The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!

I know you are stupid, but even I didn't think you are that stupid. There are probably a hundred different non-AR-15 type rifles and handguns chambered for .223/5.56mm ammo. Many are bolt action, or even single shot.
Typical gunnutter response. Express an opinion, these gunnutters turn it into personal attacks.
Hey gunnnutter.. I am on the list of people to come and take your guns.
Black males age 5-14 commit murder at almost the same rate as white males 15-64.


Read the chart you posted: white males 5-14 0.2 per 100,000; black males 5-14 4.9 per 100,000. Then look at my target group. White males 15-24 8.3 per 100,000. Black males 15-24 207.4 per 100,000. There isn't a single category on YOUR chart where Black males don't outscore White males by a huge factor. 65+ is the smallest and it's still 0.6 to3.8 per 100,000.
edit: sorry I wasn't paying attention to who posted the chart, I thought it was Ms. Turquoise
Typical gunnutter response. Express an opinion, these gunnutters turn it into personal attacks.
Hey gunnnutter.. I am on the list of people to come and take your guns.
I've been making personal attacks on you every day for the short time you have been posting here. You are an idiot and should be locked up in an asylum for your own safety. I honestly can't figure out how you manage to start your "boosted Hayabusa", let along remember the gear pattern.
Bullshit! The AR makes an entrance wound smaller than a pencil eraser.
Pencil going in and the wound channel expands and literally vaporizes tissue inside. Have you ever seen what happens to the human skull?

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Pencil going in and the wound channel expands and literally vaporizes tissue inside. Have you ever seen what happens to the human skull?

View attachment 777926
Come get them, coward.
Pencil going in and the wound channel expands and literally vaporizes tissue inside. Have you ever seen what happens to the human skull?

View attachment 777926

That is bullshit.........emotional bullshit.....
Pencil going in and the wound channel expands and literally vaporizes tissue inside. Have you ever seen what happens to the human skull?

View attachment 777926


Tissue damage from bullets comes primarily from the permanent crushing of tissue in the bullet's path. This is the permanent cavity (a/k/a permanent track).

Additionally, if the bullet is traveling fast enough, the pressure wave following the bullet can cause temporary stretching of tissue surrounding the bullet's path. This is the temporary cavity (a/k/a temporary track).

The size of the permanent cavity is proportional to the size of the bullet. The size of the temporary cavity can vary greatly, depending on the size and location of the temporary cavity on the bullet's path and the elasticity of the tissue affected.

More elastic tissue can absorb energy more easily, and is therefore much more resistant to injury from temporary cavitation. Such tissue includes muscle, lungs, skin, blood vessels and empty or hollow organs such as the stomach, bladder, or intestines.

Less elastic tissue, such as the brain, liver, kidney, and fluid-filled organs (e.g., the heart), are more likely to shatter, rupture, or tear due to temporary cavitation. Bone fractures from temporary cavitation are rare—when a bone is shattered, it usually is due to being struck by the bullet. Injuries to extremities normally come from being hit by the bullet or bullet fragments (or bone fragments if the bone is hit) rather than by temporary cavitation.

Notwithstanding Col. Tucker's claim, the bullets fired from an AR do not "tumble[] upon hitting flesh."

Bullets never "tumble" in the ordinary sense of the word. That is, they do not perform repeated 360 degree rotations horizontally or vertically. In human tissue, an intact bullet can change the angle of penetration by up to 180 degrees, meaning that the back of the bullet is now the front. The most damage occurs when the bullet has rotated 90 degrees. Then, the entire length of the intact, nondeformed bullet disrupts tissue, thus creating a larger permanent wound cavity and a larger temporary cavity.

Dr. Fackler found that about 85% of military 5.56mm FMJ bullets travel point-forward at least five inches before beginning to yaw. The straighter the bullet hits the target, the longer it will take to yaw after it strikes. Thus, a nondeforming full metal jacket rifle bullet can pass completely through a human target without yawing or fragmenting, leaving a small wound channel and relatively mild injury unless it strikes a vital organ, bone, or other critical structure.

Mark Bowden's bestselling book Black Hawk Down gives vivid accounts of less-than-lethal performance of the Army's green-tip 5.56mm bullet (M855) in the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993. He describes one Delta operator's rounds as

passing right through his targets. When the Sammies were close enough he could see when he hit them. . . . t was like sticking somebody with an ice pick. The bullet made a small, clean hole, and unless hit happened to hit the heart or spine, it wasn't enough to stop a man in his tracks. [The operator] felt like he had to hit a guy five or six times just to get his attention.

These instances are consistent with Dr. Fackler's own findings. He recounts that

n 1980, I treated a soldier shot accidentally with an M16 M193 bullet from a distance of about ten feet. The bullet entered his left thigh and traveled obliquely upward. It exited after passing through about 11 inches of muscle. The man walked into my clinic with no limp whatsoever: the entrance and exit holes were about 4mm across, and punctate. X-ray films showed intact bones, no bullet fragments, and no evidence of significant tissue disruption caused by the bullet's temporary cavity. The bullet path passed well lateral to the femoral vessels. He was back on duty in a few days. Devastating? Hardly.

Dr. Fackler further notes that "n my experience and research, at least as many M16 users in Vietnam concluded that [the 5.56mm] produced unacceptably minimal, rather than 'massive,' wounds."

Like any firearm, the AR rifle in typical calibers such as .223/5.56mm, can cause serious or lethal wounds, and so can other rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Wound profiles from the Army's Wound Ballistics Laboratory illustrate the permanent and temporary cavities, penetration depth, deformation, and fragmentation of both the deforming (soft-point) .223 caliber bullet, the non-deforming 5.56mm FMJ bullet, and other larger caliber bullets typically used in hunting rifles (e.g., .30-30, .308). A comparison of those profiles shows that the wounding effects of the larger caliber bullets are at least as extensive as the .223/5.56, and typically more so.

According to Dr. Fackler, the .223 Remington is "a 'varmint' cartridge, used effectively for shooting woodchucks, crows, and coyotes." Because of its smaller size, there is an ongoing debate among hunters over whether the .223 round has adequate terminal performance for taking deer or larger game. Some states ban the use of .223 caliber rifles when hunting deer and other animals larger than varmints because their rounds lack sufficient power. The ethos of hunting is to take an animal with a single fatal shot. In the views of some state game commissions, the usual AR calibers of .223 and 5.56mm are too weak; at least a .270 is required for hunting deer, antelope, or anything larger.

The Wound Ballistic Laboratory's lethality study was kept secret for more than four decades, Chivers explains, with the result that "at the most important time, during the early and mid-1960s, the Project AGILE report, with its suspicious observations and false conclusions, remained uncontested." The M16 "continued to rise, boosted by a reputation for lethality and reliability that it did not deserve."

In other words, the military wanted to switch to the M16, notwithstanding complaints from many soldiers that it is underpowered. The military used the sensational Project Agile claims, including two purported instances of limb amputations and one of a decapitation, to counter the complaints about the M16's weak firepower. The military in fact knew that the claims from Project AGILE could not be true, because extensive testing by the Army's Wound Ballistic Laboratory had proven that the Project AGILE claims were not true. Nevertheless, the military insisted on adopting the M16 and suppressed the true facts reported by the Wound Ballistic Laboratory.

That is bullshit.........emotional bullshit.....
Very sad. These gunnutters get all bent out of shape when you show them proof.
Look, I am not going to get banned for posting gory pictures of wounds from these Assault Rifles 15.
Trust me, I got them. A head that looks fine from the front but has a hole the size of a grapefruit blown out of the backside.
My sister works as a forensics examiner in a Major metro area... I got the pictures...
Very sad. These gunnutters get all bent out of shape when you show them proof.
Look, I am not going to get banned for posting gory pictures of wounds from these Assault Rifles 15.
Trust me, I got them. A head that looks fine from the front but has a hole the size of a grapefruit blown out of the backside.
My sister works as a forensics examiner in a Major metro area... I got the pictures...

You ever see someone shot in the head with a shotgun?

You doofus..........or a .357 idiot.
You ever see someone shot in the head with a shotgun?

You doofus..........or a .357 idiot.
Here comes typical gunnutter insults. Hey if you are new to reading this thread, let me share...
Gunnutters stomp and scream and get verbally abusive when you back them into a corner and pelt them with facts.
This is what the NRA represents?
Here is some cold hard facts about this weapon of war killing machine Assault Rifle 15.
Let's see what the response is...

Some of the reports on Viet Cong soldiers killed with the weapon read like a matter-of-fact recounting from a horror film: “Chest wound from right to left, destroyed the thoracic cavity,” said the description of one AR-15-inflicted wound. “Stomach wound, which caused the abdominal cavity to explode,” said another.

Though it has become available domestically in the years since, the weapon was made for war — no matter what the National Rifle Association says — and was noted even at the time as being a significant escalation in the lethality of rifles.
IT IS HARD to comprehend a weapon like this being used against small children in an elementary school. The impact of the AR-15, a tool designed not just for killing but for ripping apart adult human bodies in the most extreme manner, being turned on the small, delicate limbs and organs of young children does not need to be imagined. The parents waiting outside the school in Uvalde for news of their loved ones who were asked for DNA tests were being clued into something horrifying about the types of weapons floating around American society, so easily available that even a disturbed 18-year-old could get his hands on them.
:dance: :banana:

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