The American melting pot has stopped assimilating immigrants the way it once did


Identity Politics and PC have destroyed the melting pot concept.

E Pluribus Unum is dead.

Now it's group vs. group.

First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.

Not only that but in our PC world today immigrants are encouraged to hang on to their old cultures and languages out in mainstream America. Mind you I don't care what they practice in the privacies of their own homes but instead they are in your face with it. We used to be a melting pot. Not any more the salad bowl concept is encouraged nowadays. We are no longer a cohesive society.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.
You should invest in a history book.
The Melting Pot is working just fine. Today's immigrants are assimilating just as they always have. Today's fearful idiots are whining like idiotic hypocrites just as they always have.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.

Actually, Eastern Asians came here first (no one knows what they spoke) across the Bering land bridge. We know them today as Native Americans. And as far as I know, Americans have still not been assimilated into their culture.
An earlier people came maybe thirty thousand years before the Asians; they died out maybe fifteen thousand years before that.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.

Actually, Eastern Asians came here first (no one knows what they spoke) across the Bering land bridge. We know them today as Native Americans. And as far as I know, Americans have still not been assimilated into their culture.

Why should they? The U.S. wasn't even a country back then. Once established as a country we then decided what our basic culture and language would be.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.

Actually, Eastern Asians came here first (no one knows what they spoke) across the Bering land bridge. We know them today as Native Americans. And as far as I know, Americans have still not been assimilated into their culture.

Why should they? The U.S. wasn't even a country back then. Once established as a country we then decided what our basic culture and language would be.

Your answer assumes that native American lands weren't theirs to begin with and so we were justified to slaughter them by the millions and take It for ourselves. But if it wasn't theirs to begin with, why slaughter them in the first place?

Identity Politics and PC have destroyed the melting pot concept.

E Pluribus Unum is dead.

Now it's group vs. group.


It is group vs. group. Now, though, it's the entitlement minded people who think someone owes them something against those they want to be forced to provide it to them.
First English came here. Then people from the rest of the British Isles came. Then people from north western Europe. Then people from the rest of Europe.

Now people are coming from all over the world They have different cultures than we do. Many have lower average IQ's. That is why they are unable or unwilling to assimilate.

Actually, Eastern Asians came here first (no one knows what they spoke) across the Bering land bridge. We know them today as Native Americans. And as far as I know, Americans have still not been assimilated into their culture.

Why should they? The U.S. wasn't even a country back then. Once established as a country we then decided what our basic culture and language would be.

Your answer assumes that native American lands weren't theirs to begin with and so we were justified to slaughter them by the millions and take It for ourselves. But if it wasn't theirs to begin with, why slaughter them in the first place?

Where was their title to those lands? The so-called Native Americans migrated here just as the Europeans did. We were a wide open frontier ripe for the picking by any foreinger that could get here. You need to real a little history about this so-called slaughtering. The indios were just as guilty and in fact slaughtered each other. Doesn't matter anyway it's all in the past and we are now an established country. The descendant of those first indios are all full fledged U.S. citizens and they still have their designated reservations. so just what is your problem? I can't speak for dead people and those alive today had nothing to do with the past. Bring yourself up to 2015 for God's sake!
Well I think this is all been the plan all along...who would it help the most?

think about it?

I'm older (60s) and lived a in a wonderful melting pot of People who wanted to become, not so much.

I just worry about what's coming for my children, grandchildren, etc
The reason for assimilation came about because of a ban on immigration that lasted almost two generations.

The only reason people are coming here now is not for freedom but to get away from the horrors of their own societies. Sadly, they want to bring those same failing societies with them!
The county is a wonderful country, particularly with the power of the social cons greatly diminished.
Stupidest comment this morning follows: absolute idiocy.

The reason for assimilation came about because of a ban on immigration that lasted almost two generations.
The reason for assimilation came about because of a ban on immigration that lasted almost two generations.

The only reason people are coming here now is not for freedom but to get away from the horrors of their own societies. Sadly, they want to bring those same failing societies with them!

and now they come for all the bennies they can get off taxpayers...Years ago they came to work hard and asked to be left alone by an oppressive overbearing government. which is what a lot of them was escaping to begin with...I don't know where it's going. But watching over my years. it's not looking good
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Identity Politics and PC have destroyed the melting pot concept.

E Pluribus Unum is dead.

Now it's group vs. group.


Newsflash for you. It's always been group vs group.

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