The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
The authoritarian right’s contempt for the right to privacy is nothing new.

Emboldened by a Supreme Court with a majority of conservative ideologues, conservatives will seek to increase the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
What is the problem with abortions being done by doctors? The pro aborts suddenly want legalization of the coat hangar abortions.

We don't allow invasive procedures done on animals by the unqualified. Yet there is this clamor for abortions by hires off the street. Next it will be the DeVry school of abortion. In six weeks you too could be killing babies.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

Proving once again that those on the right and the current iteration of "conservatives" are bigger statists than any of those on the left or any progressive will ever be.
I've never seen a group of people (right wingers) so ready to have the government and the courts implement their will and belief systems on the public at large.

I've always been of the opinion that the right wing in this country constitutes the single greatest threat to democracy and freedom.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

Seeking to save thousands of innocent human lives a day, millions a year, is dangerous. Who knew?
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice
Do you think women or Dr. seeking or providing abortions should be subject to criminal prosecution ?
Where does the "danger" part factor in? Late in WW2 General Eisenhower forced German villagers to tour concentration camps and human incinerators when they refused to acknowledge the carnage in their backyards. Maybe if the pro-abortion fanatics were forced to tour the carnage of Dr. Gosnell's house of horrors in Phila. Pa or witness a late term abortion or counsel a woman who is going through PTSD their opinion of the wholesale murder would be different.
The anti-choice people have been the leaders in the right-wings' assault on liberty, with legal mandates for invasive procedures that violate the bodies of Americans, gag rules, and mandates that people have to visit indoctrination centers run by cults and listen to their spiel. The liberty of one-half of our population, both in terms of sovereignty and the right to choose our religious and philosophical beliefs, has been violated, probably destroyed, already.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
This shit right here is why the disingenuous lying libroidal asshole movement is dangerous.

Even many leftist pro abortion lawyers agree that Roe is bad law.....Invoking the pious "they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution" bullshit is beyond fraudulent, especially so coming from fifth columnist subversives who seek to undermine the document at virtually every other turn.

But another three-fiddy for the OP from his corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks, so it's all good...

What is the problem with abortions being done by doctors? The pro aborts suddenly want legalization of the coat hangar abortions.

We don't allow invasive procedures done on animals by the unqualified. Yet there is this clamor for abortions by hires off the street. Next it will be the DeVry school of abortion. In six weeks you too could be killing babies.

Why are doctors who perform abortions being singled out? I've had several invasive medical procedures performed at clinics outside of hospitals by gastroenterologists, obgyns, even ophthalmologists.
Do you think women or Dr. seeking or providing abortions should be subject to criminal prosecution ?


There are few other crimes nearly as serious as that of intentionally and needlessly killing a human being. Under any other circumstances, the murder of a young child would have a very high chance of getting someone the death penalty. There is no rational reason for abortion to be treated any more mildly than that. It truly takes the most depraved of excuses for a human being to intentionally and needlessly kill an innocent child, and our society certainly does not need to be allowing such depraved killers to remain alive, much less free.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
White patriarchal religion males wanting to control women's bodies.........The Handmaid's Tale IRL.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

Fucking Nazi sez wha?

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