The American worker today is unrivaled

Productivity in this day and age is more a measure of the level of automation than anything else.
Alot of posters here are anti worker. They believe workers today are lazy and lack work ethic. They also strongly believe workers should be loyal to their employees which of course is wrong in every aspect.
initforme our manufacturing has dropped--BIG TIME.....we send our jobs overseas and bring their workers here!! = double fked.......our company has about 50% foreigners --Vietnamese mostly, Chinese, a Russian, Bosnians, Taiwanese, etc
initforme our manufacturing has dropped--BIG TIME.....we send our jobs overseas and bring their workers here!! = double fked.......our company has about 50% foreigners --Vietnamese mostly, Chinese, a Russian, Bosnians, Taiwanese, etc
You should have gotten an education and made something of yourself, instead you sit at a sewing machine all day.
odanny You should have gotten an education and made something of yourself, instead you sit at a sewing machine all day.
In their ability to produce so much compared to any other generation. The technological skills they have makes them incredible. Nowhere in the world can a workforce such as this be found as in america today
you've obviously never had employees
Blues Man I've worked with engineers and manufacturers ..I'd say 10% are shitheads....another 10% are well below a good worker status.....20% are ok, but not great....maybe. 25% are great workers..with the rest just being mediocre/etc
.....our Asian workers are MUCH better than our American workers [ especially most of the '''''American'''' workers =fact - nothing else ] ....
In their ability to produce so much compared to any other generation. The technological skills they have makes them incredible. Nowhere in the world can a workforce such as this be found as in america today
Yet many aren’t paid very well, but the guys at the top make out huge. Income inequality continues to increase. We’ll soon be just like Brazil.
Finding good employees is not an issue for a good employer. If you can't find good employees look in the mirror for the reason.
....a lot of the poor/'''poor'' people are poor because they are lazy and/or stupid .....we had 1 ''''poor''' person that couldn't do the most basic job.....maybe she was just there to get credit for unemployment, because we had to lay her off
..some are not lazy, but just can't do BASIC stuff...we had one guy that didn't even know how to read a scale [ ruler ]
In their ability to produce so much compared to any other generation. The technological skills they have makes them incredible. Nowhere in the world can a workforce such as this be found as in america today
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