The Banality of Evil


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

2. The lesson to be gleaned from the above is how easily and seamlessly evil finds a home within human nature. And, a more careful look will document how that the same kind of evil is embedded in the political philosophy known as 'Progressivism.' Begin with a look at the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson.

3. Wilson wrote in “The State,” 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ‘administrative state,’ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American Progressivism: A Reader - Google Books

Administrative government.....just getting the job done....efficiently.

a. . “…no one was more important to the origins of the administrative state in America than Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow. Wilson served as the 26th President of the United States and was a leading academic advocate of Progressive ideas long before his entry into politics. Much of his contribution to Progressive thought came in his work from the 1880s,…”
The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

The view was that good men of unquestioned virtue, bureaucrats, could and would carry out the best interests of society without the restrictions of law, accountability, the Constitution. And this view is the very heart of Progressives.
So...your vote means you trust these individuals with your life.

b. The new Administrative State 1) politicians were to be elected 2) technocrats, civil servants, bureaucrats, experts draft the regulations. “…the agencies comprising the bureaucracy reside within the executive branch of our national government, but their powers transcend the traditional boundaries of executive power to include both legislative and judicial functions, and these powers are often exercised in a manner that is largely independent of presidential control and altogether independent of political control.” The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

[Does the name Kathleen Sebelius ring a bell? about the unbridled powers of the EPA?]

4. The work of Eichmann was one example of a bureaucrat attempting to be helpful, to get the job done. Related to exactly the same idea was that Progressives put forward in the United States, and, in fact led to Eichmann's plans: 'Eugenics.' Bureaucrats simply wanted to solve society's ills, ’ the use of state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community.

a. Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.” (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)
German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

b. ' One bestseller, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916), discussed the concept of "race suicide," the theory that inferior races were out-breeding their betters. President Theodore Roosevelt was one of many Progressives captivated by this notion: He opposed voting rights for African-American men, which were guaranteed by the 15th amendment, on the grounds that the black race was still in its adolescence. Such thinking, which emphasized "expert" opinion and advocated sweeping governmental power, fit perfectly within the Progressive worldview,”

5. And the contemporary example of the same notions, the same disrespect for human lives, can be seen in the ObamaCare 'Death Panels,' and the 'bioethicists' who were put in charge of developing the program.
Like all good bureaucrats, they equate dollars and cents with human lives.

a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'
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1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

2. The lesson to be gleaned from the above is how easily and seamlessly evil finds a home within human nature. And, a more careful look will document how that the same kind of evil is embedded in the political philosophy known as 'Progressivism.' Begin with a look at the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson.

3. Wilson wrote in “The State,” 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ‘administrative state,’ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American Progressivism: A Reader - Google Books

Administrative government.....just getting the job done....efficiently.

a. . “…no one was more important to the origins of the administrative state in America than Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow. Wilson served as the 26th President of the United States and was a leading academic advocate of Progressive ideas long before his entry into politics. Much of his contribution to Progressive thought came in his work from the 1880s,…”
The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

The view was that good men of unquestioned virtue, bureaucrats, could and would carry out the best interests of society without the restrictions of law, accountability, the Constitution. And this view is the very heart of Progressives. vote means you trust these individuals with your life.

b. The new Administrative State 1) politicians were to be elected 2) technocrats, civil servants, bureaucrats, experts draft the regulations. “…the agencies comprising the bureaucracy reside within the executive branch of our national government, but their powers transcend the traditional boundaries of executive power to include both legislative and judicial functions, and these powers are often exercised in a manner that is largely independent of presidential control and altogether independent of political control.” The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

[Does the name Kathleen Sebelius ring a bell? about the unbridled powers of the EPA?]

4. The work of Eichmann was one example of a bureaucrat attempting to be helpful, to get the job done. Related to exactly the same idea was that Progressives put forward in the United States, and, in fact led to Eichmann's plans: 'Eugenics.' Bureaucrats simply wanted to solve society's ills, ’ the use of state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community.

a. Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.” (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)
German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

b. ' One bestseller, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916), discussed the concept of "race suicide," the theory that inferior races were out-breeding their betters. President Theodore Roosevelt was one of many Progressives captivated by this notion: He opposed voting rights for African-American men, which were guaranteed by the 15th amendment, on the grounds that the black race was still in its adolescence. Such thinking, which emphasized "expert" opinion and advocated sweeping governmental power, fit perfectly within the Progressive worldview,”

5. And the contemporary example of the same notions, the same disrespect for human lives, can be seen in the ObamaCare 'Death Panels,' and the 'bioethicists' who were put in charge of developing the program.
Like all good bureaucrats, they equate dollars and cents with human lives.

a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'

It is the New World Order brought to AMERICA by the Progressive Party, and escalated through the deceitful double-dealing, lying efforts of a wannabe dictator, named Barack Hussein Obama, in coercion with a Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who honed and defined the new way to kill American jobs and starve it's people, through calling it a tax, because it would have otherwise been unconstitutional.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.

"Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits,..."

Yeah....I see your point Rocks....

If they are young...have a long life in front of 'em....who knows what benefits they might bring to society.....


How about we apply your doctrine here:

1. "You did not once during the 2008 campaign ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide," Gingrich said. "If we're going to debate about who is the extremist on this issues, it is President Obama, who, as a state senator, voted to protect doctors who killed babies."
Newt Gingrich Calls Obama An 'Extremist' Who Supported 'Infanticide' At GOP Debate

2. n•fan•ti•cide/inˈfantiˌsīd/
The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.

3. "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -

4. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention. He didn't care about the " their probable lifespan and habits,...

Heck, he's not as caring as you are, Rocks.
He doesn't want his daughters 'punished with a baby.'

I can tell from your post that you would have disagreed with the lying scoundrel, Obama....

Under a Rocks administration, only wealthy babies would be allowed to die.

True, Rocks?
While some of PC's article is worthy, the 'banality of evil' in America would be best characterized by the people who supported Jim Crow and segregation through the 1960s and currently the Tea Party membership and the social conservatives.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.

No, the bitterness resides in your world.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.

"Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits,..."

Yeah....I see your point Rocks....

If they are young...have a long life in front of 'em....who knows what benefits they might bring to society.....


How about we apply your doctrine here:

1. "You did not once during the 2008 campaign ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide," Gingrich said. "If we're going to debate about who is the extremist on this issues, it is President Obama, who, as a state senator, voted to protect doctors who killed babies."
Newt Gingrich Calls Obama An 'Extremist' Who Supported 'Infanticide' At GOP Debate

2. n•fan•ti•cide/inˈfantiˌsīd/
The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.

3. "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -
4. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention. He didn't care about the " their probable lifespan and habits,...

Heck, he's not as caring as you are, Rocks.
He doesn't want his daughters 'punished with a baby.'

I can tell from your post that you would have disagreed with the lying scoundrel, Obama....

Under a Rocks administration, only wealthy babies would be allowed to die.

True, Rocks?

Do you even read the articles you are referencing or do you just cut and paste anything that comes across your screen. Read the article in the National Review. Hell, even in the Headline it states Gringrich's claim is a "stretch". I see your sig line has Coulter on it. Does not suprise that you like her work. She gets caught citing incorrect, misleading information in her book all of the time.

FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch -
LOL. Well, we have an obvious example of the banality of banality in PC's postings.

While I have a high opinion of most of my OPs, it takes responses such as yours, Rocks, to provide the imprimatur!

My response to your original post must have been soooooo sharp that, while you wanted to blunt could do no more than claim that my post was banal.

No....the word you're searching for is 'brilliant.'

I used your words, the concept you put forward, to skewer your icon, Obama, and his efforts at infanticide.

Who would dispute that infanticide is pure evil?

Let me answer my own question: only one without values, without humanity, without short, a Progressive.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.

"Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits,..."

Yeah....I see your point Rocks....

If they are young...have a long life in front of 'em....who knows what benefits they might bring to society.....


How about we apply your doctrine here:

1. "You did not once during the 2008 campaign ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide," Gingrich said. "If we're going to debate about who is the extremist on this issues, it is President Obama, who, as a state senator, voted to protect doctors who killed babies."
Newt Gingrich Calls Obama An 'Extremist' Who Supported 'Infanticide' At GOP Debate

2. n•fan•ti•cide/inˈfantiˌsīd/
The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.

3. "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -
4. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention. He didn't care about the " their probable lifespan and habits,...

Heck, he's not as caring as you are, Rocks.
He doesn't want his daughters 'punished with a baby.'

I can tell from your post that you would have disagreed with the lying scoundrel, Obama....

Under a Rocks administration, only wealthy babies would be allowed to die.

True, Rocks?

Do you even read the articles you are referencing or do you just cut and paste anything that comes across your screen. Read the article in the National Review. Hell, even in the Headline it states Gringrich's claim is a "stretch". I see your sig line has Coulter on it. Does not suprise that you like her work. She gets caught citing incorrect, misleading information in her book all of the time.

FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch -

Wanna take me on, Dust?
Guess where I'll leave you: right, in the dust.

1. Obama supported infanticide.

2. He lied claiming that the state law did not comply with federal.

3. He drafted a supporter into his administration who wrote that human life is no more valuable than animal life.

4. [ame=]CNN: Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive Act - YouTube[/ame]

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

5. "Hell, even in the Headline it states Gringrich's claim is a "stretch".

FactCheck is a Liberal house organ.
Using 'stretch' is Liberal language for 'we hate to admit it...but it's true.'

a. And they found that of the 98 statements that PolitiFact had rated false, 74 of them were by Republicans. Now, I can think of a number of reasons why you might cite one party over the other more, in terms of, you know, who was telling the truth and who wasn't. But doing that at a rate of three to one strikes me as awfully suspicious, particularly when, if you delve into the specifics of the statements that they cited, there's all kinds of problematic things contained there, whereas they are, you know, like you're mentioned, they're often fact-checking opinions and providing counter-arguments to, you know, stated opinions.

b. Fact-Check: a political fact-checking website created by the St. Petersburg Times, which endorsed Obama in '08.
'In 2003, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described the St. Petersburg Times as a "usually liberal" newspaper.

Did I just rip you a new one?

Like the taste of dust?
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1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

2. The lesson to be gleaned from the above is how easily and seamlessly evil finds a home within human nature. And, a more careful look will document how that the same kind of evil is embedded in the political philosophy known as 'Progressivism.' Begin with a look at the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson.

3. Wilson wrote in “The State,” 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ‘administrative state,’ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American Progressivism: A Reader - Google Books

Administrative government.....just getting the job done....efficiently.

a. . “…no one was more important to the origins of the administrative state in America than Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow. Wilson served as the 26th President of the United States and was a leading academic advocate of Progressive ideas long before his entry into politics. Much of his contribution to Progressive thought came in his work from the 1880s,…”
The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

The view was that good men of unquestioned virtue, bureaucrats, could and would carry out the best interests of society without the restrictions of law, accountability, the Constitution. And this view is the very heart of Progressives.
So...your vote means you trust these individuals with your life.

b. The new Administrative State 1) politicians were to be elected 2) technocrats, civil servants, bureaucrats, experts draft the regulations. “…the agencies comprising the bureaucracy reside within the executive branch of our national government, but their powers transcend the traditional boundaries of executive power to include both legislative and judicial functions, and these powers are often exercised in a manner that is largely independent of presidential control and altogether independent of political control.” The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

[Does the name Kathleen Sebelius ring a bell? about the unbridled powers of the EPA?]

4. The work of Eichmann was one example of a bureaucrat attempting to be helpful, to get the job done. Related to exactly the same idea was that Progressives put forward in the United States, and, in fact led to Eichmann's plans: 'Eugenics.' Bureaucrats simply wanted to solve society's ills, ’ the use of state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community.

a. Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.” (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)
German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

b. ' One bestseller, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916), discussed the concept of "race suicide," the theory that inferior races were out-breeding their betters. President Theodore Roosevelt was one of many Progressives captivated by this notion: He opposed voting rights for African-American men, which were guaranteed by the 15th amendment, on the grounds that the black race was still in its adolescence. Such thinking, which emphasized "expert" opinion and advocated sweeping governmental power, fit perfectly within the Progressive worldview,”

5. And the contemporary example of the same notions, the same disrespect for human lives, can be seen in the ObamaCare 'Death Panels,' and the 'bioethicists' who were put in charge of developing the program.
Like all good bureaucrats, they equate dollars and cents with human lives.

a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'

Didn't you learn a lesson from your last thread? Absolute, simple minded rhetoric will only fall on deaf ears to the people you are preaching to.

Moving on.
1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

2. The lesson to be gleaned from the above is how easily and seamlessly evil finds a home within human nature. And, a more careful look will document how that the same kind of evil is embedded in the political philosophy known as 'Progressivism.' Begin with a look at the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson.

3. Wilson wrote in “The State,” 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ‘administrative state,’ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American Progressivism: A Reader - Google Books

Administrative government.....just getting the job done....efficiently.

a. . “…no one was more important to the origins of the administrative state in America than Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow. Wilson served as the 26th President of the United States and was a leading academic advocate of Progressive ideas long before his entry into politics. Much of his contribution to Progressive thought came in his work from the 1880s,…”
The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

The view was that good men of unquestioned virtue, bureaucrats, could and would carry out the best interests of society without the restrictions of law, accountability, the Constitution. And this view is the very heart of Progressives.
So...your vote means you trust these individuals with your life.

b. The new Administrative State 1) politicians were to be elected 2) technocrats, civil servants, bureaucrats, experts draft the regulations. “…the agencies comprising the bureaucracy reside within the executive branch of our national government, but their powers transcend the traditional boundaries of executive power to include both legislative and judicial functions, and these powers are often exercised in a manner that is largely independent of presidential control and altogether independent of political control.” The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

[Does the name Kathleen Sebelius ring a bell? about the unbridled powers of the EPA?]

4. The work of Eichmann was one example of a bureaucrat attempting to be helpful, to get the job done. Related to exactly the same idea was that Progressives put forward in the United States, and, in fact led to Eichmann's plans: 'Eugenics.' Bureaucrats simply wanted to solve society's ills, ’ the use of state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community.

a. Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.” (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)
German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

b. ' One bestseller, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916), discussed the concept of "race suicide," the theory that inferior races were out-breeding their betters. President Theodore Roosevelt was one of many Progressives captivated by this notion: He opposed voting rights for African-American men, which were guaranteed by the 15th amendment, on the grounds that the black race was still in its adolescence. Such thinking, which emphasized "expert" opinion and advocated sweeping governmental power, fit perfectly within the Progressive worldview,”

5. And the contemporary example of the same notions, the same disrespect for human lives, can be seen in the ObamaCare 'Death Panels,' and the 'bioethicists' who were put in charge of developing the program.
Like all good bureaucrats, they equate dollars and cents with human lives.

a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'

Didn't you learn a lesson from your last thread? Absolute, simple minded rhetoric will only fall on deaf ears to the people you are preaching to.

Moving on.

Another brilliant analysis from Billy-ZeroIQ!

Didn't you want to comment on how everything I wrote is correct?

And, you might want to add this from ts eliot's 'Prufrock':

To lead you to an overwhelming question. . .
Oh, do not ask, "What is it?"
Let us go and make our visit.

Did you understand any of it?
All you want to do is run away from the overwhelming conclusion of the OP?

I can see why.
1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

I don't think you can dismiss Nazism as a banal exercise simply by slicing out one individual example of a Nazi who appears to fit the description.

I would submit that Adolph Hitler, intellectually, emotionally, philosophically, and ideologically,

was hardly an example of banality.
My, my, the world is going to end tomorrow, and the Democrats are going to make us all drive Yugo's and eat tofu.

Well, which is the most reasonable. Judging whether someone should get an operation or organ based on their probable lifespan and habits, or whether that person should get an operation or organ based on whether the health insurance companies CEO has made enough tens of millions this year?

In your world, a boozing, smoking, overweight rich person deserves that heart far more than a healthy non-smoking, non-alcoholic younger medical researcher. Because, obviously, the wealthy individual has 'earned it'.

In your world, you believe that you have the right to judge based on "objective" criteria.

That's scary as hell.
PC continues an incoherent array of 'articles' full of cut and paste, with little evaluation and analysis.

Dutch will mangle her arguments if she is silly enough to try.
1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

I don't think you can dismiss Nazism as a banal exercise simply by slicing out one individual example of a Nazi who appears to fit the description.

I would submit that Adolph Hitler, intellectually, emotionally, philosophically, and ideologically,

was hardly an example of banality.

Perhaps you'd re-read the parts you quoted....and note, this time, that it makes a specific reference to Eichmann, and his motivation.

There is no reference to either Hitler, nor Nazism.

Now, focus like a laser, and pay special attention to "Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job"...

...just as Obama's 'bioethicists' see Death Panels:' just doing their jobs.

You see, this is where your A.D.D. got in the way of your acquiring an education.

Had you gone on to peruse the rest of the OP, you might.....might.....have noticed the theme documenting that those without morality and/or conscience have no problem seeing murder, and slaughter of innocents as, simply, 'part of their job.'

It is a very important point.

Note, also, how it indicts Progressivism, Liberalism....and how anti-American system an 'administrative state' concept is.

Is this going too fast for you?

Don't hesitate if you have any further questions.
1a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'

Are you arguing for Medicare (and senior Medicaid) funding to be open ended and unlimited??
1a. Here is the very center of ObamaCare, and the basis for its rationing and death panels:

"... comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases. In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..." The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

How did "progress" come to mean that human beings are no more significant than a cypher, a number, a bean to be counted?

Is this your 'brave new world?'

Are you arguing for Medicare (and senior Medicaid) funding to be open ended and unlimited?? seems you are ready to pretend that Obama attempted to sell the scam to the American people, in addition to lies about keeping your plan, and your doctor, and seeing huge reductions in the cost of your policy, the snake oil salesman boasted...

.."And we will reduce costs of healthcare by rationing both access to medical professionals and costly medicines that reduce suffering and prolong life, through the imposition of mandates by Death Panels!"

Did he say that?

That would have been the truth, wouldn't it?
1. When political theorist Hannah Arendt, originated the term of art, "the banality of evil," she was correctly encapsulating the idea that for much of the evil done by mankind, the horrors, its origin is no more than the desire for efficiency, a business-as-usual outlook.

a. "Arendt states that aside from a desire for improving his career, [Adolf] Eichmann showed no trace of antisemitism or psychological damage. Her subtitle famously introduced the phrase the "banality of evil," which also serves as the final words of the book. In part, at least, the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" Eichmann in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amazing? Events that rank as some of the most heinous in history, simply getting the job done.

I don't think you can dismiss Nazism as a banal exercise simply by slicing out one individual example of a Nazi who appears to fit the description.

I would submit that Adolph Hitler, intellectually, emotionally, philosophically, and ideologically,

was hardly an example of banality.

Perhaps you'd re-read the parts you quoted....and note, this time, that it makes a specific reference to Eichmann, and his motivation.

There is no reference to either Hitler, nor Nazism.

Now, focus like a laser, and pay special attention to "Eichmann's deportment at the trial, displaying neither guilt nor hatred, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job"...

...just as Obama's 'bioethicists' see Death Panels:' just doing their jobs.

You see, this is where your A.D.D. got in the way of your acquiring an education.

Had you gone on to peruse the rest of the OP, you might.....might.....have noticed the theme documenting that those without morality and/or conscience have no problem seeing murder, and slaughter of innocents as, simply, 'part of their job.'

It is a very important point.

Note, also, how it indicts Progressivism, Liberalism....and how anti-American system an 'administrative state' concept is.

Is this going too fast for you?

Don't hesitate if you have any further questions.

So conservative politicians who want to end Medicare as we know it may not be acting out of a genuine passion for evil,

but may be simply trying to do it to keep their jobs, because they think the voters who hired them will approve and keep them on?

While some of PC's article is worthy, the 'banality of evil' in America would be best characterized by the people who supported Jim Crow and segregation through the 1960s and currently the Tea Party membership and the social conservatives.

I would nominate the monsters who imposed Reconstruction on the South.

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