The anchor with a fish was the first symbol of Christianity, not the cross.

Fish=fisherman of MEN.

Christian cross is wrong too. Should be an X instead of a T shape.
And yes, penelope. Jesus was a jew.

Dang, girl. :cuckoo:

Then the Chi Rho sign.

Oh I believe there was a traveling rabbi named Jesus, maybe a few, but Christianity is Platonism, Roman and Greek. The true Messiah of the Jewish people was Titus. Of course the scripture paint Jesus as a Jew, but as Jew who did not follow the Jewish laws and was pro Roman.
Whatever. Everyones path is their own. Mine is far different than yours so...........
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...

Actually it was the symbol of Apollo, Yes Isis has a ship but when you launch a ship you do not put down the anchor and that was not a symbol of hers.
Now you are being ridiculous anyone can google it up and see you are lying through your teeth... The cross or Ankh was also the symbol of Isis so you are doubly caught in your lie... Really though this is the best you could do... Any who wish to look these things up can and they will see that Christianity stole these symbols and took them for themselves which you admitted they did with Judiasm in your previous post...You really can’t dig yourself out of this one but you are digging a bigger hole for yourself though...

The Ankh is not an anchor. Yes please look it up. Isis has many symbols but not an anchor. Judaism was pagan for many years.
Of course the Ankh is not an anchor but it has many similar qualities if one is too look at both symbols side by side at least the original Ankh.. If you want to open up more can of worms by your denials then by all means as you are being true to form by trying to move the subject off topic because you have been caught and it is all out in the open for any to see...
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But it's the Evening Star (crossed out cross)symbol used in the steering of the ship and compass in finding ones path. *L*
Penelope would not know an Evening Star from a compass she obviously is a city folk and doesn’t get out much from her homestead...
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
Are they safe in the ship?
Fish=fisherman of MEN.

Christian cross is wrong too. Should be an X instead of a T shape.
They still used a cross

A pole was buried in the ground and you were strapped/nailed to a cross beam

The beam was then hoisted up the pole
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.
Oh Penelope you do realize don’t you that the anchor was a symbol of the goddess Isis that predates Christianity by many many years...Course Michael pointed this out but then you had to boast that Christianity has replaced Judiasm Yada Yada Yada when all you are showing is that they love copying and plagerizing everything poorly and that they have nothing unique to offer of their own..Including your man/ god / idol Jesus .It was Isis that was associated with the sea as she is shown sailing in the boat of the gods through the underworld searching for Osiris..Further every year a priest of Isis blessed a boat and it was launched symbolizing this journey.. The symbols that were sacred to Isis were as follows the sail the rudder and of course the anchor which depicted power to provide stability through rough waters... It does not surprise me that Christianity usurped these pagan symbols as they are notorious for doing so... You have managed to open up a new can of worms with your claims. Any who are interested should look up the festival of Ploiaphesia and see that once again Penelope has shot herself in the foot but this time she has wrapped an anchor around it that will drag her down to her sorrow...
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
Not if one drops it on ones foot like you do and then tries to put said foot in ones mouth when trying to correct ones mistake...

Oh Shimon since you are a Jew, you seems upset that some Christians do Not worship JC as a Jew as you'd like and yet we are not Jews.
You can't just drop anchor anywhere and expect stability.
Ocean rules are a lot different than landlubbers. If god had been a sailor, we would be living in a better world.

Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
Are they safe in the ship?
How would you suggest they keep the ship off the rocks? Tide, current, and wind is something Jesus has no control over.
Yes it is said when one drops an anchor , one is safe.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
Are they safe in the ship?
How would you suggest they keep the ship off the rocks? Tide, current, and wind is something Jesus has no control over.

Usually when one puts the anchor down one is safe. Now if a dumb ship caption ran into rocks , there is no need to put an anchor down.
But that's not the real world. You can be 30 meters off the coast of Scotland and be in 300 meters of water. No one carries that much rode.

Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
Are they safe in the ship?
How would you suggest they keep the ship off the rocks? Tide, current, and wind is something Jesus has no control over.

Usually when one puts the anchor down one is safe. Now if a dumb ship caption ran into rocks , there is no need to put an anchor down.
There are plenty of stupid captains but there are also a lot of good captains made to look stupid by the sea.
Would you feel safe?
50 meters off the cliff rocks of Scotland is anything but safe. No anchor can help you.
Are they safe in the ship?
How would you suggest they keep the ship off the rocks? Tide, current, and wind is something Jesus has no control over.

Usually when one puts the anchor down one is safe. Now if a dumb ship caption ran into rocks , there is no need to put an anchor down.
There are plenty of stupid captains but there are also a lot of good captains made to look stupid by the sea.

If one gets in a ship wreck , there is no anchor involved. So this is not a issue is it, when one puts down an anchor it most likely means a safe journey and signifies safety aboard the ship.
We are talking about anchor babies, they are not safe even if the mother is an anchor, only the Mother with US citizenship can import a kid, so the mother is not always a safe anchor.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.

I truly believe that Jesus, the son of the God of Love, would never have a torture death device as the symbol for his religion. Many pagan religions had such kind of symbols as the cross( icon)
The religion that came out of Rome implemented the cross along with the graven images and statues that are in their homes and churches. Not one of those things can accomplish a single thing. Jesus sits on his throne in heaven, king of kings. He will accomplish his Fathers will.
The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In the teachings of Christianity the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20).

Check out pictures of the catacombs.

That would be the Holy Mackerel.....
We are talking about anchor babies, they are not safe even if the mother is an anchor, only the Mother with US citizenship can import a kid, so the mother is not always a safe anchor.
Never ask Jesus to take the wheel. If the storm last 3 days, you have to strap yourself to the wheel and fight to survive. A drogue may help if there is someone who knows how to deploy it.

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