The anti-Syrian hate in this country is rising to a demented and psychotic fascist level

Toddster is right. You can't bomb Muslims back to the Stone Age because they never left. Look at how they treat women, execute their own for deciding to leave Islamic Faith, refuse to assimilate to the new countries they enter. And refuse to do anything about their lunatic fringe groups who Scream "Allahu Akbar" while they chop off heads and gun down people having coffee.
We don't like conservatives or the GOP, But ISLAM decapitates, hangs,stones or shoots gays, put out hit squads on artist, critics or apostates. You are against hate groups? You sure as hell won't like Muslims or blindly accept them because the grand Vizier Obama says so. Jesus.

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."
Well, thank you for that. I'm sure it felt good to get this all of your chest.

So, you must have a better plan to defeat terrorism here and abroad?

Please share it with us.

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."
I am glad that in Israel they love them Syrian Muslims... How many did you say Israel gave refuge to?

How many did Saudi Arabia, the Arab States and Vatican City accept? That is where the hypocrisy lies. HEAVILY.

Neither country has taken many. They don't want terrorists in their countries either.

Hell Saudi Arabia has hundreds of air conditioned tents just sitting there. They are for those going to Mecca but sure could house loads of refugees.

Oh and don't hold your breath for any of them to take refugees. They want their countries safe, unlike the morons who run ours.

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."

History of the world is defined by the wars. Why should now be any different? If non-state actors (aka terrorists) wanna fight, give em a fight. For too long the world's powers have been dictated to by small bands of terrorists when they could, any single one of them, obliterate such groups over a weekend. Either we're to be the ones in charge, or they are. If us, we need to remind these upstarts and amateurs who they're fucking with. And that no city, no cave in the mountains, or any place else is safe.

If Raqqa is an ISIS-controlled city, nuke Raqqa. I don't regard civilians as necessarily no-kill if all the ones who didn't like ISIS became refugees and the only ones remaining must be the pro-ISIS ones. The terrorists are "civilians" too remember. A joint US-Russia nuclear strike would send a clear message to the world's terror groups. Mess with either of us or our allies and you're gonna die.

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."

History of the world is defined by the wars. Why should now be any different? If non-state actors (aka terrorists) wanna fight, give em a fight. For too long the world's powers have been dictated to by small bands of terrorists when they could, any single one of them, obliterate such groups over a weekend. Either we're to be the ones in charge, or they are. If us, we need to remind these upstarts and amateurs who they're fucking with. And that no city, no cave in the mountains, or any place else is safe.

If Raqqa is an ISIS-controlled city, nuke Raqqa. I don't regard civilians as necessarily no-kill if all the ones who didn't like ISIS became refugees and the only ones remaining must be the pro-ISIS ones. The terrorists are "civilians" too remember. A joint US-Russia nuclear strike would send a clear message to the world's terror groups. Mess with either of us or our allies and you're gonna die.

I agree. Don't hold your breath though.

Our country, i.e. Obama, won't agree to nuke anyone. We might kill civilians.

God forbid a few civilians get killed even though those civilians could have left but stayed. Guess ISIS is a good employer.

No. We are governed by idiots who would rather save a few civilians than do the hard things that need to be done to get rid of ISIS.

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