The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

. No it didn't, but until the blacks were educated, culturally reformed, and slowly accepted into white society, then it would take some time, and some sacrifices on the white people's part to get it all done. Right now their are blacks who still refuse to assimilate into the nation's melting pot, because their anger will never sease to exist. It is a recognizable problem by all, and an exploitable one for the Demon-crats. Quit allowing the Demon-crats to use you black man and black woman. Your anger and exploitable vulnerabilities are your achilles heel in life. Put your anger away, and join the rest of us who are struggling to make sense of it all.
Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

They did for a while, until the North got tired of fighting the Southern Insurgency, then the former slave owners returned to power and began their Jim Crow campaign against the former slaves.
Democrats Should Know Jim Crow, They Created Him | Human Events
In 1832, the phrase “Jim Crow” was born. By 1900, every former Confederate state (including Wyoming, Missouri, Ohio, Utah, Kentucky, Kansas and Oklahoma) had enacted “Jim Crow” laws prohibiting everything from interracial marriage to racially integrated public school systems. These state laws served to place blacks back on a virtual plantation. Similar to the “Black Codes” that came before them, Jim Crow laws were numerous. However, one denominator codified their sound support in Southern states: They all resulted from Democratic legislators of the “Solid South.”
Liberals lie all the fucking time, as liberals have no honor.

Pseudo-cons are willfully ignorant of history. Very typical of revisionist. When history doesn't fit the agenda, change it, lie about it long and loud. Soon it will accepted among others like you as if it were the gospel truth.
Please at any time, you go ahead and point out anything that I "posted with links" are a lie?
You vote Democrat and you think you are better educated. ROTFLMAO........ You are as educated as the Obamaphone lady,

I am better educated than you. The Obama phone is the GW Bush phone idiot. Because that's when the program was started.

I am not talking about the phone you moron , but the Ex Obama voter and her typical public education and her Demand for free stuff.

If you got a private education that's certainly no argument for the superiority of such an education.


I was publicly educated, but instead of keeping my head up my ass, I opened up to new ideas of who one side has and always will be racists, and the other side who has accepted all people as being equal. You on the other hand has never pulled your head out of Uranus, keep a closed mind, because you don't want your FREE stuff to be taken away, and then call the rest of US, racists. No problem, my family is mixed with all people, we get along fine, and I love it when I am called a racist. TOO FUNNY...

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.All this bullshit and you still can't answer the question.​

Only shit is around your eyes and ears.

I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.

. Where were you educated, the same place as Obama and his wife were, " Jeremiah Wright's Church" ??? There are plenty of educational institutions in this country, and there are plenty of biases, and indoctronations to go along with that education, so where were you educated again ??? Makes a huge difference, and we can then judge your assertions or questions on that knowledge also. Now don't go ta lying about where you were educated at, because the hound dogs will still sniff that out through the evidence found in your words spoken.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

You either can't understand what you read, or more likely, you're just making shit up.


I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.

. Where were you educated, the same place as Obama and his wife were, " Jeremiah Wright's Church" ??? There are plenty of educational institutions in this country, and there are plenty of biases, and indoctronations to go along with that education, so where were you educated again ??? Makes a huge difference, and we can then judge your assertions or questions on that knowledge also. Now don't go ta lying about where you were educated at, because the hound dogs will still sniff that out through the evidence found in your words spoken.

You don't get out judge anything. It doesn't matter where I was educated at. Who the hell do you think you are?

Try answering the question dumb ass.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

You either can't understand what you read, or more likely, you're just making shit up.



No you earned that award.
Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

. No it didn't, but until the blacks were educated, culturally reformed, and slowly accepted into white society, then it would take some time, and some sacrifices on the white people's part to get it all done. Right now their are blacks who still refuse to assimilate into the nation's melting pot, because their anger will never sease to exist. It is a recognizable problem by all, and an exploitable one for the Demon-crats. Quit allowing the Demon-crats to use you black man and black woman. Your anger and exploitable vulnerabilities are your achilles heel in life. Put your anger away, and join the rest of us who are struggling to make sense of it all.

You really are delusional.

I'm not putting anything away.

I'm here in a place full of republicans who are racists. And they are here telling me it's the democrats who are the racists.

Cmon man!

There is no way in hell I will ever be a republican.

I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.


Graduating from 6th grade isn't really an education sugarshorts

I did not ask for your personal history.
Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

They did for a while, until the North got tired of fighting the Southern Insurgency, then the former slave owners returned to power and began their Jim Crow campaign against the former slaves.
Democrats Should Know Jim Crow, They Created Him | Human Events
In 1832, the phrase “Jim Crow” was born. By 1900, every former Confederate state (including Wyoming, Missouri, Ohio, Utah, Kentucky, Kansas and Oklahoma) had enacted “Jim Crow” laws prohibiting everything from interracial marriage to racially integrated public school systems. These state laws served to place blacks back on a virtual plantation. Similar to the “Black Codes” that came before them, Jim Crow laws were numerous. However, one denominator codified their sound support in Southern states: They all resulted from Democratic legislators of the “Solid South.”
Liberals lie all the fucking time, as liberals have no honor.

Pseudo-cons are willfully ignorant of history. Very typical of revisionist. When history doesn't fit the agenda, change it, lie about it long and loud. Soon it will accepted among others like you as if it were the gospel truth.
Please at any time, you go ahead and point out anything that I "posted with links" are a lie?

"It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated...."

You didn't post a link to back that lie up. Is this something that you just believe on your own or were you taught this pseudo-fact somewhere?
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Chances are this asshole doesn't have slavery in his history and has learned to live off his skin color.

Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

. No it didn't, but until the blacks were educated, culturally reformed, and slowly accepted into white society, then it would take some time, and some sacrifices on the white people's part to get it all done. Right now their are blacks who still refuse to assimilate into the nation's melting pot, because their anger will never sease to exist. It is a recognizable problem by all, and an exploitable one for the Demon-crats. Quit allowing the Demon-crats to use you black man and black woman. Your anger and exploitable vulnerabilities are your achilles heel in life. Put your anger away, and join the rest of us who are struggling to make sense of it all.

You really are delusional.

I'm not putting anything away.

I'm here in a place full of republicans who are racists. And they are here telling me it's the democrats who are the racists.

Cmon man!

There is no way in hell I will ever be a republican.



I was referring to one of your posts, Hypocrite. "This is 2017 not the 1800s."

And what do you mean the years 1776 to 1965 by law? Who the hell gave that era a legal name?

You dum, aintcha.

Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.

. Where were you educated, the same place as Obama and his wife were, " Jeremiah Wright's Church" ??? There are plenty of educational institutions in this country, and there are plenty of biases, and indoctronations to go along with that education, so where were you educated again ??? Makes a huge difference, and we can then judge your assertions or questions on that knowledge also. Now don't go ta lying about where you were educated at, because the hound dogs will still sniff that out through the evidence found in your words spoken.

You don't get out judge anything. It doesn't matter where I was educated at. Who the hell do you think you are?

Try answering the question dumb ass.
IM2 said
I am better educated than you.
Now he says
You don't get out judge anything.
Are you really the Obamaphone lady?
Things did not end with slavery fuck head.

They did for a while, until the North got tired of fighting the Southern Insurgency, then the former slave owners returned to power and began their Jim Crow campaign against the former slaves.
Democrats Should Know Jim Crow, They Created Him | Human Events
In 1832, the phrase “Jim Crow” was born. By 1900, every former Confederate state (including Wyoming, Missouri, Ohio, Utah, Kentucky, Kansas and Oklahoma) had enacted “Jim Crow” laws prohibiting everything from interracial marriage to racially integrated public school systems. These state laws served to place blacks back on a virtual plantation. Similar to the “Black Codes” that came before them, Jim Crow laws were numerous. However, one denominator codified their sound support in Southern states: They all resulted from Democratic legislators of the “Solid South.”
Liberals lie all the fucking time, as liberals have no honor.

Pseudo-cons are willfully ignorant of history. Very typical of revisionist. When history doesn't fit the agenda, change it, lie about it long and loud. Soon it will accepted among others like you as if it were the gospel truth.
Please at any time, you go ahead and point out anything that I "posted with links" are a lie?

"It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated...."

You didn't post a link to back that lie up. Is this something that you just believe on your own or were you taught this pseudo-fact somewhere?
Yes I did, but you didn't open the link, you fucking liar. Let me show you the link again, libtard.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
The Road to Serfdom (German: Der Weg zur Knechtschaft) is a book written between 1940 and 1943 by Austrian British economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek, in which he "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.

What fucking difference does it make now?
You are the one being unreasonable and obnoxious in this thread.
That's because you"re not here for an exchange of info or ideas. You are here to push your agenda and hatred of others with another troll thread

It makes a huge difference given that we are talking about things that have impacted out lives today.

Well the thing is that were blacks are getting told by whites such as you that today we want extra things at the expense of whites. You whine about Affirmative Action like it was just arbitrarily made for no other reason than to take jobs from whites. So then you must be asked about how you see what happened for at least 189 yeas whereby whites got every preference, all the rights and made huge money literally off the backs of blacks.

You raggedy bastards are always talking about an agenda, but all you guys are doing here is trolling and pushing a white rights agenda.
Let me help you understand since you at apparently too stupid to do so by yourself.

If blacks of today are supposedly asking for rights at the expense of whites, what do you call what happened from 1776 until 1965?
I say you are a racist, and always will be a racist, who doesn't want to LEARN how your life has been one big LIE. I have offered you twice now, the truth about black history of the US, but since you don't want to be educated, and enlightened, then you can continue to be a VICTIM of the Democrats.

I don't give a fuck what you think dildo. You can't tell me the truth abut black history in the US. OK?

I am educated. Very well educated. Better educated than you.

. Where were you educated, the same place as Obama and his wife were, " Jeremiah Wright's Church" ??? There are plenty of educational institutions in this country, and there are plenty of biases, and indoctronations to go along with that education, so where were you educated again ??? Makes a huge difference, and we can then judge your assertions or questions on that knowledge also. Now don't go ta lying about where you were educated at, because the hound dogs will still sniff that out through the evidence found in your words spoken.

You don't get out judge anything. It doesn't matter where I was educated at. Who the hell do you think you are?

Try answering the question dumb ass.
IM2 said
I am better educated than you.
Now he says
You don't get out judge anything.
Are you really the Obamaphone lady?


When are you going to answer the question?​
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

Giving Blacks more "Privileges" is a good thing, no?
Because the more rights you get, and still perform worse, the more White racists will come out of the woodwork to react to you.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

Giving Blacks more "Privileges" is a good thing, no?
Because the more rights you get, and still perform worse, the more White racists will come out of the woodwork to react to you.
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