The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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to the OP,

I'll ask again.

as a white person what extra rights do I have? name one

also, what extra rights did I have from 1776 until 1965?

what rights are you being denied?
Most blacks here don't have slavery in their family history and none of them were slaves. Yep, there was a lot done wrong but you can either join modern reality or be a victim living in the past. Your choice. If you can't make it here, it isn't your race holding you back, you can't make it anywhere.
. Demon-crats have made victimhood that shiney city on the hill. Follow the Demon-crat road hey hey, follow the Demon-crat road hey hey. LOL. Problem is, is that when they wake up from the stooper/sleep that ole Demon-crat Hillary (the wicked witch) put them in, they still found themselves waking up in the Demon-crat hood, and struggling to make sense of it all. Now that the witch has been melted, they are a confused bunch for sure. LOL.

The fear of this question is funny.
. You making a fool of yourself is funnier..

But I am not making a fool out of myself. I am laughing while watching each of you run from answering a question. :badgrin:
No one is running, you goddamn retard. Get over yourself Mr. EBT Recipient.

You are running. I don't get EBT. Maybe you do, but that's not my problem.
to the OP,

I'll ask again.

as a white person what extra rights do I have? name one

also, what extra rights did I have from 1776 until 1965?

what rights are you being denied?
It looks to me like he's being denied the "right" to be paid because his ancestors sold his ancestors into slavery.
I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
You mean, what do we call that era "by law"?

I dunno, Mon. Enlighten me already.
Listen sparky, blacks due to their governmental system and culture in the 1700's Africa, had set the blacks up for exploitation by the world. Your physical strengths were desired for labor, and your education levels were as such that you had more to offer in your physical strength then did your minds have to offer throughout a ling period of time. What was proven however to the world for all the years of stuggle you indured coming out of that, was that you can be educated, and you are intelligent, and that you can contribute with the best of all races today. Now enough is enough, and go and be proud of your accomplishments, and oh when get the chance how's about thanking a white man for his sacrifices on behalf of your race.

Well that doesn't answer the question either.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.
Notice how the libtard doesn't mention that it was Southern White Democrats, that owned the slaves, and the Northern White Democrats who voted to keep the south with slaves. It was the Southern White Democrats(KKK) that went about hanging blacks and white Republicans. It was Southern White Democrats(Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's fathers) who wanted the Democrats to bar the doors from blacks and keep blacks in the back of the bus. It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated with public indoctrination(schools). This OP is just another typical student of the indoctrination of the left and it shows greatly, with his goose stepping, liberal kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiot mentality.

I bet the OP has never read the constitution either.

View attachment 132925

As if liberals of today are anything like the Conservative Southern Slave owners and later southern racist implementing Jim Crow. Southern voters soon began favoring the Republicans after the Northern liberals once again imposed it's will on the south in 1964.

I really hate lying ass liberals.

Yep them slave owners were all about equal rights for Black people, Women, Gays, Hispanics, Trans.........just like Hitler.

That's why most Pseudo-Cons are fucking moroonies.

That is why you liberals had relatives that were Southern White Democrats. Always were racists , always will be racists. That is the Democrat way.

Liberals- Death to unborn and born babies, enslaving people to the government, no rights to anyone. Serfdom The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
Conservatives - Classical Liberalism - Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia
. Demon-crats have made victimhood that shiney city on the hill. Follow the Demon-crat road hey hey, follow the Demon-crat road hey hey. LOL. Problem is, is that when they wake up from the stooper/sleep that ole Demon-crat Hillary (the wicked witch) put them in, they still found themselves waking up in the Demon-crat hood, and struggling to make sense of it all. Now that the witch has been melted, they are a confused bunch for sure. LOL.

The fear of this question is funny.
. You making a fool of yourself is funnier..

But I am not making a fool out of myself. I am laughing while watching each of you run from answering a question. :badgrin:
No one is running, you goddamn retard. Get over yourself Mr. EBT Recipient.

You are running. I don't get EBT. Maybe you do, but that's not my problem.

I'm 2 is running from my questions
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
. Demon-crats have made victimhood that shiney city on the hill. Follow the Demon-crat road hey hey, follow the Demon-crat road hey hey. LOL. Problem is, is that when they wake up from the stooper/sleep that ole Demon-crat Hillary (the wicked witch) put them in, they still found themselves waking up in the Demon-crat hood, and struggling to make sense of it all. Now that the witch has been melted, they are a confused bunch for sure. LOL.

The fear of this question is funny.
. You making a fool of yourself is funnier..

But I am not making a fool out of myself. I am laughing while watching each of you run from answering a question. :badgrin:
No one is running, you goddamn retard. Get over yourself Mr. EBT Recipient.

You are running. I don't get EBT. Maybe you do, but that's not my problem.
You have nothing so you fell into parrot mode. It's obvious you live off of others. No sale!
to the OP,

I'll ask again.

as a white person what extra rights do I have? name one

also, what extra rights did I have from 1776 until 1965?

what rights are you being denied?

These are stupid questions. I know you think you are making sense, but when you have to ask what extra rights white shad from 1776 until 1965 that blacks did not have then you can only be a :

I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.
Notice how the libtard doesn't mention that it was Southern White Democrats, that owned the slaves, and the Northern White Democrats who voted to keep the south with slaves. It was the Southern White Democrats(KKK) that went about hanging blacks and white Republicans. It was Southern White Democrats(Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's fathers) who wanted the Democrats to bar the doors from blacks and keep blacks in the back of the bus. It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated with public indoctrination(schools). This OP is just another typical student of the indoctrination of the left and it shows greatly, with his goose stepping, liberal kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiot mentality.

I bet the OP has never read the constitution either.

View attachment 132925

As if liberals of today are anything like the Conservative Southern Slave owners and later southern racist implementing Jim Crow. Southern voters soon began favoring the Republicans after the Northern liberals once again imposed it's will on the south in 1964.

I really hate lying ass liberals.

Yep them slave owners were all about equal rights for Black people, Women, Gays, Hispanics, Trans.........just like Hitler.

That's why most Pseudo-Cons are fucking moroonies.
Nothing you said makes any sense. Blind as always.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.

Sorry but you have crushed nothing.
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
The fear of this question is funny.
. You making a fool of yourself is funnier..

But I am not making a fool out of myself. I am laughing while watching each of you run from answering a question. :badgrin:
No one is running, you goddamn retard. Get over yourself Mr. EBT Recipient.

You are running. I don't get EBT. Maybe you do, but that's not my problem.
You have nothing so you fell into parrot mode. It's obvious you live off of others. No sale!

Notice how the libtard doesn't mention that it was Southern White Democrats, that owned the slaves, and the Northern White Democrats who voted to keep the south with slaves. It was the Southern White Democrats(KKK) that went about hanging blacks and white Republicans. It was Southern White Democrats(Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's fathers) who wanted the Democrats to bar the doors from blacks and keep blacks in the back of the bus. It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated with public indoctrination(schools). This OP is just another typical student of the indoctrination of the left and it shows greatly, with his goose stepping, liberal kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiot mentality.

I bet the OP has never read the constitution either.

View attachment 132925

As if liberals of today are anything like the Conservative Southern Slave owners and later southern racist implementing Jim Crow. Southern voters soon began favoring the Republicans after the Northern liberals once again imposed it's will on the south in 1964.

I really hate lying ass liberals.

Yep them slave owners were all about equal rights for Black people, Women, Gays, Hispanics, Trans.........just like Hitler.

That's why most Pseudo-Cons are fucking moroonies.
Nothing you said makes any sense. Blind as always.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.

Sorry but you have crushed nothing.

You can't answer the question. You are getting crushed.
Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.

to the OP,

I'll ask again.

as a white person what extra rights do I have? name one

also, what extra rights did I have from 1776 until 1965?

what rights are you being denied?

These are stupid questions. I know you think you are making sense, but when you have to ask what extra rights white shad from 1776 until 1965 that blacks did not have then you can only be a :


you can not answer the questions because white people have no extra rights and blacks are not being denied rights so you resort to sophomoric name calling

you are butt hurt because whitey is out competing you, never mind so is every other ethnicity, even Asian immigrants that don't speak English and just stepped off the boat

your problem is obvious

Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

So I was right, you don't even have slavery in your history. You need a pacifier? What do you want? You can't have my money, if you can't make it in this country we're better off if you simply expire.
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