The anchor with a fish was the first symbol of Christianity, not the cross.

Fish=fisherman of MEN.

Christian cross is wrong too. Should be an X instead of a T shape.
They still used a cross

A pole was buried in the ground and you were strapped/nailed to a cross beam

The beam was then hoisted up the pole
BUT Yeshu the son of Mary was stoned and "hanged" around 85bc not crucified on a cross nor taken place in the AD Pilate era, it is what the NT even says: Slew(stoned) and hanged on a tree as was the punishments in that era.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew (stoned)and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"

The Crucified Christs were:
Yehuda of Galilee who died in 6bc thus in the story is King Herod (4bc) and Lysanias (died 35bc)
and the only AD era Christ Theudas by the Jordan who's apostles were martyrs.

Jesus is not a singular historical figure,
the son of perdition(Ezekiel 28) is an image of a man made of many figures and mythologies.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
Where do you get that from what I said I was talking about the fact that one of the symbols of Isis was an anchor which Christianity plagerized and took for their own you are just trying to bury this fact and lie your way around it.. As I stated before Christianity is notorious for stealing and incorporating others ways and claiming them for themselves...
Fish=fisherman of MEN.

Christian cross is wrong too. Should be an X instead of a T shape.
They still used a cross

A pole was buried in the ground and you were strapped/nailed to a cross beam

The beam was then hoisted up the pole
BUT Yeshu the son of Mary was stoned and "hanged" around 85bc not crucified on a cross nor taken place in the AD Pilate era, it is what the NT even says: Slew(stoned) and hanged on a tree as was the punishments in that era.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew (stoned)and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"

The Crucified Christs were:
Yehuda of Galilee who died in 6bc thus in the story is King Herod (4bc) and Lysanias (died 35bc)
and the only AD era Christ Theudas by the Jordan who's apostles were martyrs.

Jesus is not a singular historical figure,
the son of perdition(Ezekiel 28) is an image of a man made of many figures and mythologies.
The problem as I see it is that their boat has sailed and that their image of a man.. Their idol/ Icon/ Savior Jesus at least the image they have created is like a giant anchor wrapped around their necks dragging them down to either drown or into perpetual darkness which in Hebrew understandings are lies and follies that the guliable have swallowed hook line and stinker I mean sinker....
The anchor is a good representation in that
it represents not getting anywhere/held back-being dead in the water and as
Ezekiel 28 says about the son of perdition-Dead in the sea(slang for Rome).
They are held back in the Sea.
The fish symbol was initially chosen because it was an unobtrusive form of identification for Christians to identify each other with, identifying friendly buildings and homes for traveling Christians and refugees, and linked to Peter, of course; they were essentially a secret society for hundreds of years in various parts of the world and couldn't operate openly, especially in the major cities. No mystery to it. Today many of the non-denominational sects use the fish, out of tradition and also a reminder of how tenuous their existence is these days of rising atavism and mindless persecution of Christians on the rise, and many do not use the cross, either. Some use the globe.
The fish symbol was initially chosen because it was an unobtrusive form of identification for Christians to identify each other with, identifying friendly buildings and homes for traveling Christians and refugees, and linked to Peter, of course; they were essentially a secret society for hundreds of years in various parts of the world and couldn't operate openly, especially in the major cities. No mystery to it. Today many of the non-denominational sects use the fish, out of tradition and also a reminder of how tenuous their existence is these days of rising atavism and mindless persecution of Christians on the rise, and many do not use the cross, either. Some use the globe.
The fish & cross symbol used to buy and sell with other Christians in trade papers, yellow pages, and sign marquis fulfills Rev 13:13 on the beast.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
Where do you get that from what I said I was talking about the fact that one of the symbols of Isis was an anchor which Christianity plagerized and took for their own you are just trying to bury this fact and lie your way around it.. As I stated before Christianity is notorious for stealing and incorporating others ways and claiming them for themselves...

You said that one of Isis symbols was an anchor , I say it wasn't, so prove it.

Yes and the Jews stole Yahweh, a Canaanite God, and also their land.
The anchor is a good representation in that
it represents not getting anywhere/held back-being dead in the water and as
Ezekiel 28 says about the son of perdition-Dead in the sea(slang for Rome).
They are held back in the Sea.

You use an anchor when the ships want to rest and feel its safe to do so and when one lands ashore. It not being stuck or dead in the water.
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
Where do you get that from what I said I was talking about the fact that one of the symbols of Isis was an anchor which Christianity plagerized and took for their own you are just trying to bury this fact and lie your way around it.. As I stated before Christianity is notorious for stealing and incorporating others ways and claiming them for themselves...

You said that one of Isis symbols was an anchor , I say it wasn't, so prove it.

Yes and the Jews stole Yahweh, a Canaanite God, and also their land.
As usual Penelope you spew truth with untruth you are a true propagandist in the same mould as Goebels in Nazi Germany and are trying once again to bury the post with your inane ramblings and coverups.... There are many books and articles showing or depicting the symbols of Isis I can’t help it if you are too lazy to look it up for yourself others I am sure are not that lazy... An excellent book is written by Detraci Regula called The Mysteries of Isis Her Worship and Magick.... If one goes to Page 58 Under Symbols of Isis one will find Anchor and it says “Initiates were thought to be safe, anchored by their worship of Isis”.... These words mirror closely the Hebrews quote in the New Testament.... There are further references in further books and of course if people are not lazy and full of deceit like Penelope they can easily find them and study them also her festival that I mentioned in an earlier post....
Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
Where do you get that from what I said I was talking about the fact that one of the symbols of Isis was an anchor which Christianity plagerized and took for their own you are just trying to bury this fact and lie your way around it.. As I stated before Christianity is notorious for stealing and incorporating others ways and claiming them for themselves...

You said that one of Isis symbols was an anchor , I say it wasn't, so prove it.

Yes and the Jews stole Yahweh, a Canaanite God, and also their land.
As usual Penelope you spew truth with untruth you are a true propagandist in the same mould as Goebels in Nazi Germany and are trying once again to bury the post with your inane ramblings and coverups.... There are many books and articles showing or depicting the symbols of Isis I can’t help it if you are too lazy to look it up for yourself others I am sure are not that lazy... An excellent book is written by Detraci Regula called The Mysteries of Isis Her Worship and Magick.... If one goes to Page 58 Under Symbols of Isis one will find Anchor and it says “Initiates were thought to be safe, anchored by their worship of Isis”.... These words mirror closely the Hebrews quote in the New Testament.... There are further references in further books and of course if people are not lazy and full of deceit like Penelope they can easily find them and study them also her festival that I mentioned in an earlier post....

Give me a link?
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation

An anchor has absolutely no use in navigation.

That sentence did not say the anchor was used in navigation, but because

The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety.

An anchor, while vital in seafaring, has absolutely no use in navigation.

The sentence didn't say it did. It was because of the great, not because it's great.
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
Where do you get that from what I said I was talking about the fact that one of the symbols of Isis was an anchor which Christianity plagerized and took for their own you are just trying to bury this fact and lie your way around it.. As I stated before Christianity is notorious for stealing and incorporating others ways and claiming them for themselves...

You said that one of Isis symbols was an anchor , I say it wasn't, so prove it.

Yes and the Jews stole Yahweh, a Canaanite God, and also their land.
No YHWH means one who causes to be, stems from transliteration from the holy city in which "YRY" was the original spelling of "YERU"-Shalem.
'YRY' meaning to found/lay a cornerstone
YHWH means similar =one who causes to be=founding of Shalem (stability completeness) or Shalom (peace).

This is why you never have any historical sources for your claim.
YHWH is not the HaShem (name) of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, it is one of "many" DEFINITIONS/DESCRIPTIONS of the ESSENCE being described as the power and source of life/creation...hence the many names (descriptions) of God.
Islam teaches the same thing, that there are many names(descriptions) of God.
The ankh was pictured with and a symbol for far more Egyptian deities then only Isis; Ptah for example.
If you ask me it doesn't take much imagination to think an ankh or a cross is an anchor.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Hebrews is considered a counterfeit.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
I tried to find the passages in the New Testament where St. Paul says "cross yourself" but it has eluded me.

At any rate this is where I suspect the practice came from in the early Chruch of the 1st Century A.D.

From this probably evolved the habit of wearing a silver crucifix.

Anchors have nothing to do with it.

Neither do fish. Fish are a modern Protestant adaptation and as such an anachronism.
The fish symbol was initially chosen because it was an unobtrusive form of identification for Christians to identify each other with, identifying friendly buildings and homes for traveling Christians and refugees, and linked to Peter, of course; they were essentially a secret society for hundreds of years in various parts of the world and couldn't operate openly, especially in the major cities. No mystery to it. Today many of the non-denominational sects use the fish, out of tradition and also a reminder of how tenuous their existence is these days of rising atavism and mindless persecution of Christians on the rise, and many do not use the cross, either. Some use the globe.
The fish & cross symbol used to buy and sell with other Christians in trade papers, yellow pages, and sign marquis fulfills Rev 13:13 on the beast.

You're mentally and emotionally retarded, so of course you run around spouting stupid shit all the time.
Some early navigation and astronomical devices do indeed look like crosses; not that it has anything to do with crosses as symbols. See' cross staff' and 'Jacob's staff' in your Google Scholaring adventures.

Jacob's staff - Wikipedia

Cross staff


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