecturing others about Hitler while not even being able to read.
Leftist regressives have had a huge victory. The first public baby beheading in Germany has taken place. No, not a fetus, a one year old baby. Apparently, reporting on the incident has since been banned. There even is a video of the incident in case some leftist here wants to copy-cat.

"It happened back in April, although it was reported only in the German media; apparently the English-language media didn’t find it newsworthy that a Muslim migrant beheaded his one-year-old daughter on a Hamburg train platform. But the sheer horror of this incident has been compounded now by Angela Merkel’s government, which has reportedly banned further reporting on the incident. Anything to keep as many Germans as possible ignorant and complacent regarding just how devastating the Muslim migrant influx into Germany really is."

Germany: Muslim Migrant Beheads Baby

This is the future we would have under the open borders Clinton crowd. How much longer until the first public gay execution?
Now if they would just do it to conservative republicans.


I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I'm one of those votes that both parties need to win an election.

The republicans have been sending me running in horror from them for a long time. I see posts like yours but they use the word liberal or democrat instead of conservative.

I've been on the internet since it was just a dusty road no one heard of outside the government, our universities and computer geeks. I married one of those computer geeks who was one of the first developers for Apple Macintosh.

In all those years I've never seen a liberal or democrat call for anyone to be harmed.

Until you.

Do you realize you've just lowered yourself to the level of those conservatives?

Personally I won't become what I detest.

I guess you didn't make the same choice I made.

So pointing out a baby beheading is "whinery" now?

I wonder if these guys ever look at the mirror and try see how idiotic they look?

nooooooooooo.................. i think i explained this earlier... but apparently you cannot retain anything long enough in that 'brain' of yours.

you are whining about something so heinous will be taking a foothold here, with nothing to base those fears on but rw extremist talking point pablum designed to keep the poorly educated base stoked up...

that's why.

I have explained multiple times now, this is what takes place if the open borders cabal is allowed to operate. The consequences of their policies.

Apparently there is some problem in the "brain" of yours that is unable to comprehend direct English. Or perhaps you can only retain your own bullshit and never learn.

How many times must I spell the word "alternative". It's right in the fcking title! Should not be too difficult for any first world brain to understand...

'open borders' = rw extremist talking point pablum.

case closed.

It's funny that in one thread they say Obama and democrats want and did have open borders.

In other threads they claim that Obama separated immigrant children from parents and put them in cages.

They contradict themselves constantly.

If Obama did the same thing trump did then he didn't have or want open borders.

If Obama had or wanted open borders he wouldn't have done what trump did.

They do it with so many things it's ridiculous. Logic and honest truth have absolutely nothing to do with anything they say.
The OP is insane. Only far right alt nativist and ethnocentric outlets are reporting that a Muslim "allegedly" beheaded a baby. If it happened, which is very doubtful at this point, it was the act of a mad man, such as a religious zealot or a political crazy from the alt and far right.

Can you document that there are such organized activities by the state in Germany?

The OP is an insane fantasy that Julius Streicher and Josef Goebbels would have loved.

I didn't read the OP's article.

I remember the stupid propaganda the russians spread in the 2016.

None of it was true. But at least one of the lies got a restaurant in DC shot up. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

I see this the same as that ridiculous lie about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant in DC.

Nothing but russian propaganda designed for the only reason to cause more divide, more hate and to help republicans get elected.

Anyone with more than one working brain cell can see this story for what it is. The sad thing is that the trump people don't have even one working brain cell.
Norman confirms that Reuters or AP are not carrying it.

Thus . . . it is a made up incident, or a fake video, or a family squabble gone horribly bad.

And the alt right wing Norman propagandizes the supposed incident into a vicious attack on a religion and a country he does not like.

The message is his to make, but he should not feign conditions that do not exist.

The fact that it's coming from only alt right sources is a HUGE RED FLAG that it's coming from the russian propaganda mill.

The same mill that spread stupid lies about Hillary in 2016.

This is more of the russians continuing to control our people and our elections.

Only stupid trump followers fall for it.
Show me ONE example of a white guy executing his baby PUBLICLY. Ripping the baby's head apart...

London crime statistics up 50% after the enrichment. Now they are constructing Trump balloons. In a few years these people will realize that they acted like cretins as the beheadings ramp up. Trump will be the biggest Hero of the West ever known.

Murders and shooting are up in every state where “Stand your ground” is passed. The USA has the highest murder rate in the first world. There are many “no go” areas in US cities - places where you call a cop and no one comes. None of them are Muslim.

The US has a lot of “gated communities” to keep undesirables out. We don’t have those in other first world countries.

The USA is a mess of bad public policy. Your country is ghetto-ized and dangerous. White people under Trump feel empowered to report black people for falling asleep in study hall, lounging by their pools, and generally “living while black”.

6 million Jews were murdered in death camps in Europe during WWII and the world stood by and let it happen. When Jews tried to flee Hitler, no one would let them in. They did what Trump is doing on your southern border. Hitler blamed the Jews for the poverty in Germany and fools like you, Norman, believed him. So when Hitler started putting them in camps, no one said anything. The state seized their property, and they just ceased to exist.

This time, the rest of the first world didn’t turn away the people who were fleeing for their lives. 5 million Syrians have poured into Europe. Are there problems? Yes. Europe was ill prepared to take them in but the alternative was to allow another Holocaust, and I would like to think we all really meant it when we said “Never again!”.

American policies in the Middle East created this refugee crisis and yet YOUR country is the only first world country to refuse to take in the refugees you created.

Shame on you!!

And of course, it did not take more than a few paragraphs to equate me with Hitler. This is the grade of the argument we hear from these idiots. What a moron. Of course, he can't help but to make up complete lies as well... Murders are down almost across the board.

This person speaks more like Starkey than an American, both extremely anti-American. Should be in the same country. They both also seem to loathe themselves, but at least the European has a good reason. He participated in killing 6 million jews, and now is participating in the invasion of his own land.

First off, I didn’t equate you with Hitler. I said you’re enabling Trump’s worst authoritarian tendencies to deport brown people and ban Muslims in exactly the same manner that the German people were taught to hate the Jews.

Trump has already moved to putting asylum seekers in “internment camps”. Separating children from their parents with no plan of ever returning them. Shipping the youngest to all parts of the US and putting them into the foster care system.

Murders are down compared to the past, except in specific “no go” pockets of your large cities. Murder statistics show pockets where murders aren’t solved, and the police don’t go. They raise your murder statistics far beyond anything going on in Europe. This is being allowed to happen in inner cities. It helps gin up hatred of blacks, and confirm the line that they’re all violent criminals.

And last but not least, I’m not nor have I ever said that I’m an American.

Just say it... get it out... The BLACKS raise the murder statistics far beyond what is going on in Europe. The ghetto is our no go zone. Just wait a few years and the statistics in Europe will be the same. As said crime stats are up 50% in London.

Deportation is not a word I have used once in this thread, I have no idea where you got it from. I have stated multiple times, this thread is about the consequences of third world immigration. And yes, banning that for the most part is a reasonable idea. Here you are lecturing others about Hitler while not even being able to read.

The American “no go” areas are parts of cities when decay and extreme poverty have been the norm for generations. These areas are now controlled by violent gangs of various races. Notice you don’t have gangs of violent criminals in rich areas. It’s why the Mafia exists. Brash Italians who faced discrimination in jobs, housing, and racial profiling created the Mafia because they were excluded from the good schools, the good jobs, and the good opportunities.

Donald Trump has cancelled the visas granted by the US government over the past 30 years to citizens from Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Chile after mutual disasters in those countries. Hundreds of thousands of people who have made successful lives in the USA for themselves, have been told to leave.

Last week, Donald Trump started talking about rescinding US citizenship for immigrants and deporting US citizens. You’re keen on Trump’s anti immigration policies. His policies are designed to “whiten “America”.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering Jews. He vilified them first. He blamed them for Germany's economic woes and the deprivations imposed on the Germany people by the Treaty of Versailles. Just as Trump is vilifying Third World immigrants and blacks.

In the next phase, Hitler started putting the undesirables, those who weren’t “pure Arya stock” in concentration camps. Trump is now putting asylum seekers on the southern borders in internment camps.

Trump has also taken thousands of children from their parents, passed the children into foster care with no plan of ever reuniting these children with their parents. Now they’re saying some of the parents have criminal records. So? Lots of parents in the US have criminal records. The government doesn’t take their children away.

This is a violation of the rights of these children. It is a violation of US law, and it’s a violation of human decency.

And you support this. Shame on you!!!
Show me ONE example of a white guy executing his baby PUBLICLY. Ripping the baby's head apart...

London crime statistics up 50% after the enrichment. Now they are constructing Trump balloons. In a few years these people will realize that they acted like cretins as the beheadings ramp up. Trump will be the biggest Hero of the West ever known.

Murders and shooting are up in every state where “Stand your ground” is passed. The USA has the highest murder rate in the first world. There are many “no go” areas in US cities - places where you call a cop and no one comes. None of them are Muslim.

The US has a lot of “gated communities” to keep undesirables out. We don’t have those in other first world countries.

The USA is a mess of bad public policy. Your country is ghetto-ized and dangerous. White people under Trump feel empowered to report black people for falling asleep in study hall, lounging by their pools, and generally “living while black”.

6 million Jews were murdered in death camps in Europe during WWII and the world stood by and let it happen. When Jews tried to flee Hitler, no one would let them in. They did what Trump is doing on your southern border. Hitler blamed the Jews for the poverty in Germany and fools like you, Norman, believed him. So when Hitler started putting them in camps, no one said anything. The state seized their property, and they just ceased to exist.

This time, the rest of the first world didn’t turn away the people who were fleeing for their lives. 5 million Syrians have poured into Europe. Are there problems? Yes. Europe was ill prepared to take them in but the alternative was to allow another Holocaust, and I would like to think we all really meant it when we said “Never again!”.

American policies in the Middle East created this refugee crisis and yet YOUR country is the only first world country to refuse to take in the refugees you created.

Shame on you!!

And of course, it did not take more than a few paragraphs to equate me with Hitler. This is the grade of the argument we hear from these idiots. What a moron. Of course, he can't help but to make up complete lies as well... Murders are down almost across the board.

This person speaks more like Starkey than an American, both extremely anti-American. Should be in the same country. They both also seem to loathe themselves, but at least the European has a good reason. He participated in killing 6 million jews, and now is participating in the invasion of his own land.

First off, I didn’t equate you with Hitler. I said you’re enabling Trump’s worst authoritarian tendencies to deport brown people and ban Muslims in exactly the same manner that the German people were taught to hate the Jews.

Trump has already moved to putting asylum seekers in “internment camps”. Separating children from their parents with no plan of ever returning them. Shipping the youngest to all parts of the US and putting them into the foster care system.

Murders are down compared to the past, except in specific “no go” pockets of your large cities. Murder statistics show pockets where murders aren’t solved, and the police don’t go. They raise your murder statistics far beyond anything going on in Europe. This is being allowed to happen in inner cities. It helps gin up hatred of blacks, and confirm the line that they’re all violent criminals.

And last but not least, I’m not nor have I ever said that I’m an American.

Just say it... get it out... The BLACKS raise the murder statistics far beyond what is going on in Europe. The ghetto is our no go zone. Just wait a few years and the statistics in Europe will be the same. As said crime stats are up 50% in London.

Deportation is not a word I have used once in this thread, I have no idea where you got it from. I have stated multiple times, this thread is about the consequences of third world immigration. And yes, banning that for the most part is a reasonable idea. Here you are lecturing others about Hitler while not even being able to read.

The American “no go” areas are parts of cities when decay and extreme poverty have been the norm for generations. These areas are now controlled by violent gangs of various races. Notice you don’t have gangs of violent criminals in rich areas. It’s why the Mafia exists. Brash Italians who faced discrimination in jobs, housing, and racial profiling created the Mafia because they were excluded from the good schools, the good jobs, and the good opportunities.

Donald Trump has cancelled the visas granted by the US government over the past 30 years to citizens from Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Chile after mutual disasters in those countries. Hundreds of thousands of people who have made successful lives in the USA for themselves, have been told to leave.

Last week, Donald Trump started talking about rescinding US citizenship for immigrants and deporting US citizens. You’re keen on Trump’s anti immigration policies. His policies are designed to “whiten “America”.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering Jews. He vilified them first. He blamed them for Germany's economic woes and the deprivations imposed on the Germany people by the Treaty of Versailles. Just as Trump is vilifying Third World immigrants and blacks.

In the next phase, Hitler started putting the undesirables, those who weren’t “pure Arya stock” in concentration camps. Trump is now putting asylum seekers on the southern borders in internment camps.

Trump has also taken thousands of children from their parents, passed the children into foster care with no plan of ever reuniting these children with their parents. Now they’re saying some of the parents have criminal records. So? Lots of parents in the US have criminal records. The government doesn’t take their children away.

This is a violation of the rights of these children. It is a violation of US law, and it’s a violation of human decency.

And you support this. Shame on you!!!

I support Trump 100% on never giving this IDIOT an immigrant status.

Contrasting the legendary president with one of your own demonic creations. Only you are capable of that sort of destruction, now supporting the invasion of your own culture no doubt. I am sure we will have to bail your ass once more.

What a moron. This guy/idiots like him is the reason open borders don't work.

And no, the murder rates are such for particularly black people, you just make shit up from your ass. No wonder you are always in trouble and need US help and funding for your defense.
If Obama did everything that Trump is doing, either both are for open borders or both are not for open borders.

The OP premise of an alternative US history has been shown to simply stupid based on alt right propaganda that no one can verify.

And no one has shown that the immigrant as MM deserved to be mass murdered.
Murders and shooting are up in every state where “Stand your ground” is passed. The USA has the highest murder rate in the first world. There are many “no go” areas in US cities - places where you call a cop and no one comes. None of them are Muslim.

The US has a lot of “gated communities” to keep undesirables out. We don’t have those in other first world countries.

The USA is a mess of bad public policy. Your country is ghetto-ized and dangerous. White people under Trump feel empowered to report black people for falling asleep in study hall, lounging by their pools, and generally “living while black”.

6 million Jews were murdered in death camps in Europe during WWII and the world stood by and let it happen. When Jews tried to flee Hitler, no one would let them in. They did what Trump is doing on your southern border. Hitler blamed the Jews for the poverty in Germany and fools like you, Norman, believed him. So when Hitler started putting them in camps, no one said anything. The state seized their property, and they just ceased to exist.

This time, the rest of the first world didn’t turn away the people who were fleeing for their lives. 5 million Syrians have poured into Europe. Are there problems? Yes. Europe was ill prepared to take them in but the alternative was to allow another Holocaust, and I would like to think we all really meant it when we said “Never again!”.

American policies in the Middle East created this refugee crisis and yet YOUR country is the only first world country to refuse to take in the refugees you created.

Shame on you!!

And of course, it did not take more than a few paragraphs to equate me with Hitler. This is the grade of the argument we hear from these idiots. What a moron. Of course, he can't help but to make up complete lies as well... Murders are down almost across the board.

This person speaks more like Starkey than an American, both extremely anti-American. Should be in the same country. They both also seem to loathe themselves, but at least the European has a good reason. He participated in killing 6 million jews, and now is participating in the invasion of his own land.

First off, I didn’t equate you with Hitler. I said you’re enabling Trump’s worst authoritarian tendencies to deport brown people and ban Muslims in exactly the same manner that the German people were taught to hate the Jews.

Trump has already moved to putting asylum seekers in “internment camps”. Separating children from their parents with no plan of ever returning them. Shipping the youngest to all parts of the US and putting them into the foster care system.

Murders are down compared to the past, except in specific “no go” pockets of your large cities. Murder statistics show pockets where murders aren’t solved, and the police don’t go. They raise your murder statistics far beyond anything going on in Europe. This is being allowed to happen in inner cities. It helps gin up hatred of blacks, and confirm the line that they’re all violent criminals.

And last but not least, I’m not nor have I ever said that I’m an American.

Just say it... get it out... The BLACKS raise the murder statistics far beyond what is going on in Europe. The ghetto is our no go zone. Just wait a few years and the statistics in Europe will be the same. As said crime stats are up 50% in London.

Deportation is not a word I have used once in this thread, I have no idea where you got it from. I have stated multiple times, this thread is about the consequences of third world immigration. And yes, banning that for the most part is a reasonable idea. Here you are lecturing others about Hitler while not even being able to read.

The American “no go” areas are parts of cities when decay and extreme poverty have been the norm for generations. These areas are now controlled by violent gangs of various races. Notice you don’t have gangs of violent criminals in rich areas. It’s why the Mafia exists. Brash Italians who faced discrimination in jobs, housing, and racial profiling created the Mafia because they were excluded from the good schools, the good jobs, and the good opportunities.

Donald Trump has cancelled the visas granted by the US government over the past 30 years to citizens from Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Chile after mutual disasters in those countries. Hundreds of thousands of people who have made successful lives in the USA for themselves, have been told to leave.

Last week, Donald Trump started talking about rescinding US citizenship for immigrants and deporting US citizens. You’re keen on Trump’s anti immigration policies. His policies are designed to “whiten “America”.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering Jews. He vilified them first. He blamed them for Germany's economic woes and the deprivations imposed on the Germany people by the Treaty of Versailles. Just as Trump is vilifying Third World immigrants and blacks.

In the next phase, Hitler started putting the undesirables, those who weren’t “pure Arya stock” in concentration camps. Trump is now putting asylum seekers on the southern borders in internment camps.

Trump has also taken thousands of children from their parents, passed the children into foster care with no plan of ever reuniting these children with their parents. Now they’re saying some of the parents have criminal records. So? Lots of parents in the US have criminal records. The government doesn’t take their children away.

This is a violation of the rights of these children. It is a violation of US law, and it’s a violation of human decency.

And you support this. Shame on you!!!

I support Trump 100% on never giving this IDIOT an immigrant status.

Contrasting the legendary president with one of your own demonic creations. Only you are capable of that sort of destruction, now supporting the invasion of your own culture no doubt. I am sure we will have to bail your ass once more.

What a moron. This guy/idiots like him is the reason open borders don't work.

And no, the murder rates are such for particularly black people, you just make shit up from your ass. No wonder you are always in trouble and need US help and funding for your defense.

Name ONE TIME where the US came to Canada’s military aid or defence. The only country which has ever launched a military attack against Canada, is the USA.

You haven’t defended Canada from jack shit. Canada, on the other hand hosted thousands of your citizens on 9/11 and for weeks afterwards.

We allowed members of your embassy staff in Iran hide out at the Canadian embassy in Tehran and then smuggled them out of country.

Canada went into Afghanistan after 9/11 and stayed there for 10 years, and we had more loss of life in Afghanistan during those 10 years than the US did.

Canada has taken in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees and continues to have forces stationed in Iraq to provide training to Iraqi forces.

Would you like to tell me again how we’re beholding to you militarily?
Canada has always been America's friend since 1815.

The Normans of the world really have no country they can call their own, because they are not worthy to be citizens of the USA.
Norman confirms that Reuters or AP are not carrying it.

Thus . . . it is a made up incident, or a fake video, or a family squabble gone horribly bad.

And the alt right wing Norman propagandizes the supposed incident into a vicious attack on a religion and a country he does not like.

The message is his to make, but he should not feign conditions that do not exist.

Nothing fake about it, go watch the video if you have trouble believing.

Family squabble? Is this how your family does family squabbles? Behead the wife and a toddler... It's time to start packing the bags.
You ever live in the South, home boy? :p Or Chicago? Thank you for admitting that if this happened that it is a family dynamic that failed horribly.

I can point you to an American religious that mass murdered 120 immigrants in a wagon train attack in 1857.

Well sure, you LDS folks had it tough back then.
The OP is insane. Only far right alt nativist and ethnocentric outlets are reporting that a Muslim "allegedly" beheaded a baby. If it happened, which is very doubtful at this point, it was the act of a mad man, such as a religious zealot or a political crazy from the alt and far right. Can you document that there are such organized activities by the state in Germany? The OP is an insane fantasy that Julius Streicher and Josef Goebbels would have loved.
Here's hoping you get to experience the Genital Mutilation of someone you love. Perhaps then the barbarity of radical Islam will no longer be theoretical to you.
All cultures have depraved individuals and groups with political and or religious motivations. Ours had the Klan and the white citizens councils, claiming to be Christain, in fact ultra conservative white orgs of dems and republicans who terrorized people of color in the south and the midwest. The Tulsa riots come to mind.

It's interesting how you defend radical Islam.
Norman has made allegations about an incident that is being reported, so far, in hate alt right propaganda organs. He cannot, so far, provide an established mainstream respected outlet (AP or Reuters, eg) that has reported it. When and if that happens, we then have a reasonable platform from which to draw evidence and conclusions.

From that alleged incident, he is spreading "propaganda and fiction."

He thinks the terror and killings of the KKK and the white citizen councils, made up of ultra conservative American so called Christian dems and pubs in the south, are fictional incidents.

The OP is a statement of supposed fact that I believe should be placed in the proper forum on this Board, which in no way is an infringement on the freedom of speech.

You moron, THERE IS A VIDEO OF THE INCIDENT. Go view it if you need evidence.

You of curse need CNN to confirm that you have taken a shit in order to exit the toilet. The rest of us aren't this handicapped drones.

Can't think when the media has been a bit critic of the Muslim way. They purposely avoid reporting anything negative about the immigrant crisis. The rapes, mutilations and now beheadings all unreported.

Snarkey lives in his own little fantasy world. In his world his only real enemies are Conservative American's.

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