The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!

stop the nonsense. I am here presenting facts. Just because you do not believe the facts is not my problem. I am not going to let you gunnutters run around parroting your propaganda without challenging you. You call it an arguing. I call it presenting the truth.
You haven't posted any facts. No links, no nothing. Let me know when you do.
Then why couldn't we win in Afghanistan? Or Vietnam?

Asymmetrical warfare has nothing to do with tanks, missiles or aircraft.

Vietnam, because we chose one crooked regime over another, until we became the enemy of the majority of the country, attempting to force our choice. Hey, now they are a trading partner. Sometimes you cannot make choices for another country and culture. Who knew?

Afghanistan is Afghanistan. Nobody on the outside win in Afghanistan. Sure, they were glad to accept modern arms support to level the playing field so they, not us could run the Soviet Union out of their country, the Soviets making the same mistake in Afghanistan, we made in Vietnam. So, who won. Afghanistan. Just because, we helped get rid if the Russians, never meant we were welcome to come in establish new constraints and carry out our agenda at the point of a gun, when the only reason we were to be there was to get Osama and they didn't want the terrorist bastard their either, but when the job is done, Afghanistan expect you to go the fk home and leave Afghanistan to the Afghanis.
Pencil going in and the wound channel expands and literally vaporizes tissue inside. Have you ever seen what happens to the human skull?

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Bell Huey , see I have posted links. I know you missed this one because you said I do not post links.
I am saying you are incorrect. Let's leave it at that and you can learn from your oversight.
Vietnam could very well have been won with tanks, missiles and aircraft -- we chose to no go that way.
We won Vietnam. The PRVN sued for peace and signed the Paris Peace Accords. Then they got their army rebuilt at no cost by the Soviet Union and reneged on the treaty. The only way to beat duplicitous people like that is to invade and occupy their country. We weren't willing to do that.
We won Vietnam. The PRVN sued for peace and signed the Paris Peace Accords. Then they got their army rebuilt at no cost by the Soviet Union and reneged on the treaty. The only way to beat duplicitous people like that is to invade and occupy their country. We weren't willing to do that.
All correct.
We - could - have won Vietnam in a manner that would not have allowed the north to invade after we left.
And we were not willing to do that.
Do not lose sleep over it. Children will be relieved when it is banned. Yes, they will be. Do not deny it. Students will study STEM and be much more productive.
It is a win for students. A loss for gunnutters.
IAMRITE :abgg2q.jpg: :dance::banana:
By all means pass a law specifically banning the Assault Rifle -15.
Yeah, 20M of these weapons of war Assault Rifles in circulation.
In fall 2021, about 49.5 million students (K-12)
So yeah, a ban on these will be a sigh of relief. Students will study STEM and flourish.
They never issued AR-15s to us in Vietnam.

My son says he was never issued an AR-15 during the invasion Iraq.

Can't be much of a "weapon of war" if it wasn't issued to soldiers in a war, can it?

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