The approaching California catastrophe.

I have noticed recently that California's "Utopia train" has been cancelled due to the cost. Your film also stated tunnels and bridges too alleviate traffic congestion. Seems to me! Your new fearless leader has other plans! Like no need to build roads when there won't be any cars, or Steel plants to supply the Steel needed for these Mega Projects. Good luck with all that though Idiot! :laughing0301::argue::anj_stfu:
We should require the SimCity demo, first. The point is that upgrading infrastructure can lower costs and improve and green our environment. Plus, all of that requires labor.

It requires skilled labor that requires an education above high school level in most cases. The problem is America's education system doesn't educate Students for the real world. And a very high percentage of kids never even make it through high school. So who is going to build this Infrastructure. Free college only works if colleges allow anybody in, which would require a huge reduction in the admissions requirements and a real dumbing down of curriculum. Either Option causes the other.
California has the largest economy in the Union; that doesn't happen on "intellectual empty".

Besides, higher pay attracts more labor force participation.

It also has out of control debt and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. High speed rail (Flop) Over populated by Illegal immigrants who drive wages down (flop). More homeless people than you can step over, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking on the border yeah California is great. Oh! I forgot out of control Gang activity sorry! :5_1_12024:
did you miss the point? higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.

Demand for what not employers to hire employees. A little business info for you ! Employers/ Businesses have an Operating budget! Do you know what that means? My Company makes widgets, My company sells widgets based on Orders from customers for my widgets. I Sell my widgets at a cost the market will pay and still be able to pay my employees a decent wage and make a profit to grow my company, I get paid too! I sell 5,000,000 widgets a year and total sales equals 2,000,000.
After Corporate taxes, payroll, insurance, Workers Comp payments, Manufacturing costs and all the other things related to operating a successful Business. My Company earns a profit after taxes of 100,000. That 100,000 is then used to upgrade products expand business and maintain current customers and purchase new material to produce more and better widgets. With a higher minimum wage I would probably be much less likely to hire, if an employee decides to leave. We would have to do more multi tasking or even better mechanize so I wouldn't need anyone except the guy who runs the machine. Thanks I see some people going to be out of a job maybe you can get them one of those high paid labor jobs.:anj_stfu:
Whatever California does, it is up to their voters. I hope they get it figured out soon, taxing more and more isn’t the answer, it stymies growth and innovation, it hurts the working middle class more than any other class.

Nice place to visit, beautiful parks, great variety, but with all their issues, I would never move there,
We don't want you!!!
We should require the SimCity demo, first. The point is that upgrading infrastructure can lower costs and improve and green our environment. Plus, all of that requires labor.

It requires skilled labor that requires an education above high school level in most cases. The problem is America's education system doesn't educate Students for the real world. And a very high percentage of kids never even make it through high school. So who is going to build this Infrastructure. Free college only works if colleges allow anybody in, which would require a huge reduction in the admissions requirements and a real dumbing down of curriculum. Either Option causes the other.
California has the largest economy in the Union; that doesn't happen on "intellectual empty".

Besides, higher pay attracts more labor force participation.

It also has out of control debt and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. High speed rail (Flop) Over populated by Illegal immigrants who drive wages down (flop). More homeless people than you can step over, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking on the border yeah California is great. Oh! I forgot out of control Gang activity sorry! :5_1_12024:
did you miss the point? higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.

Demand for what not employers to hire employees. A little business info for you ! Employers/ Businesses have an Operating budget! Do you know what that means? My Company makes widgets, My company sells widgets based on Orders from customers for my widgets. I Sell my widgets at a cost the market will pay and still be able to pay my employees a decent wage and make a profit to grow my company, I get paid too! I sell 5,000,000 widgets a year and total sales equals 2,000,000.
After Corporate taxes, payroll, insurance, Workers Comp payments, Manufacturing costs and all the other things related to operating a successful Business. My Company earns a profit after taxes of 100,000. That 100,000 is then used to upgrade products expand business and maintain current customers and purchase new material to produce more and better widgets. With a higher minimum wage I would probably be much less likely to hire, if an employee decides to leave. We would have to do more multi tasking or even better mechanize so I wouldn't need anyone except the guy who runs the machine. Thanks I see some people going to be out of a job maybe you can get them one of those high paid labor jobs.:anj_stfu:
In California it is a piece of cake. Now tezass has a real problem with wages cause they are so dumb they ask for peanuts instead of dollars.
It requires skilled labor that requires an education above high school level in most cases. The problem is America's education system doesn't educate Students for the real world. And a very high percentage of kids never even make it through high school. So who is going to build this Infrastructure. Free college only works if colleges allow anybody in, which would require a huge reduction in the admissions requirements and a real dumbing down of curriculum. Either Option causes the other.
California has the largest economy in the Union; that doesn't happen on "intellectual empty".

Besides, higher pay attracts more labor force participation.

It also has out of control debt and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. High speed rail (Flop) Over populated by Illegal immigrants who drive wages down (flop). More homeless people than you can step over, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking on the border yeah California is great. Oh! I forgot out of control Gang activity sorry! :5_1_12024:
did you miss the point? higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.

Demand for what not employers to hire employees. A little business info for you ! Employers/ Businesses have an Operating budget! Do you know what that means? My Company makes widgets, My company sells widgets based on Orders from customers for my widgets. I Sell my widgets at a cost the market will pay and still be able to pay my employees a decent wage and make a profit to grow my company, I get paid too! I sell 5,000,000 widgets a year and total sales equals 2,000,000.
After Corporate taxes, payroll, insurance, Workers Comp payments, Manufacturing costs and all the other things related to operating a successful Business. My Company earns a profit after taxes of 100,000. That 100,000 is then used to upgrade products expand business and maintain current customers and purchase new material to produce more and better widgets. With a higher minimum wage I would probably be much less likely to hire, if an employee decides to leave. We would have to do more multi tasking or even better mechanize so I wouldn't need anyone except the guy who runs the machine. Thanks I see some people going to be out of a job maybe you can get them one of those high paid labor jobs.:anj_stfu:
In California it is a piece of cake. Now tezass has a real problem with wages cause they are so dumb they ask for peanuts instead of dollars.

The people have no Bread! "Then let them eat cake"! Illegal Immigrants work for peanuts and fresh tamales no cash needed
Okay Cerveza's too.:ahole-1:
Whatever California does, it is up to their voters. I hope they get it figured out soon, taxing more and more isn’t the answer, it stymies growth and innovation, it hurts the working middle class more than any other class.

Nice place to visit, beautiful parks, great variety, but with all their issues, I would never move there,
We don't want you!!!

Who cares what you want? I certainly don’t! Go back to wetting your panties and crying because Trump is President.
Whatever California does, it is up to their voters. I hope they get it figured out soon, taxing more and more isn’t the answer, it stymies growth and innovation, it hurts the working middle class more than any other class.

Nice place to visit, beautiful parks, great variety, but with all their issues, I would never move there,
We don't want you!!!

They don't want anyone with a brain or an idea different from theirs. Typical Socialist! Heil Nancy!
Whatever California does, it is up to their voters. I hope they get it figured out soon, taxing more and more isn’t the answer, it stymies growth and innovation, it hurts the working middle class more than any other class.

Nice place to visit, beautiful parks, great variety, but with all their issues, I would never move there,
We don't want you!!!

They don't want anyone with a brain or an idea different from theirs. Typical Socialist! Heil Nancy!

The left wing nuts of California know little about government and its roll, thus they wind up getting higher and higher taxes, less and less say in government spending and think utopia is the elite class telling them to kiss their asses. What a bunch of fruitcakes.
We should require the SimCity demo, first. The point is that upgrading infrastructure can lower costs and improve and green our environment. Plus, all of that requires labor.

It requires skilled labor that requires an education above high school level in most cases. The problem is America's education system doesn't educate Students for the real world. And a very high percentage of kids never even make it through high school. So who is going to build this Infrastructure. Free college only works if colleges allow anybody in, which would require a huge reduction in the admissions requirements and a real dumbing down of curriculum. Either Option causes the other.
California has the largest economy in the Union; that doesn't happen on "intellectual empty".

Besides, higher pay attracts more labor force participation.

It also has out of control debt and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. High speed rail (Flop) Over populated by Illegal immigrants who drive wages down (flop). More homeless people than you can step over, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking on the border yeah California is great. Oh! I forgot out of control Gang activity sorry! :5_1_12024:
did you miss the point? higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.

Demand for what not employers to hire employees. A little business info for you ! Employers/ Businesses have an Operating budget! Do you know what that means? My Company makes widgets, My company sells widgets based on Orders from customers for my widgets. I Sell my widgets at a cost the market will pay and still be able to pay my employees a decent wage and make a profit to grow my company, I get paid too! I sell 5,000,000 widgets a year and total sales equals 2,000,000.
After Corporate taxes, payroll, insurance, Workers Comp payments, Manufacturing costs and all the other things related to operating a successful Business. My Company earns a profit after taxes of 100,000. That 100,000 is then used to upgrade products expand business and maintain current customers and purchase new material to produce more and better widgets. With a higher minimum wage I would probably be much less likely to hire, if an employee decides to leave. We would have to do more multi tasking or even better mechanize so I wouldn't need anyone except the guy who runs the machine. Thanks I see some people going to be out of a job maybe you can get them one of those high paid labor jobs.:anj_stfu:
did you miss the short run and long run equilibrium point?
California has the largest economy in the Union; that doesn't happen on "intellectual empty".

Besides, higher pay attracts more labor force participation.

It also has out of control debt and will probably have to file for bankruptcy. High speed rail (Flop) Over populated by Illegal immigrants who drive wages down (flop). More homeless people than you can step over, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking on the border yeah California is great. Oh! I forgot out of control Gang activity sorry! :5_1_12024:
did you miss the point? higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand.

Demand for what not employers to hire employees. A little business info for you ! Employers/ Businesses have an Operating budget! Do you know what that means? My Company makes widgets, My company sells widgets based on Orders from customers for my widgets. I Sell my widgets at a cost the market will pay and still be able to pay my employees a decent wage and make a profit to grow my company, I get paid too! I sell 5,000,000 widgets a year and total sales equals 2,000,000.
After Corporate taxes, payroll, insurance, Workers Comp payments, Manufacturing costs and all the other things related to operating a successful Business. My Company earns a profit after taxes of 100,000. That 100,000 is then used to upgrade products expand business and maintain current customers and purchase new material to produce more and better widgets. With a higher minimum wage I would probably be much less likely to hire, if an employee decides to leave. We would have to do more multi tasking or even better mechanize so I wouldn't need anyone except the guy who runs the machine. Thanks I see some people going to be out of a job maybe you can get them one of those high paid labor jobs.:anj_stfu:
In California it is a piece of cake. Now tezass has a real problem with wages cause they are so dumb they ask for peanuts instead of dollars.

The people have no Bread! "Then let them eat cake"! Illegal Immigrants work for peanuts and fresh tamales no cash needed
Okay Cerveza's too.:ahole-1:
right wing morality for the bottom line?

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