"The American Jobs Act"...NO...NO...as in HELL NO!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Jesus Christ here we go again..........I wouldn't pass a bill if this administration asked for $.50!!!!
VOTE THESE PEOPLE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Department of Energy is standing by a $529 million loan guarantee to an electric car company that is outsourcing production to Finland.
The ABC News report noted the political connections enjoyed by Fisker and another company, Tesla Motors, which together received about $1 billion in loans. Fisker reportedly is backed by a firm that counts ex-Vice President Al Gore among its partners. The article said just 40 of Fisker's Karma cars have been produced so far, and that Tesla is consistently losing money.

Read more: Energy Department Defends Loan To Company Building Electric Cars In Finland | Fox News
So you're becoming a protectionist now?

Outsourcing jobs to a third world country where workers are paid pennies an hour is a problem. Outsourcing jobs to Finland, not so much. Finnish workers are well paid, the economy has a 74% trade union density, worker rights are much better protected there than here.

There's nothing wrong with outsourcing under those conditions, because the Finnish workers create a market for goods and so spur further investment, some of which will occur here. If Chinese workers were well paid with a government that supported their rights, outsourcing to China wouldn't be a problem, either.

Among advanced economies, free trade is definitely the way to go.
There are at least three threads about this now. See the other thread for my comments.

Short version: The loan money seems to be staying in the US. This is an American company that operates internationally, as do almost all large American companies.
There are at least three threads about this now. See the other thread for my comments.

Short version: The loan money seems to be staying in the US. This is an American company that operates internationally, as do almost all large American companies.

The outsourcing is not the problem.
You guys glossed right over the fact that $1 billion in loans for two companies that are PRODUCING NOTHING. One has only built 40 cars!! :eusa_eh:
The other is bleeding money.

THIS is the point. They are flushing taxpayer money down the drain for political and idealistic reasons.

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