The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!

Hye, dumb ass…the guy who shot the Mexicans in Walmart was a lefty….he shot them because he stated they are wrecking the environment….

Number of mass public shootings in 2022…


Total murdered between the 12?


12 people out of over 350 million…..

Meanwhile, in democrat controlled cities….in 2022 there were 19,000 gun murders…..primarily young black men murdering other young black men…….

The democrats drove the gun murder rate from about 10,000 a year to 19,000 in 2022…..a direct result of their anti police policies and their policies of releasing violent gun offenders over and over again…..

So, you dimwit……

74 from mass public shootings vs 19,000 from the democrats….,

Do you see why we think you are a fool
Typical foul mouthed uneducated Trump voting gunnutter. "Big man on campus" syndrome as well. Remember what I told you earlier? Now you see it on full display.
Yes, all the reasons I mentioned. Trust me when I tell you.
I have only been wrong one time in my entire life. I thought I was wrong, but come to find out, I was actually correct.
So there you go, think about that.
^^Typical response. Remember what I mentioned earlier? So there you go, another example.
It is a response that pretty well describes your idiot mindset.

Personally, I usually don't stand up, preferring prone supported firing position, so I can really reach out and zero in on distant range targets, for me 300 meters plus, without scope.
People that think it a weapon of war to take up against a government force (ours or anybody else's) are idiots, that have never seen me put on a "Mad Minute" Combine Arms firepower demonstration with tanks, infantry and mortars or Artillery support. It was awesome, to say the least, and that was without close air support of A-10s or helicopter gunships. Non-military or even non Combat Arms people truly cannot imagine, as movies don't do justice compared to being there.
Then why couldn't we win in Afghanistan? Or Vietnam?

Asymmetrical warfare has nothing to do with tanks, missiles or aircraft.

have you ever seen the horrific descriptions of wounds created by black powder smooth bore and rifled muskets in the ACW? They shattered bone and created the kinds of wounds you and your friends attribute to the underpowered 5.56/.233 round.
These people know nothing about firearms, except what their talking points tell them.

Useful idiots, all.

Vietnam could very well have been won with tanks, missiles and aircraft -- we chose to no go that way.
"In terms of resources allocated, the Vietnam War was primarily an air war. Approximately half the $200 billion spent on the war supported aerial operations; 8 million tons of bombs fell and over 8,500 aircraft were lost between 1961 and 1975. For all that, while air power was occasionally pivotal, it was never decisive, and America's defeat in Vietnam can be construed as a defeat for air power. The failure of air power resulted from deficiencies inherent in doctrine and weaknesses in leadership. For a variety of reasons, the Air Force, which dropped over 6 million tons of bombs, has not faced up to the implications of its defeat."

"In terms of resources allocated, the Vietnam War was primarily an air war. Approximately half the $200 billion spent on the war supported aerial operations; 8 million tons of bombs fell and over 8,500 aircraft were lost between 1961 and 1975. For all that, while air power was occasionally pivotal, it was never decisive, and America's defeat in Vietnam can be construed as a defeat for air power. The failure of air power resulted from deficiencies inherent in doctrine and weaknesses in leadership. For a variety of reasons, the Air Force, which dropped over 6 million tons of bombs, has not faced up to the implications of its defeat."
Well, sure. We didn't take the gloves off.
have you ever seen the horrific descriptions of wounds created by black powder smooth bore and rifled muskets in the ACW? They shattered bone and created the kinds of wounds you and your friends attribute to the underpowered 5.56/.233 round. I served during Vietnam and never heard of the horrific wounds that they claim M-16s created. Quite the opposite, all of the combat troops I served alongside had nothing good to say about the stopping power or damage the M-16 could do. They all had stories from personal observation about NVA or VC troops taking multiple hits from M-16s and shrugging off the injuries. Troops from Afghanistan and Iraq tell the same things. What the stories being quoted sound like to me are what REMF officers would tell their superiors who wanted to change away from the M-14. They would tell their bosses what they wanted to hear.
I have told him and his buddies the same thing. There is a reason the Army and Marines are moving to the new Sig Sauer weapon that for the military will fire a Fury .277 round. I have known that guy at other places and he is just in it to argue and try to rile people up.
If you win the battles but give the land right back you will lose.
That's a small part of it.

You win a war by eliminating your opponent's ability to make war.
That means:
1: Taking the war to the North.
2: Cutting off the supplies to the VC in the south.

Both of these things we could have done, but chose not to.
That's a small part of it.

You win a war by eliminating your opponent's ability to make war.
That means:
1: Taking the war to the North.
2: Cutting off the supplies to the VC in the south.

Both of these things we could have done, but chose not to.
M-14 "shooter"?
The weapon the US military were first issued in Vietnam?
You don't know WTF you're about.
Short of obliterating everyone in the entire country..........IMPOSSIBLE.
THAT is why we haven't "WON" a war/conflict since WWII.
M-14 "shooter"?
The weapon the US military were first issued in Vietnam?
You don't know WTF you're about.
Short of obliterating everyone in the entire country..........IMPOSSIBLE.
THAT is why we haven't "WON" a war/conflict since WWII.
Hye, dumb ass…the guy who shot the Mexicans in Walmart was a lefty….he shot them because he stated they are wrecking the environment….

Number of mass public shootings in 2022…


Total murdered between the 12?


12 people out of over 350 million…..

Meanwhile, in democrat controlled cities….in 2022 there were 19,000 gun murders…..primarily young black men murdering other young black men…….

The democrats drove the gun murder rate from about 10,000 a year to 19,000 in 2022…..a direct result of their anti police policies and their policies of releasing violent gun offenders over and over again…..

So, you dimwit……

74 from mass public shootings vs 19,000 from the democrats….,

Do you see why we think you are a fool
I am not going to troll you, ok? Who is we? Do you have a turd in your pocket?
I have told him and his buddies the same thing. There is a reason the Army and Marines are moving to the new Sig Sauer weapon that for the military will fire a Fury .277 round. I have known that guy at other places and he is just in it to argue and try to rile people up.
stop the nonsense. I am here presenting facts. Just because you do not believe the facts is not my problem. I am not going to let you gunnutters run around parroting your propaganda without challenging you. You call it an arguing. I call it presenting the truth.

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