The anti gunner dream...mandatory safe storage of guns....and home inspections...

"The anti gunner dream...mandatory safe storage of guns....and home inspections..."

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy and false comparison fallacy, it's misleading, dishonest, and ridiculous – typical of all your posts.

Many of my guns are locked

And loaded. Makes me damn glad I do not live in a hoplophobe infected area where I have to worry about such asinine regulations

Yeah, ignorant racist neighbors hiding in compounds, are fine with that gun cultist crud.
I like my pistol right where it is sitting just fine. I don't need anyone telling me where to put it.
I have no problems with gun safes , gun locks and another idea like removing the bolT on a bolt action rifle and storing in a separate safe or place . Anything a person wants to do is cool , my problem is with MANDATORY !!

that and as a subject of the state

the state has the right to at anytime for any reason

or no reason at

all enter your home and inspect you and your firearms

no thanks

leftists are always ALWAYS after your freedoms
Many of my guns are locked

And loaded. Makes me damn glad I do not live in a hoplophobe infected area where I have to worry about such asinine regulations

Yeah, ignorant racist neighbors hiding in compounds, are fine with that gun cultist crud.
I'll take your word on it as you seem to be an expert on your own folks and I have never meet any racist in compounds. However your post makes me think of another ole saying I have heard before.

"Dumbasses walk among us, but we just point and laugh" Appears some post on the interwebz also
"Oh. Wait a second Mr. Rapist/Murderer/Thief. My gun is locked up in a safe storage even though I don't have kids and none ever come visit because I am a loner by nature. So could you hold on a sec before you kill me so I can get the gun? Thanks in advance!"

Criminal: "Thanks Government for making my criminal jobs so much easier!"

When I had a child in the house, I bought a biometric gun case. It will open as fast as you can get a handgun out of a nighstand drawer.
Lets face 2014, the gun grabbers have not been this unpopular since 1959 according to Gallup.....their asses have been Ray Rice'd!!

People are buying up guns like its nobody's business.
"Oh. Wait a second Mr. Rapist/Murderer/Thief. My gun is locked up in a safe storage even though I don't have kids and none ever come visit because I am a loner by nature. So could you hold on a sec before you kill me so I can get the gun? Thanks in advance!"

Criminal: "Thanks Government for making my criminal jobs so much easier!"

When I had a child in the house, I bought a biometric gun case. It will open as fast as you can get a handgun out of a nighstand drawer.
Keeping your gun stored in a safe location with kids around is a great idea as is teaching firearm safety to young kids. However a lot of testing on these have shown just how easy it is for a kid to get into them. Especially those on the lower end of the price scale, $300 and lower

Some of the results of testing can be found here
Kids Can Open Gun Safes With Straws and Paper Clips Researchers Say WIRED
Mine are all locked.... and loaded. ;) The only use for an unloaded and or "secured" firearm is as something to pass on to your next of kin after the burglar kills you.
its ENGLISH style , I have no use for mandated safe storage outside of just having them in your home or apartment as its your home or apartment and is off limits to thieves . Mandatory safe storage with rules and decrees just makes self defense harder as another poster points out . When I was a kid all my Dads guns and ammo were in the hall closet and my parents had 5 kids . My .22 rifle and shotgun were in me and my brothers room !!

And when I was going to a very rural school, I took my .22 to school, handed the gun and ammo to the teacher, and picked it up after school, and hunted on the way home. But that was a very rural environment, one almost nonexistant today.
When I started teaching, most boys and half the girls had guns in the gun rack of their trucks.

Now you can't even install a gun rack in most trucks.

And, we have school shootings, which we did not have then.
Ah well. I have a better idea. You don't store your guns securely, someone takes them and commits a crime, you own the crime, up to and including murder one. Fry a few of the careless gun owners that store their guns where the bad asses can get at them, and people would be a lot more carefull about storing their guns.
Lib Logic 101.

If someone steals you car and kills someone you should go to prison and think about how stupid you are.
Ah well. I have a better idea. You don't store your guns securely, someone takes them and commits a crime, you own the crime, up to and including murder one. Fry a few of the careless gun owners that store their guns where the bad asses can get at them, and people would be a lot more carefull about storing their guns.

Sure...just as soon as you agree that if someone steals your car and kills someone with it, you are guilty of murder.

See how stupid you sound? (Of course not...)
Ah well. I have a better idea. You don't store your guns securely, someone takes them and commits a crime, you own the crime, up to and including murder one. Fry a few of the careless gun owners that store their guns where the bad asses can get at them, and people would be a lot more carefull about storing their guns.
Typical stupid libtard commie pissant blaming the homeowner not the thug. You are a class a idiot.

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