The American Taliban

And if their offence should be queried as to relevance and rationality?

Watch the fuck out, you right wing racist bigot. :slap:

Yep, they have that gig all worked out to a tee. sad where we are in this day and age. and you can thank the Democrat party for it
We are fucked. We are in a no-win situation. Because we are White and guiltless.

Being guiltless does not excuse ourselves of White Privilege, or perceived White superiority. We ARE, however, guilty by the association of the color of our skin.

I believe that MLK, Jr. not only addressed the travails of the Negroes of the day, but the travails of all Americans. Including Whites. Our nation has enacted endless reforms, endless numbers of laws, endless programs to benefit African-Americans...

... to what result? Still mounting hatred for Whites.

Fuck 'em. Yes, Whites used to hang Negroes but now they are hanging themselves via the Democrats the Liberals and the Progressives.

Yep, if we don't get back our country in this next election. I don't know if there is any hope after that. but then we saw how they ripped us apart under Bush . so they might have succeeded in Dividing us permanently
I think there will be yet another Democrat in the White House this next election.
The 47%'ers that Romney spoke of are all too real.
The Liberal media will continue to poison the minds of voters.

And the demise of America will once and for all be relegated to the fucking shitter.

gawd I hope not. I keep hanging on to how the people woke up and kicked out the Democrats from their Power in Congress under Obama, the Democrat. So, I keep hoping it carries onto the next Presidential election.
I'm afraid that all hope is lost. Hillary, despite her foibles, will be sustained by the Liberal media and the Romney-pegged 47%.

The decline into ruin is a certainty.
the question should be: what doesn't offend them and their liberal cohorts anymore
And if their offence should be queried as to relevance and rationality?

Watch the fuck out, you right wing racist bigot. :slap:

Yep, they have that gig all worked out to a tee. sad where we are in this day and age. and you can thank the Democrat party for it
We are fucked. We are in a no-win situation. Because we are White and guiltless.

Being guiltless does not excuse ourselves of White Privilege, or perceived White superiority. We ARE, however, guilty by the association of the color of our skin.

I believe that MLK, Jr. not only addressed the travails of the Negroes of the day, but the travails of all Americans. Including Whites. Our nation has enacted endless reforms, endless numbers of laws, endless programs to benefit African-Americans...

... to what result? Still mounting hatred for Whites.

Fuck 'em. Yes, Whites used to hang Negroes but now they are hanging themselves via the Democrats the Liberals and the Progressives.

Yep, if we don't get back our country in this next election. I don't know if there is any hope after that. but then we saw how they ripped us apart under Bush . so they might have succeeded in Dividing us permanently

Better research where to send your movable assets.

You probably won't have that problem. because people living off the backs of taxpayers doesn't have any assets. NOW move along
Yep, they have that gig all worked out to a tee. sad where we are in this day and age. and you can thank the Democrat party for it
We are fucked. We are in a no-win situation. Because we are White and guiltless.

Being guiltless does not excuse ourselves of White Privilege, or perceived White superiority. We ARE, however, guilty by the association of the color of our skin.

I believe that MLK, Jr. not only addressed the travails of the Negroes of the day, but the travails of all Americans. Including Whites. Our nation has enacted endless reforms, endless numbers of laws, endless programs to benefit African-Americans...

... to what result? Still mounting hatred for Whites.

Fuck 'em. Yes, Whites used to hang Negroes but now they are hanging themselves via the Democrats the Liberals and the Progressives.

Yep, if we don't get back our country in this next election. I don't know if there is any hope after that. but then we saw how they ripped us apart under Bush . so they might have succeeded in Dividing us permanently
I think there will be yet another Democrat in the White House this next election.
The 47%'ers that Romney spoke of are all too real.
The Liberal media will continue to poison the minds of voters.

And the demise of America will once and for all be relegated to the fucking shitter.

gawd I hope not. I keep hanging on to how the people woke up and kicked out the Democrats from their Power in Congress under Obama, the Democrat. So, I keep hoping it carries onto the next Presidential election.
I'm afraid that all hope is lost. Hillary, despite her foibles, will be sustained by the Liberal media and the Romney-pegged 47%.

The decline into ruin is a certainty.

I know it. that's a hell of a lot to overcome. and Obama is making sure to increase that daily with his traitorous actions on his so called: reforming of immigration. the People are so lazy or stupid to see what's happening right before their eyes. It make me so angry

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