The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!

We are not talking black powder and musket balls anymore.
For your information I am on the volunteer list to seize these weapons when they are banned.
See you sooner or later, as they say.
The Supreme Court also ruled that new technology does not limit the Bill of Rights.

You are really ignorant about things like this, aren't you?

Typical uneducated Moon Bat.
You are dismissed. Run along and play in traffic.
Stupid anti gun nuts like you, who think that the Founding Fathers, who were smart enough to establish the greatest country on earth, were so damn dumb that they didn't anticipate changes in technology.

That pretty well makes you a moron, doesn't it?

"Shall no be infringed" is just as relevant today as it was in 1791.
Do the gangbangers shoot up schools, stores and churches? Let's ask Dylann Roof and that Gendron boy who killed those Black people in Buffalo, New York. And that guy who shot up the Walmart in Texas because he hated Mexicans.

Hye, dumb ass…the guy who shot the Mexicans in Walmart was a lefty….he shot them because he stated they are wrecking the environment….

Number of mass public shootings in 2022…


Total murdered between the 12?


12 people out of over 350 million…..

Meanwhile, in democrat controlled cities….in 2022 there were 19,000 gun murders…..primarily young black men murdering other young black men…….

The democrats drove the gun murder rate from about 10,000 a year to 19,000 in 2022…..a direct result of their anti police policies and their policies of releasing violent gun offenders over and over again…..

So, you dimwit……

74 from mass public shootings vs 19,000 from the democrats….,

Do you see why we think you are a fool
Stupid anti gun nuts like you, who think that the Founding Fathers, who were smart enough to establish the greatest country on earth, were so damn dumb that they didn't anticipate changes in technology.

That pretty well makes you a moron, doesn't it?

"Shall no be infringed" is just as relevant today as it was in 1791.
Anti gun? I own many weapons.
NO CIVILIAN needs to own these Assault Rifle-15's. Carry on gunnutter, carry on with your lunatic ramblings.
Thank you. I agree 100%. Love the crying baby picture. :)

Anti gun? I own many weapons.
NO CIVILIAN needs to own these Assault Rifle-15's. Carry on gunnutter, carry on with your lunatic ramblings.
Oh! So who should own them? The Taliban? They don't need no semi-auto AR 15s n stuff.

They got full-auto M4s and M249 SAWs gifted them by president Biden. All the best guns our military had with thousand dollar optics attached and all. STFU you POS commie goober.
Machine guns with 100-round magazines, you fucking idiot.
The Taliban can have them, but people that paid for them can't? Wtf is up with that?
Here is some cold hard facts about this weapon of war killing machine Assault Rifle 15.
Let's see what the response is...

Some of the reports on Viet Cong soldiers killed with the weapon read like a matter-of-fact recounting from a horror film: “Chest wound from right to left, destroyed the thoracic cavity,” said the description of one AR-15-inflicted wound. “Stomach wound, which caused the abdominal cavity to explode,” said another.

Though it has become available domestically in the years since, the weapon was made for war — no matter what the National Rifle Association says — and was noted even at the time as being a significant escalation in the lethality of rifles.
IT IS HARD to comprehend a weapon like this being used against small children in an elementary school. The impact of the AR-15, a tool designed not just for killing but for ripping apart adult human bodies in the most extreme manner, being turned on the small, delicate limbs and organs of young children does not need to be imagined. The parents waiting outside the school in Uvalde for news of their loved ones who were asked for DNA tests were being clued into something horrifying about the types of weapons floating around American society, so easily available that even a disturbed 18-year-old could get his hands on them.
:dance: :banana:
It’s funny, those results have never been able to be reproduced. In fact a contemporary military study contradicted them but was kept classified.
We are not talking black powder and musket balls anymore.
For your information I am on the volunteer list to seize these weapons when they are banned.
See you sooner or later, as they say.
have you ever seen the horrific descriptions of wounds created by black powder smooth bore and rifled muskets in the ACW? They shattered bone and created the kinds of wounds you and your friends attribute to the underpowered 5.56/.233 round. I served during Vietnam and never heard of the horrific wounds that they claim M-16s created. Quite the opposite, all of the combat troops I served alongside had nothing good to say about the stopping power or damage the M-16 could do. They all had stories from personal observation about NVA or VC troops taking multiple hits from M-16s and shrugging off the injuries. Troops from Afghanistan and Iraq tell the same things. What the stories being quoted sound like to me are what REMF officers would tell their superiors who wanted to change away from the M-14. They would tell their bosses what they wanted to hear.
Oh! So who should own them? The Taliban? They don't need no semi-auto AR 15s n stuff.

They got full-auto M4s and M249 SAWs gifted them by president Biden. All the best guns our military had with thousand dollar optics attached and all. STFU you POS commie goober.
Machine guns with 100-round magazines, you fucking idiot.
The Taliban can have them, but people that paid for them can't? Wtf is up with that?
^^Typical foul mouthed gunnutter. Prime example of what I mentioned earlier.

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